-- 1 1 --
Numerical Welding Parameters
This 16--bit signed value is used to adjust the voltage value. The scaling factor is 100
so if 20 V is wanted, the value should be 2000. The resolution within the machine is
¼ V. This means that if you set 10,6 V the value displayed will be 10,5 V.
If the machine is in non --syner gic mode the equipment will simply use the value set.
If the equipment is in synergic mode the machine will use the value as an offset from
the synergic value. T he synergic value can be read from the output I/O area.
Wire Feed Speed
This 16--bit unsigned value is used to adjust the wire feed value. The scaling factor is
100 so if 15 m/min is wanted, the value should be 1500. The resolution within the
machine is ¼ m/min.
5.2 OUT I/O from Welding Equipment to Controller
Weld Status Bits
Weld Busy
This signal indicates that the welding equipment is occupied with welding. If a stuck
wire or a burn through will break the welding circuit then the power source will go on
trying to weld until it gets a stop command.
A condition that makes the Arc acknowledge signal to fall does not stop the welding
equipment from continuing the attempts to weld.
As a default value, the weld busy signal is activated when the gas preflow begins
until the gas postflow stops. By chosing Weld Busy in the configuration menu, it is
possible to choose to have the weld busy signal activated when the power source
outputs power, until the gas postflow stops. In the menu you can also choose to have
the weld busy signal activated when the power source outputs power, until the power
source shuts down the power output.
Arc Acknowledge
This signal will be activated when the arc is established at a weld start and it will fall
when voltage and current variations indicate that there can not be welding any
The criteria for arc established is that the process control has passed its start
procedure which means that it is not enough with just a short--circuit to fulfill the
criteria. Typical delay times from first contact to Arc acknowledge (wire feed time till
first contact not included) is in the range 2 to 20 ms. In case of a bad start the Arc
acknowledge signal will be more delayed.
The Arc acknowledge signal will stay on until either the weld is interrupted or the
welding is stopped the normal way.
At a normal stop the Arc acknowledge signal will fall when the f inalizing procedures
are ended ( i.e. craterfill, burnback) and the power source cuts the arc.
An interrupted weld is detected if abnormal conditions during welding makes the
weld process control deviate significantly from a normal working point. A certain
filtering time is used for this detection.