Mini Implant

Anthogyr Mini Implant User manual

  • Hello! I've reviewed the instruction for use document for Anthogyr Mini Implants. This document provides comprehensive information about the implant, its features, intended use, and safety considerations. I understand the Mini Implant is a single-component implant with an Optiloc connection and is designed for replacing missing tooth roots and stabilizing removable dentures. I'm ready to answer your questions about its usage, contraindications, and other aspects outlined in the document.
  • What are Anthogyr Mini Implants intended for?
    What is the Optiloc matrix system?
    What materials are used to make Anthogyr Mini Implants?
en - Instrucon for use - Anthogyr Mini Implant
A Anthogyr
2237 Av. André Lasquin
74700 Sallanches – France
Phone : +33(0)4 50 58 02 37
Validity Date : 2021-03
Index : A
1. Product descripon
Anthogyr Mini Implant is a single-component
implant with an Oploc® prosthec connecon.
The Anthogyr Mini Implant system includes ins-
truments and prosthec and surgical parts.
Anthogyr Mini Implants are implants with a
sandblasted BCP bone anchoring surface and a
DLC (a-C:H) coated connecon.
The Oploc® matrix system is a prefab connetor
for the retenon of removable restoraons on
Anthogyr Mini Implants. The Oploc® matrix is
made of a housing and interchangeable plasc
(PEEK) retenon inserts with dierent colour-
coded retenon values or extracon forces.
These instrucons for use are valid for the follo-
wing dental implants:
- Anthogyr Mini Implants
Titanium-6aluminium-4vanadium alloy:
2. Intended use
Anthogyr Mini Implants are intended for the
replacement of missing tooth roots and allows
the stabilisaon of removable full dentures.
3. Indicaons
Anthogyr Mini Implants are indicated for the
stabilisaon of complete removable dentures in
the mandible and/or maxilla with a total eden-
They allow immediate loading in an appropriate
clinical situaon (good primary stability).
4. Clinical benets
- Stabilisaon of removable prosthesis
- Restoraon of mascatory funcon
- Aesthec restoraon
5. Paent type and intended user
Anthogyr Mini Implants are intended for use
with parally or totally edentulous adult pa-
ents who do not present any of the condions
menonned in the contraindicaonssecon.
Anthogyr Mini Implants must be used by a sur-
geon trained in dental implantology.
6. Contraindicaons
Anthogyr Mini Implants are contraindicated in
following cases:
- Implant divergence greater than 40° between
two implants.
- D4 bones .
- Allergy or hypersensivity to chemical com-
ponents in the materials used and menoned in
the Product descriponsecon.
- Absolute contraindicaons: serious diseases
(tumours, heart disease, etc.), metabolism disor-
ders, uncompensated haematologic diseases,
drug addion, alcoholism, psychosis, funconal
disorders, xerostomia, immune deciency, leu-
kocyte disorder, local or systemic treatments
(steroid, ancoagulant, chemotherapy or radia-
on therapy, etc.).
- Relave contraindicaons: bruxism, occlusal
stress, parafuncon, unfavourable bone anato-
my, pregnancy, growth not nished, insucient
oral hygiene, smoking lack of movaon or
cooperaon, irradiated bone, uncontrolled pe-
riodontal disease, oral infecons or inamma-
- Localised contraindicaons: Excessive resorp-
on and/or insucient bone quality, local radi-
cular residues.
7. Warning
Implant surgery is a complex dental procedure.
Incorrect techniques can cause implant failure
and/or loss of bone support.
Appropriate training and qualicaon and a
good knowledge of surgical techniques with
Anthogyr products are required. Anthogyr oers
specic training.
8. Cauon/precauons
Clinical use:
Single-use devices: do not reuse or re-sterilise.
Risk of contaminaon and risk of alteraon of
the funconal surfaces.
It is important to perform a pre-clinical as-
sessment and treatment plan that takes into
account the anatomical constraints of the future
Do not use an implant aer the expiry date indi-
cated on the packaging
Safety informaon regarding magnec re-
sonance imaging (MRI):
The safety and compability of Anthogyr devices
that remain in the paents body have not been
evaluated in the magnec resonance (MR) envi-
ronment. They have not been tested for heat
build-up, migraon or artefacts in MR environ-
ments. The safety of Anthogyr devices in an MR
environment is unknown. Performing an MRI
examinaon on a paent wearing such a device
may result in injuries.
9. Unwanted side eects
The clinical outcome of dental treatment is in-
uenced by mulple factors. The following resi-
dual risks and possible side eects are related to
the use of Anthogyr Mini Implant and may lead
to addional dental treatment at the dental
pracce: swelling, haematoma, risk of swallo-
wing/inhaling small parts during the procedure,
phonec problems, pain, hypersensivity/
allergic reacons, inadequate funcon or device
failure (mobility, loss of integrity), aesthec
problems, gingival injuries, damage to exisng
denon, bone damage, loss of marginal bone,
hyperplasia, exfoliaon, dysesthesia, post-
surgical paraesthesia, perforaon of sinus or
alveolar plates, systemic or local infecon
(including peri-implans, periodons, gingivi-
s, stula), local or systemic infecons including
bacterial endocardis.
10. Compability informaon
Anthogyr Mini Implants must be used in combi-
naon with the corresponding Oploc® system
components and Oploc® compable over-
Only use original parts with the Oploc® connec-
on to place Anthogyr Mini Implants. If unsui-
table ancillary equipment is used: risk of injury,
damage and malfuncon of the implant, risk of
damage to the ancillary equipment.
For more informaon, please refer to the ma-
nuals listed in the Further informaonsecon.
11. Cleaning and disinfecon
Anthogyr Mini Implants are supplied sterile
(GAMMA sterilisaon) and are intended for
single use. Do not clean or sterilise the implants.
Cleaning, disinfecon and sterilisaon can com-
promise the essenal material and design fea-
tures of the implants and result in device failure.
12. Sterilisaon
Anthogyr dental implants are supplied sterile.
Check that the enre packaging of the device is
undamaged before opening. Implant with a da-
maged packaging must not be used. It is recom-
mended to have a replacement implant readily
available for use. The intact blister pack protects
the sterilised implant against any external in-
uence and, if stored properly, guarantees steri-
lity unl the expiry date. The blister pack must
not be opened before implant use. When remo-
ving the implant from the sterile packaging,
asepsis rules must be followed.
Anthogyr declines all responsibility for re-
sterilised implants, regardless of who carried out
the re-sterilisaon or the method used. Under
no circumstances should a previously used or
Chemical components Composion, %
Aluminium 5.50 to 6.50
Vanadium 3.50 to 4.50
Other (Fe, O, C, N, H) Total max 0.53
Titanium Balance
Type of
Type of
Anthogyr Mini
implant Oploc® Oploc®
Compable instruments
Oploc® screwing instruments included in the
en - Instrucon for use - Anthogyr Mini Implant
unsterile implant be implanted. If the original
packaging is damaged, Anthogyr will not accept
the return of the content.
13. Protocol for use
Refer to the brochures listed in the Further
informaon secon for detailed step-by-step
Step 1 : Preoperave planning
The length of the implant, as well as the number
of implants to be used and their posioning,
must be determined in advance, taking into
account the paents anatomy and the oral envi-
ronment. For this purpose, use the X-ray tem-
plates available for the range.
A sucient number of implants must be used to
provide support and distribute the support
A minimum of 4 mini implants Ø2.6 must be
placed for mandibular restoraons.
A minimum de 6 mini implants Ø2.6 must be
placed for maxillary restoraons.
Step 2 : Implant bed preparaon
Mark the site with a pointer drill.
Each site should be prepared using a progres-
sive sequence of drilling diameters in accor-
dance the bone density. Make sure never to
exceed the depth of the planned drilling: pre-
sence of depth marks on each rotang instru-
ment or use of drills with a stop or a contra-
angle ed with a stop system.
Please refer to the step-by-step guidelines
listed in the Further informaonsecon.
Avoid overheang the bone when drilling and
ghtening the implant to reduce the risk of bone
loss during the osteointegraon phase. The risk
of overheang the bone can be reduced by using
irrigaon and by controlling the torque.
Step 3 : Removing the implant from the packag-
The Anthogyr Mini Implant is packaged in a card-
board box with sterile packaging consisng of a
sealed blister pack and a capped tube. They are
delivered mounted in the cap which serves as an
implant holder.
Remove the blister from the cardboard box
outside of the sterile eld.
Open the seal without touching the inside of
the blister.
Let the capped tube gently fall on the sterile
Warning: Do not use an Anthogyr Mini Implant if
it is detached from the cap aer opening the
Warning: All handling should be done so as to
avoid direct contact with the exterior surface of
the implant. When handling the implant, be very
careful not to drop it in the paents mouth.
Make sure that the implant does not touch the
Step 4 : Inserng the implant
Pre-screwing of the implant should be done
manually using the packaging cap unl more
torque is required.
Adjust the output speed of the contra-angle
to the recommended speed of 15 rpm.
Using the contra-angle and the Oploc®
adapter, screw the implant into the channel to
the desired depth. The implant must be placed
so that the Oploc® connector is above the gum.
Warning: Check the ghtening torque frequently
to make sure it does not exceed 45 Un-
ghten and reghen to reduce the screw pres-
sure if needed.
Using the ratchet wrench (available in the kit):
Assemble the Oploc® key adapter and the
surgical ratchet wrench
Screw the implant into the channel to the
desired depth. The implant must be placed so
that the Oploc® connector is above the gum.
Warning: When inserng the implant with the
surgical ratchet wrench control of the ghtening
torque is not possible. However, the vericaon
of the torque using a surgical dynamometric
wrench to ghen the implant is possible.
A torque too high can damage the connecon.
Unghten and reghen to reduce the screw
pressure if needed.
Step 5 : Fabricaon of the prosthesis
The prosthesis must be fabricated according to
the prosthec techniques of removable restora-
on on mini implants.
For immediate loading, a minimum inseron
torque of 35 is recommended.
Abnormal loading of the implant may result in
implant fracture.
For more informaon on the prosthec
procedure, please refer to the "Further Informa-
on" secon.
Step 6 : Maintenance
During periodic visits, please inspect the condi-
on of each secondary part of the denture re-
tenon system. Always use plasc instruments
during the visit. The proper seang of the pros-
thesis on the mucosa should be checked at least
once a year and, if necessary, the prosthesis
should be relined to avoid abnormal stress on
the implant structure.
(please pass on the following informaon to the
The paent's aenon should be drawn to the
need for regular oral hygiene as well as the need
to thoroughly clean the Oploc® connecon of
the Mini Implants every day.
14. Healing phase
The healing period required for osseointegraon
varies considerably and depends on the indivi-
dual paent and treatment.
It is the sole responsibility of the surgeon to
decide when the implant can be loaded. If tem-
porary components are used during the healing
phase, they must be placed in sub-occlusion.
15. Further informaon
For more informaon on the use of Anthogyr
products, please contact your local Anthogyr
sales representave or contact Anthogyr custo-
mer service or visit and
For more specic informaon on Anthogyr Mini
Implants, please refer to :
- Anthogyr Mini Implants User Guide
- Mini Implant System Catalog (C210)
- Mini Implant System Leaet (C211)
Subject to the availability of the European Medi-
cal Device Database (EUDAMED), the summary
of safety and clinical performance characteriscs
(SSCP) is available at hps://
16. Storage
Store these products in a clean, dry area, at
room temperature. Improper storage may com-
promise the essenal characteriscs of the ma-
terials and design, which may lead to device
17. Waste treatment
Waste resulng from the intervenon
(packaging, part extracted, etc.) must be han-
dled as medical waste under the responsibility of
the user.
18. Paent informaon
Paents must accept regular medical follow-ups
and should consult their doctor in the event of
any unexpected change in the performance of
the prosthec reconstuon.
Paents must be informed of the need to ensure
regular oral hygiene.
Paent must be advised to remain cauous for
the rst few weeks aer surgery.
Traceability informaon is available to paents
via the detachable labels on the device.
19. Notes
The praconer must have the necessary
knowledge to pracce dental implantology and
must be familiar with the handling instrucons
for Anthogyr products as described in this docu-
ment in order to use Anthogyr products safely
and in accordance with their instrucons for use.
Anthogyr products must be used in accordance
with the manufacturers instrucons for use. The
dental surgeon is solely responsible for the pro-
per use of Anthogyr products in accordance with
their instrucons for use and to determine whe-
en - Instrucon for use - Anthogyr Mini Implant
ther the product is suitable for the individual
paents situaon.
Anthogyr products are part of a complete range
and must be used in combinaon with the cor-
responding original components and instru-
ments distributed by Anthogyr, its parent com-
pany and any aliates or subsidiaries of the
parent company (“Straumann”), unless other-
wise specied in these instrucons for use. The
use of third-party products not distributed by
Anthogyr voids any warranty or other obligaon,
express or implied, of Anthogyr.
Any product-related issues must be reported to
the local Anthogyr organisaon together with
the product in queson. In the event of a serious
incident, the user must le a report with the
local Anthogyr organisaon and the appropriate
competent authority in accordance with local
regulaons. Anthogyr also oers an online com-
plaint service in the countries concerned.
20. Validity
The publicaon of this document supersedes
and replaces all previous versions.
Anthogyr all rights reserved.
Anthogyr® and/or other trademarks and logos of
Anthogyr® menoned herein are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Anthogyr.
21. Availability
Some components of the Anthogyr implant sys-
tem are unavailable in certain countries.
22. Symbols
The following table describes the symbols that
may be printed on the packaging label. Please
refer to the label on the packaging for the appli-
cable product symbols.
Symbol Descripon of symbol Source of
A Manufacturer ISO 15223-1
B Date of manufacture ISO 15223-1
N Catalog number ISO 15223-1
O Batch code ISO 15223-1
P Serial number ISO 15223-1
Consult the instrucons for
use or consult the digital
instrucons for use
ISO 15223-1
b Medical Device PR 15223-1
e Unique idener of the
PR 15223-1
G CE marking - compliance
with current regulaons
i GOST-R logo for cercaon
of the Russian Federaon
]only FDA cercaon logo
21 CFR
V Use-by date ISO 15223-1
c Single sterile barrier system ISO 7000
a Single sterile barrier system
with protecve packaging
ISO 7000
S Sterilized using irradiaon ISO 15223-1
? Do not resterilise ISO 15223-1
F Non-sterile ISO 15223-1
Suitable for sterilisaon in a
steam steriliser (autoclave)
at the specied temperature
ISO 7000 -
Non suitable for sterilisaon
in a steam steriliser
(autoclave) at the specied
temperature (135°C)
X Do not use if packaging is
damaged or consult instruc-
ons for use
ISO 15223-1
Y Keep away from sunlight ISO 15223-1
W Do not reuse ISO 15223-1
E Warning ISO 15223-1
f Contains hazardous subs-
tances ISO 7000