140 Blaze Industrial Parkway, Berea, OH 44017
2007-2018 Jeep Wrangler JKU Kit: 21121, 21122, 21122BLK
2018+ Jeep Wrangler JLU Kit: 21123, 21124, 21124BLK
(For Steps 15-16, a JKU is shown. The JLU follows the same procedure)
16. Slide a supplied 2.75in Clamp over each Tip
assembly and then slide the Expanded ends of the
Tip assemblies over the Tail Pipes, with the
CORSA etch on top. SNUG the Clamps with a
15mm Socket & Ratchet or Wrench.
17. Verify the Tips are straight across and even.
There should be approxiamtly ¾in between the top
of the Tips and the Bumper. To adjust, you may
need to loosen the Tail Pipe Clamps from Steps
12 and 13. Once satisfied with the alignment, use
a torque wrench, tighten the clamps on the Tail
Pipes first (if needed) and then the Tips to 45ft-lbs.
A second person may be needed to hold the
components in the correct position while the
clamps are being torqued.
18. After the exhaust is properly torqued, reinstall the Transfer Case Skid Plate by reversing Removal Steps 5
and 6. Begin by starting all the bolts and lightly snug them. For the JLU, start with the 4 bolts, then the 2
nuts. Lastly, using a Torque Wrench, tighten the hardware to Factory torque settings.
This concludes the installation of the CORSA Exhaust.
1. Start engine, leaving the transmission in park and/or securing the parking brake.
2. Make sure to look and listen for any unusual noises. Repair problems if needed.
3. Immediately following the installation of your exhaust system, you may experience a trace of smoke after
initial start-up. Do not be alarmed. The smoke is caused by the burning of a small amount of forming oil
residue used in the manufacturing process.
4. It is strongly suggested that the alignment of the components and all clamps be checked and re-torqued
after road testing the vehicle and once the system has fully cooled.
5. During cold weather start-ups, you may experience an exhaust sound that is deeper and louder in tone
than usual. This is temporary and will diminish to normal levels once your engine has reached its normal
operating temperature.