application, install the sharp edge facing away from
the part producing the thrust.
E-clips are used when it is not practical to use a
snap ring. Remove E-clips with a flat blade
screwdriver by prying between the shaft and E-clip. To
install an E-clip. Center it over the shaft groove and
push or tap it into place
Observe the following when installing snap rings:
1. Remove and install snap rings with snap rings
pliers. Refer to Basic Tools in this chapter
2. In some applications. it may be necessary to
replace snap rings after removing them
3. Compress or expand snap rings only enough to
install them. If overly expanded. Lose their
retaining ability
4. After installing a snap ring. Make sure it seats completely
5. Wear eye protection when removing and installing snap rings
Most of the procedures in this manual can be carried out with basic hand tools and test equipment
familiar to the home mechanic. Always use the correct tools for the job. Keep tools organized and
clean. Store them in a tool chest with related tools organized together.
Quality tools are essential. The best are constructed of high-strength alloy steel. These tools are
light, easy to use and resistant to wear. Their working surface is devoid of sharp edges and carefully
polished. They have an easy-to-clean finish and are comfortable to use. Quality tools are a good
Some of the procedures in this manual specify special tools. In many cases the tools is illustrated
in use. Those with a large tool kit may be able to replacement. However, in some cases, the
specialized equipment or expertise may make it impractical for the home mechanic to attempt the
procedure. When necessary, such operations are recommended to have a dealership or specialist
perform the task. It may be less expensive to have a professional perform these jobs, especially
when considering the cost of equipment.
When purchasing tools to perform the procedures covered in this manual, consider the tool’s
potential frequency of use. If a tool kit is just now being started. Consider purchasing a basic tool
set from a quality tool combinations and offer substantial savings when complicated, specialized
tools can be added.
Screwdrivers of various lengths and types are mandatory for the simplest tool kit. The two basic
types are the slotted tip (flat blade) and the Phillips tip. These are available in sets that often include an
assortment of tip size and shaft lengths.
As with all tools, use a screwdriver designed for the job. Make sure the size of the fastener. Use
them only for driving screws. Never use a screwdriver for
prying or chiseling metal. Repair or replace worn or