A i r p o r t E n h a n c e m e n t S e r v i c e s 2 . 0 0
P a g e
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AESConfig - Set Aircraft Parameters
The service vehicles and push back tractor of
AES look best when they are perfectly aligned
and connected with your aircraft, but as the
location of the (visual) nose wheel and the
doors and hatches are only defined in the visual
model AES needs to be taught their location.
Please note that for many default and add-on
aircraft this has already been done and AES will
recognize them automatically.
When AESConfig is connected to FS and the
aircraft is placed somewhere where you can see
it from all angles (move to outside view) you
will see the dialog screen shown here. We’ll go
through the functions on this screen:
• Shortname: you need to give the aircraft
a 3 or 4 character code which will be
shown on the Safegate docking displays.
B747, A340 etc. are obvious choices.
• Nosewheel: In order to define the nose
wheel location you click this field and it
will be shown in green. In FS you will
also see a green ‘symbol’ and in the
centre of the AESConfig screen you will
see a Front/Back selection. By clicking
the small arrows the green symbol in FS
will move. The left arrows move it in
large 1 metre steps, the right arrows
move it in steps of 5 centimetres. Move
the green box exactly onto the nose
• Left doors: the four boxes on the left side of the aircraft indicate the passenger doors.
You can not define more than 4 doors. Again a green icon will show up in FS to let
you move the door position visually.
• Selected door...: click this to activate or deactivate this door
o Front/Back Distance: positions the door on the nose - tail
o Left/Right Distance: positions the door on the right wing
– left wing axis
o Up/Down Distance: moves the door up – down
o Enter angle of door...: tilts the door to suit the curvature
of the fuselage
• Right cargo doors: The two boxes on the right side of the
fuselage symbolise the cargo doors. The parameters are
identical to the ones for the left passenger doors, though the
angle parameter is not used.