Resource Assignment for Databases
A database consumes the resources assigned to its database group.
You can specify the number of virtual CPUs, the memory size, and CPU and memory priority for each
database that you create.
You cannot specify storage allocation. All databases consume the data and the backup storage allocated
to their parent database group.
Each database uses the network assigned to the database group.
vSphere Resource Pools and Data Director
A vSphere resource pool is a logical abstraction for flexible management of CPU and memory resources. You
add CPU and memory resources to Data Director resource bundles by adding a vSphere resource pool to the
CAUTION Data Director can only use resource pools if the corresponding cluster is enabled for DRS and HA.
Do not disable DRS. If you do, Data Director can no longer use the resource pools even if you reenable DRS.
See “Resource Bundles Become Unusable Because DRS Is Disabled,” on page 116.
Resource pools allow you to group available CPU and memory resources. You can allocate resources explicitly,
or use the resource pool share mechanism. You can hierarchically partition available CPU and memory
resources by grouping resource pools into hierarchies. You can then allow different organization access to
different resource pools. For example, a QA department might need large amounts of CPU and memory for
running tests while the marketing department might require smaller amounts.
Data Director expects you to group the hosts that provide the CPU and memory resources into clusters. Each
cluster owns the resources of all hosts. You can create one or more resource pools for the cluster, which has an
invisible root resource pool. Each resource pool owns some of the cluster's resources. If necessary, you can
create child resource pools. Child resource pools represent successively smaller amounts of CPU and memory.
How you allocate CPU and memory resources to database groups differs from how you allocate those resources
to databases.
Creating Resource Pools
You create resource pools by using a vSphere Client connected to a vCenter Server system. Specify the following
resource pool settings to ensure that Data Director always receives all of its allocated resources and does not
have different amounts of CPU and memory available if the cluster is experiencing a light or a heavy load.
NOTE If you do not configure your resource pool with these settings, problems with resource bundle creation
or other Data Director tasks might result. The primary problem is that resource pools with incorrect settins do
not appear in the list of available resource pools when you create a resource bundle.
Set the Limit equal to the
If the system never allocates more resources than you reserved, you do not
experience resource fluctuations.
Set Expandable
Reservation to checked
or unchecked.
If the system does not attempt to allocate more resources than you reserved,
you do not experience resource fluctuations.
Set Unlimited to
Data Director requires this setting to avoid that a resource bundle takes more
than its share.
After you create the resource pool, you create resource bundles. Each resource bundle uses one resource pool.
VMware vFabric Data Director Administrator and User Guide
18 VMware, Inc.