CAMPANIA FT-131 Operating instructions

  • Hello! I've reviewed the assembly instructions for the CAMPANIA INTERNATIONAL Fountain FT-131. This document covers everything from initial setup, including the pump installation and bowl placement, to maintenance tips for ensuring the fountain's longevity, as well as how to troubleshoot any issues you might encounter. I am ready to answer your questions about this fountain.
  • How many people are recommended for the installation of this fountain?
    How much water does this fountain hold?
    What kind of outlet should be used with fountain?
    What should I do to protect the fountain during winter?
Fountain Components
Image Item Description Component
Item # Quantity
Water Feature FT-131A 1
Medium Bowl FT-131B 1
Pump House FT-131C 1
Pump House
Door FT-131D 1
Large Bowl P-502 1
Support Base FT-131F 1
FT-131 Cascade Fountain
Assembly Instructions
rev 11/30/2022
Fountain Information:
Three people are recommended for the installation of this fountain!
This fountain holds approximately 6 gallons of water.
This fountain uses a small fountain cover: FTNCOV-SM
 •NOTE:Forthefountaincovertotcorrectly,carefullyturnthetop
bowl (FT-131A) upside down.
Pump Information:
OEMPF320 - 320 GPH Pump 16 FT cord length
Tools Required:
Bubble Level
Pump Kit Parts List
Image Component Quantity
(Note: Use small adaptor.) 1
#10 Stopper 1
non-kinktubing 1
Approx. 2" length of 5/8" clear vinyl
tubing 1
Approx. 2" length of 1/2" CPVC pipe 1
Wedges 4
Hose Clamps 1
Fountain Set-Up:
Assembly & Installation - Afountaincanbedifculttoinstallwithoutknowingandunderstandingthestepsinvolved.Toensureyourfountainis
Step 1 - Seek Professional Help:Checkifprofessionalinstallationisrecommendedforyourfountain.
Step 2 - Check Foundation: Placeyourfountainonalevelsurface.Itisrecommendedtoplaceyourfountainonconcreteorahardpacked
Step 3 - Create a Drip Loop:Topreventwaterfromdrippingdownthecordanddamagingtheelectricalsocket,createadriploopbyallowing
the pump power cord to fall below the wall outlet.
Step 4 - Use a GFCI Outlet: Use only a GFCI outlet when running a fountain.
FT-131 Cascade Fountain
Assembly Instructions
Three people are recommended for the installation of this fountain!
Assemble your fountain on a level surface capable of holding a minimum of 586 lbs with an
approximate 1.5 sq. ft. footprint (actual dimensions 18" Diam.).
Step 1 - Placethebase(FT-131F)intopositionwherethefountainwillbeinstalled,ensuringthatit
is level.
FT-131F (50 lbs)
18"W x 4.5"H
P-502 (198 lbs)
39.5"W x 9.75"H
FT-131C (25 lbs)
11.5"W x 7"H
FT-131B (113 lbs)
29.25"W x 8"H
FT-131A (28 lbs)
18"W x 4.5"H
FT-131D (2 lbs)
5"L x 1.5"W x 4.75"H
Step 2 - Center the Zen Bowl (P-502) over the base (FT-131F)
Step 3 - Assemblethepumpkit:
3a -Usingahoseclamp,attachthe1/2"non-kinktubingtothepumpoutlet.
3b - Place the stopper around the pump cord approx. 8" from the pump.
Step 4 - Feed the pump cord through the hole in the Zen Bowl (P-502) and the channel in the
base (FT-131F).
Step 5 - FIRMLY press the stopper into the hole evenly.
Step 7 - Feed the tubing that is connected to the pump through the center of the middle bowl
Step 8 - Center the middle bowl (FT-131B) over the pump house (FT-131C).
Step 9 - Insert the CPVC pipe connected to the tubing into the PVC coupling in the bottom of the
top bowl (FT-131A).
Step 10 - Center the top bowl (FT-131A) over the middle bowl (FT-131B).
Step 6 - Place the pump house (FT-131C) over the pump and in the center of the Zen Bowl (P-502).
Step 11 - Fit the pump house door (FT-131D) into the pump house (FT-131C).
Step 12 - Fill the fountain with water.
Pump Not Working - Whenoperatingthepumpforthersttime,itcantakeafewminutesbeforewaterbeginstoowproperly.Ifitisstillnotworkingafter
afewminutes,pleasefollowourtroubleshootingtipsbelow.Before troubleshooting, UNPLUG YOUR PUMP.
Step 1 - Submerge Pump: Ensure your pump is fully submerged in water at all times to avoid pump damage.
Step 2 - Manual Check: Ifthepumpcoverisremovable,tryremovingthecovertoaccesstheimpellerarea.Turntherotortoensureitisnotbrokenor
Pump Noise - Somesoundfromthepumpmaybenormal,butyoucanfollowthesetipstoreducesoundorresolveabnormalnoises.
Step 1 - Submerge Pump: Ensureyourpumpisfullysubmergedatalltimesandcleanofdebris,dirtandalgaebuildup.
Step 2 - Check Location: Youmayhearthevibrationofthepumptouchingthesidewallsofthefountain.Makesurethepumpisonlytouchingthebottom.
Step 3 - Check Flow Rate: Toolowofaowratemightcausespewsorburps.
Water Flow Rate - Somefountainscomewithadialorvalvetoadjusttheowrate,butifyoudonothavethisoptionorifyouarestillunsatisedwithyour
Step 1 - Adjust the Water Level: Insufcientwaterlevelscanaffectwaterintakebythepump.Checkthefountaininstructionstoensuretheappropriate
water capacity for your fountain.
Step 2 - Check for Kinks: Checktomakesurethetubingisnotkinked.Kinksinthetubingcansloworhalttheowofwater.
Step 3 - Clamp the Hose: Toslowthewaterow,tryclampingthehosewithahoseclamporzip-tie.
Splashing - Havingtroublewithsplashing?Somesplashingisinevitable,especiallywhenyourstturnonyourfountain,butifyouareexperiencing
Step 1 - Adjust the Water Level: Ensurethepumpisfullysubmerged,butavoidoverllingyourfountain.
Step 2 - Flow Rate: Ifyourpumpincludesadialorvalvetoadjusttheowrate,trychangingthesettingstoseeifitaffectssplashing.Ifyourpumpis
Step 3 - Adjust Position: Tryarrangingstonesorplacingasplashguard,atthefountainbase.Youcanalsoplaceascreeninthebasin.
Leaking - Ifyourfountainisleaking,checkthesequicktipsonhowtoxit.
Step 1 - Adjust the Water Level: Yourfountainmayleakifitistoofull.
Step 2 - Check Tubing: Checkthatthetubingisattachedcompletelyandcorrectly.
Step 3 - Check Stopper: Ensure stopper is completely seated in the fountain. You can also use 100% pure clear silicone to ensure a proper seal is achieved
Step 4 - Cracking: Yourfountainmaybecrackedfromimproperwintercare;seeWinterCareinMaintenanceTips.
Pump Care - The fountain relies heavily on the quality of the pump. A well-maintained pump can last several years.
Step 1 - Fully submerge: Ensure the pump is fully submerged at all times to avoid damage.
 Step2-Ensurewaterlevelissufcient:Checkwaterlevelsregularlyaswatermayevaporateovertime,andperiodicallychangewatertoavoidalgae
Step 3 - Clean pump:Usesoapandwater,orwhitevinegarandwater,withasmall,softbrushtocleanthepumpofdebris,dirt,andalgaebuildup.
This should be done every 2-3 months.
Surface Care - Paintsandnishesmayfadeovertimeduetoweathering.Byfollowingthesetips,youwillbeabletomaintainyourfountain’ssurface.
Step 1 - Control Algae and White Scale:Duetowaterevaporation,youmayseewhiteresidueonyourfountainsurfacefromthemineralcontentin
your water supply. Algaecides and cleansers can help prevent buildup that occurs from minerals and hard water.
 Step2-ProtectandRenish:Dependingonthematerialofyourfountain,protectantsandspraysmayprolongtheappearanceofthesurface.Paintand
Winter Care - Many materials used to produce fountains can expand and contract in different temperatures/humidity levels. If the temperature falls below
Step 1 - Bring inside:Ifpossible,bringyouroutdoorfountaininsideforthewinter.
Step 2 - Store in dry location:Ifunabletobringinside,storeyourfountaininadryandcoveredlocation.
Step 3 - Bring components inside:Moveallinternalcomponents(stoppers,tubing,lights,pump,etc)inside.A pump can stay in a fountain for the
winter, but if you choose to leave it in, it must be completely dry and insulated with plastic bags and towel to ensure it stays dry. However it is
recommended to bring it inside.
Step 4 - Completely drain:Itisimportanttopreventwaterfromaccumulatinganywhere,asfreezingandthawingofwatercancausepumpdamage
Step 5 - Elevate Fountain:Fountainsmayfreezetothegroundandcausecrackinginthebaseifleftoutsideinthewinter.Ifunabletostoreinsideorin
Step 6 - Cover Fountain:Makesuretouseabreathablematerialwhencovering.DO NOT COVER IN PLASTIC! Makesurethefountainistautsothat
no snow or water can pool in the cover. Tie the opening at the bottom of the cover around the fountain.