GeneMapper® ID-X Software Version 1.2 User Bulletin
Verification Experiments and Installation Procedures
The data listed in Table 1 were analyzed using both GeneMapper® ID-X Software
versions 1.1 and 1.2. The Genotypes and Sizing tables were exported and compared
using Beyond Compare® Software version 2.2.3 to determine whether any differences
in data output resulted. The peak heights, peak areas, data points, sizes, allele names,
and all the PQV scores were compared between the two software versions.
Mixture analysis A historical mixture sample data set was used to validate the concordance of the
mixture analysis results between the GeneMapper® ID-X Software versions 1.1 and
1.2. The data set included 2-contributor mixtures made from 8 pairs of genomic DNA
samples prepared in 11 mixture ratios: 1:0, 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:5, 1:9, 9:1, 5:1, 3:1, 2:1, and 0:1.
The mixture samples were amplified with the AmpFlSTR® Identifiler® (1 ng and
0.125 ng), Profiler Plus®, COfiler®, and SGM Plus® PCR Amplification kits. The
samples were analyzed on two 3130xl instruments. 476 sample files were used to test
Mixture Interpretation Threshold (MIT) pruning and sample segregation; 287 sample
files were used to compare pattern extraction; 31 sample files were used to test
Random Match Probability (RMP), Combined Probability of Inclusion/Exclusion (CPI/
CPE), and Likelihood Ratio (LR) calculations; 24 sample files were used for known
matching; 4 pairs of sample files were used to test multiple kit merging.
The following mixture analysis log files or exported files in .txt format were generated
on both versions of the software with the exact same population databases, MIT and
PHR thresholds, theta values, LR hypotheses, and conclusive options:
• SampleClassification_Log for MIT pruning and sample segregation.
• MixtureSamples and MixtureSamples (analysis log) for pattern extraction, PHR,
residual, Mx and Avg Mx calculation, as well as UI flags and values.
• MixtureSampleStatsCalc_Log for RMP, CPI, and known matching calculations.
• Individual MAData export files for RMP, CPI, LR, and multiple kit merging
These text files were compared using the Beyond Compare® Software v2.2.3. The
comparison tool lined up the text files from the two software versions, and compared
the file contents for concordance.
Table2 Verification test cases
Tested Cases Test Description Passing Criteria
CODIS export removal of
registered trademark
Perform analysis of 10 single-source samples. After
genotyping analysis, export the CODIS tables.
Verify the registered trademark is
removed in CODIS export file.
CODIS export date
Perform analysis of 10 single-source samples from
projects created in September 2008. After genotyping
analysis, export the CODIS tables.
Verify September date is displayed as
Profile Comparison
Match Display
Using a project displaying the issue, set the percent
match threshold to 90%, 80%, and 70%. Check the
accuracy of the profile match filtering.
Select one mixture sample set each from Identifiler®,
Profiler Plus®, SGM Plus®, and COfiler® kit data with
mixture ratios of 0:1, 1:1, 1:3, 1:5, 1:9, and 1:0. Set the
percent-match threshold to 90%, 80%, and 70%. Check
the accuracy of the matching entry filtering.
Verify all matches correctly displayed at
each match threshold.
Profile Comparison
Marker Order Display
Using test data above, verify matching entries displayed
in the same marker order.
Verify all matches correctly displayed
with marker order sorted by dye color
and size.