8.2 Preparation of sensor for installation
8.2.1 Measuring of probe’s length
It is strongly recommended, whenever possible, to apply probes unified by a manufacturer - this
will eliminate extra work during installation or replacement of the sensor. As a rule, unified
sensors correspond to the outer height of tanks of the most encountered sizes. For example,
the overall height of the tank of trucks of such popular brands as DAF, MAN, Renault, Scania is
620 mm – the sensor with a probe of 620 mm should be applied for them.
The manufacturer of the sensor provides the following range of unified types of sensors.
Table 6.
Typical models of vehicles
Truck tractors DAF, IVECO, MAN, Mercedes-Benz,
Renault, Scania and others, machinery on their
Trucks КАМАЗ, КрАЗ, machinery on their base.
Trucks МАЗ, machinery on their base
* corresponds to outer height of tank, mm, in place of sensor’s installation)
Type of the probe is indicated in the description of the sensor at the time of ordering.
In case of absence of type, as a rule, the length of delivering probe is 770 mm.
Description of measuring head and the index correspondence in the description of probe’s
length are shown in Appendix 3.
8.2.1 Changing of probe’s length
If there is no necessary length in the range of unified types, you will have to cut the unified
probe by yourself on the spot. To do this, you should measure the depth of the fuel tank L, as
shown on Pic. 8.4, then measure the length on the probe (L-15) mm, to ensure the gap of 10
mm between the probe and the bottom of the tank during the sensor use.
WARNING! For tanks with a lack of stiffness (for example - plastic
tanks of considerable height) it is recommended to increase the gap
between the probe and the bottom of the tank up to 30 mm. This is
due to changes of sizes of the tank because of changing of
temperature, poured fuel mass, and deformation during the motion.