Delta Tau Acc-8S Owner's manual

  • Hello! I'm here to help you with the Delta Tau Acc-8S Stepper Interface Board. I've analyzed the user manual, and I'm ready to answer your questions. This board is designed for use with stepper drivers, offering features like RS422 step/direction outputs, flag inputs, and the ability to simulate closed-loop operation. Ask me anything about the configuration or usage details.
  • What is the Acc-8S mainly designed for?
    What type of outputs does the Acc-8S provide?
    Can the Acc-8S use an external encoder?
^2 Accessory 8S
^3 Stepper Interface Board
^4 3Ax-602644-xUxx
^5 April 17, 2006
Single Source Machine Control Power // Flexibility // Ease of Use
21314 Lassen Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 // Tel. (818) 998-2095 Fax. (818) 998-7807 //
Copyright Information
© 2006 Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
This document is furnished for the customers of Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Other uses are
unauthorized without written permission of Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Information contained
in this manual may be updated from time-to-time due to product improvements, etc., and may not
conform in every respect to former issues.
To report errors or inconsistencies, call or email:
Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Technical Support
Phone: (818) 717-5656
Fax: (818) 998-7807
Operating Conditions
All Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. motion controller products, accessories, and amplifiers contain
static sensitive components that can be damaged by incorrect handling. When installing or
handling Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. products, avoid contact with highly insulated materials.
Only qualified personnel should be allowed to handle this equipment.
In the case of industrial applications, we expect our products to be protected from hazardous or
conductive materials and/or environments that could cause harm to the controller by damaging
components or causing electrical shorts. When our products are used in an industrial
environment, install them into an industrial electrical cabinet or industrial PC to protect them
from excessive or corrosive moisture, abnormal ambient temperatures, and conductive materials.
If Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. products are directly exposed to hazardous or conductive
materials and/or environments, we cannot guarantee their operation.
Dispose in accordance with applicable regulations.
Accessory 8S
Table of Contents i
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1
CONNECTORS AND JUMPERS .............................................................................................................. 3
Connectors ................................................................................................................................................. 3
JMACH1 ................................................................................................................................................ 3
P1........................................................................................................................................................... 3
TB2 (Option 1) ....................................................................................................................................... 3
TB3 (Option 1) ....................................................................................................................................... 3
TB4 ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
TB5 ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
TB6 ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
TB7 ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Jumpers ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
E1........................................................................................................................................................... 3
E2, E3 .................................................................................................................................................... 3
BOARD LAYOUT AND DIMENSIONS ................................................................................................... 5
I-VARIABLE ASSIGNMENTS (NON-TURBO) ...................................................................................... 7
Multi-Channel Control Variables ............................................................................................................... 7
I903, I907 .............................................................................................................................................. 7
I904, I908 .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Single Channel Control Variables .............................................................................................................. 7
I9n0 Encoder/Timer n Decode Control ................................................................................................. 7
I9n6 Output Mode Select ....................................................................................................................... 8
I9n7 Output n Invert Control ................................................................................................................. 8
I9n8 Output n PFM Direction Signal Invert Control ............................................................................ 9
PMAC2 Motor Basic Set Variables for Acc-8S ......................................................................................... 9
Ix00 Motor x Activate ............................................................................................................................ 9
Ix01 Motor x Commutate Enable ........................................................................................................... 9
Ix02 Motor x Command Output Address ............................................................................................... 9
Ix03 Motor x Position Loop Feedback Address ..................................................................................... 9
Ix04 Velocity Loop Feedback ...............................................................................................................10
Ix08, Ix09 Motor x Position and Velocity Loop Scale Factors .............................................................10
Ix11 - Ix19 Motor x Safety Variables ....................................................................................................10
Ix20 - Ix23 Motor Movement Variables ................................................................................................10
Ix25 Motor x Limit/Home Flag Address ...............................................................................................10
Ix29 Motor x Output DAC Bias ............................................................................................................10
Ix69 Motor x Output Command Limit...................................................................................................10
Ix70 Motor x Number of Commutation Cycles .....................................................................................11
PMAC2 Motor Servo Gain I-variables for Acc-8S ...................................................................................11
Ix30 Motor x Proportional Gain ...........................................................................................................11
Ix31 Motor x Derivative Gain ...............................................................................................................11
Ix32 Motor x Velocity Feedforward Gain .............................................................................................11
Ix33 Motor x Integral Gain...................................................................................................................12
Ix34 Motor x Integration Mode ............................................................................................................12
Ix35 Motor x Acceleration Feedforward Gain .....................................................................................12
Ix36 - Ix39 Motor x Notch Filter Coefficients ......................................................................................12
I-VARIABLE ASSIGNMENTS (TURBO) ...............................................................................................13
Multi-Channel Servo IC I-Variables .........................................................................................................13
I7m03 ....................................................................................................................................................13
I7m04 ....................................................................................................................................................13
Channel-Specific Servo IC I-Variables .....................................................................................................13
I7mn0 Encoder/Timer n Decode Control .............................................................................................13
Accessory 8S
ii Table of Contents
I7mn6 Output Mode Select ...................................................................................................................14
I7mn7 Output n Invert Control .............................................................................................................14
I7mn8 Output n PFM Direction Signal Invert Control .........................................................................15
Turbo PMAC2 Motor Setup I-Variables for Acc-8S ................................................................................15
Ixx00 Motor xx Activate ........................................................................................................................15
Ixx01 Motor xx Commutate Enable ......................................................................................................15
Ixx02 Motor xx Command Output Address ...........................................................................................15
Ixx03 Motor x Position Loop Feedback Address ..................................................................................16
Ixx04 Velocity Loop Feedback ..............................................................................................................16
Ixx08, Ixx09 Motor xx Position and Velocity Loop Scale Factors ........................................................16
Ixx11 - Ixx19 Motor x Safety Variables ................................................................................................16
Ixx20 - Ixx23 Motor Movement Variables ............................................................................................16
Ixx24 Motor xx Flag Mode Control ......................................................................................................16
Ixx25 Motor xx Flag Address ...............................................................................................................17
Ixx29 Motor xx Output DAC Bias/First Phase Offset ...........................................................................17
Ixx69 Motor xx Output Command Limit ...............................................................................................17
Ixx70 Motor xx Number of Commutation Cycles ..................................................................................17
Turbo PMAC2 Motor Servo Gain I-Variables for Acc-8S .......................................................................17
Ixx30 Motor xx Proportional Gain .......................................................................................................18
Ixx31 Motor x Derivative Gain .............................................................................................................18
Ixx32 Motor xx Velocity Feedforward Gain .........................................................................................18
Ixx33 Motor xx Integral Gain ...............................................................................................................18
Ixx34 Motor xx Integration Mode .........................................................................................................18
Ixx35 Motor xx Acceleration Feedforward Gain ..................................................................................18
Ixx36 - Ixx39 Motor xx Notch Filter Coefficients .................................................................................18
PMAC2 Ultralite .......................................................................................................................................19
PMAC2 Turbo Ultralite MACRO IC0 ......................................................................................................19
PMAC2 Turbo Ultralite MACRO IC1 ......................................................................................................19
PMAC2 Turbo Ultralite MACRO IC2 ......................................................................................................19
PMAC2 Turbo Ultralite MACRO IC3 ......................................................................................................19
MAKING PMAC2 WORK WITH ACC-8S .............................................................................................21
Things to Know .........................................................................................................................................22
CONNECTOR PINOUTS ..........................................................................................................................23
Terminal Blocks and Headers ...................................................................................................................23
JMACH1 (100-Pin Header) ..................................................................................................................23
P1 External Power Supply ....................................................................................................................23
TB2 (8-Pin Terminal Block) .................................................................................................................23
External Encoder Input Axis 1 ..............................................................................................................23
TB3 (8-Pin Terminal Block) .................................................................................................................24
External Encoder Input Axis 2 ..............................................................................................................24
TB4 External Flag Input Axis 1 ............................................................................................................24
(6-Pin Terminal Block) .........................................................................................................................24
TB5 External Flag Input Axis 2 ............................................................................................................24
(6-Pin Terminal Block) .........................................................................................................................24
TB6 Motor Drive Output Axis 1 (10-Pin Terminal Block) ....................................................................25
TB7 Motor Drive Output Axis 2 (10-Pin Terminal Block) ....................................................................25
JUMPERS ....................................................................................................................................................27
Accessory 8S
Introduction 1
PMAC2’s Acc-8S is a 2-axis output board designed for easy connection to Stepper drivers. The
step and direction outputs are RS422 compatible and are capable of being connected in either
differential mode or single ended configurations for 5V input drivers. Flag input terminals are
provided to allow connection of 12V-24V sensors or limit switches.
The PMAC2 can use a folded back signal from the Acc-8S to simulate the closure of a motor’s
position loop. Jumpers are provided to allow the use of an external encoder for true closed-loop
control. Being a two-axis accessory, velocity loop encoder input may be used if only 1 drive
output is used.
Acc-8S is one of a series of I/O accessories for PMAC2. The interface to the PMAC2 is made
using the JMACH connector cable. This cable is supplied with the board and is 24 inches long.
When used with the Acc-8S, the PMAC2 outputs a pulse train of variable frequency and constant
pulse width. This scheme is known as Pulse Frequency Modulation (PFM).
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2 Introduction
Accessory 8S
Connectors and Jumpers 3
Refer to the layout diagram of Acc-8S for the location of the connectors and jumpers on the
board. A pin definition listing for each connector in listed in the Jumpers section of this manual.
This is the 100-pin connector that attaches the Acc-8S to the PMAC2.
This is a 2-pin terminal block that provides the connection for an external power supply. Jumper
E1 must be removed when an external power supply is used.
TB2 (Option 1)
This 8-pin header is the external encoder inputs for axis 1. Power supply taps are provided for
+5Vdc and +5V return. This connector is available only when option 1 is ordered.
TB3 (Option 1)
This header is identical to TB2 except that it interfaces the encoder for axis 2. This connector is
available only when option 1 is ordered.
This is a 6-pin header for connecting external flag inputs for axis 1. These inputs are opto-
coupled and accept sinking or sourcing signals from +12V to +24V.
This header is identical to TB4 except that it interfaces the external flag inputs for axis 2.
This 10-pin header provides the motor drive outputs for axis 1. Power supply taps are provided
for systems that may use common single-ended inputs.
This header is identical to TB6 except that it provides motor drive outputs for axis 2.
Refer to the layout diagram of Acc-8S for the location of the jumpers on the board.
This jumper allows the user to choose between an external power supply and PMAC2’s power
supply. Remove this jumper when using an external power supply for encoders and motor drive
output circuit power.
Install this jumper to use PMAC2’s +5V power. It should be noted that PMAC2 power is
supplied through the JMACH connector and has a limited capacity. Be aware that encoders that
use power supplied through TB2 and TB3 may exceed reasonable current limits (100mA each).
Refer to the notes in the Connector Pinouts section.
E2, E3
These jumpers allow the user to choose between using an internal encoder feedback loop that
returns the pulse and direction back to the PMAC2, or an external encoder for true closed loop
feedback. Normally, the internal simulated feedback is used to close the PID loop in stepper
applications (shorting bar in position 2-3).
If an external encoder is used, E2 (axis 1) or E3 (axis 2) should be placed in the 1-2 position.
Accessory 8S
4 Connectors and Jumpers
Accessory 8S
Board Layout and Dimensions 5
Layout Diagram Acc-8S: Connectors and Jumpers
Accessory 8S
6 Board Layout and Dimensions
Accessory 8S
I-Variable Assignments (Non-Turbo) 7
A group of I-Variables should be set to perform proper PFM stepper motor control functions
using the Acc-8S interface. Refer to the PMAC2 Hardware/Software Reference for more
complete details on I-variable assignments. The following I-variables must be set properly for
stepper motor action on the PMAC2:
Multi-Channel Control Variables
I903, I907
PFM Clock Frequency: I903 is used for axes 1-4, and I907 is used for axes 5-8. Refer to the
PMAC2 Hardware Reference manual to change these variables.
Since they default to a PFM clock of approximately 10Mhz (which is about 10 times greater than
normally needed), I903 and I907 should not be changed.
I904, I908
PFM Pulse Width: I904 is used for axes 1-4, and I908 is used for axes 5-8. The pulse width is
specified in PFM clock cycles and has a range of 1 to 255 cycles.
The default value is 15. Since the default value of PFM clock is actually set to 9.8304 MHz, the
default output pulse width will be 15/9,830400 = 1.5258 S. Note that when the PFM clock
values are changed, the PFM pulse width values must be evaluated for proper stepper drive
These control variables should not need to be modified for a typical stepper drive. However,
PFM pulse width should be increased if the stepper drive’s input cannot handle the speed of the
Acc-8S’s pulse output. This often occurs with slow opto-couplers used on stepper drive inputs.
Single Channel Control Variables
For the circuitry of each of the 8-axis interface, there are several hardware setup I-variables.
These are arranged in sets of 10. I910 - I919 control the circuitry for axis interface 1; I920 - I929
control the circuitry for axis 2, and so on. An ‘n’ in the place of the ten’s digit permits us to talk
generically about a variable for interface axis ‘n’ (i.e. I9n6 indicates that I916 refers to axis 1 and
I976 refers to axis 7).
I9n0 Encoder/Timer n Decode Control
Range: 0 - 15 (Bits 0-3 of channel control word)
Units: None
Default: 7
If I9n0 and I9n8 are not matched properly, motor runaway will occur.
Accessory 8S
8 I-Variable Assignments (Non-Turbo)
I9n0 controls how the input signal for Encoder ‘n’ is decoded into counts. This defines how the
PMAC2 interprets the sign and magnitude of a count. The following settings are used to decode
an input signal:
The Acc-8S requires that the above values be set to either 0 or 4 if
no external encoder is used. This I-variable works in conjunction
with I9n8. Set I9n0 to 0 to use the default I9n8 value.
I9n6 Output Mode Select
Range: 0 - 3
Units: None
Default: 0
This I-variable establishes the format of outputs that will be used for each axis. The PMAC2 has
up to three channels that may be used to control many different types of motor drives. The Acc-
8S uses only the C channel output of any particular axis. Channels A and B are always set to
output the same drive format.
A value of 2 or 3 must be used to interface correctly with the Acc-8S.
The default value of 3 will set the PMAC2 to output PFM. If only stepper drives are used, the
default value is a correct setting for the Acc-8S.
I9n7 Output n Invert Control
Range: 0 - 3
Units: None
Default: 0
This I-variable establishes a polarity for the output pulses. Changing this variable to a 2 or 3 will
cause the output pulses to be active low.
The default of 0 for this variable should be sufficient for a typical Acc-8S to motor drive
Accessory 8S
I-Variable Assignments (Non-Turbo) 9
I9n8 Output n PFM Direction Signal Invert Control
Range: 0 - 1
Units: None
Default: 0
If I9n0 and I9n8 are not matched properly, motor runaway will occur.
The polarity of the direction output is controlled by this I-variable. This output establishes an
active low or high output.
This I-variable works in conjunction with I9n0. To operate correctly with the Acc-8S, if I9n0 is
set to 0, then I9n8 is set to 0. If I9n0 is set to 4, then I9n8 is set to 1.
This default value works in conjunction with I9n0 set to 0.
PMAC2 Motor Basic Set Variables for Acc-8S
Several motor I-variables must be set up properly to use PFM signals properly. Most of these are
address registers. Typically, motor 1 will use the circuits for axis interface 1, but this is not
necessary. Refer to the PMAC2 Hardware or Software Reference for more complete details on I-
variable assignments.
Ix00 Motor x Activate
This must be set to 1 to activate software for motor axis x.
Ix01 Motor x Commutate Enable
This must be set to 0 for all Acc-8S axes.
Ix02 Motor x Command Output Address
This I-variable tells PMAC2 where to write output data. The following list of addresses is the
locations of the C output PFM registers. This list assumes that motor x uses axis interface
channel x.
I102 = $C004
I502 = $C024
I202 = $C00C
I602 = $C02C
I302 = $C014
I702 = $C034
I402 = $C01C
I802 = $C03C
These values are different from the PMAC2 default values. They must be set to operate with the
Acc-8S properly.
Ix03 Motor x Position Loop Feedback Address
This I-variable tells PMAC2 where to look to get its position loop feedback. The following list of
addresses is the locations of the processed encoder counters for PMAC2:
I103 = $0720
I503 = $0724
I203 = $0721
I603 = $0725
I303 = $0722
I703 = $0726
I304 = $0723
I803 = $0727
These addresses are pointers to a conversion table of default counter/timer locations. They point
to a set of registers that determine whether sub-count interpolation is used.
For best results with the Acc-8S, sub-count interpolation should be shut off. Use Configure menu
Encoder Table selection in the PMAC Executive program to modify the encoder values for no
extended interpolation.
Accessory 8S
10 I-Variable Assignments (Non-Turbo)
This may be done by entering the following in the terminal window:
The first line above represents axes 1-4 and the second line represents axes 5-8. Be sure to use
the SAVE command to store the above selections into flash memory.
Ix04 Velocity Loop Feedback
This I-variable works very similar to Ix03. Unless special conditions are desired, set Ix04 to the
same value as Ix03.
Ix08, Ix09 Motor x Position and Velocity Loop Scale Factors
These two I-variables present a method of scaling motor activity. They both default to 96 and
need not be changed for most Acc-8S applications.
Changing Ix08 may have an affect on gain parameter Ix30.
Ix11 - Ix19 Motor x Safety Variables
Refer to the PMAC User Manual and Software Reference Manual for the settings involved with
these variables. If these variables are set incorrectly, the motor’s movement may be restricted by
velocity or acceleration limits.
Ix20 - Ix23 Motor Movement Variables
Refer to the PMAC User Manual and Software Reference Manual for the settings involved with
these variables. These variables establish homing and jogging speeds. For initial setup of the
Acc-8S, the default values usually work.
Ix25 Motor x Limit/Home Flag Address
Refer to the PMAC User Manual and Software Reference for the settings involved with this
variable. It should be noted that flags may be disabled by prefixing a 2 to the values of the
Limit/Home flag addresses. This makes it easier to jog a system during the setup process if
motors are uncoupled from their load.
Normally, the default values are acceptable with this I-variable.
Ix29 Motor x Output DAC Bias
This bias output is used to compensate for input offsets in analog drivers.
Set this value to 0 for the Acc-8S interface.
Ix69 Motor x Output Command Limit
Range: 0 - 32,767
Units: PFM Register Bits
Default: 20,480
This parameter defines the magnitude of the largest number that may be placed into the PFM
register for output pulse frequency. If the PMAC2 calculates a larger number than Ix69’s value,
the number will be clipped to the limiting value.
The result of a limited output value will be a larger following error.
The default value appears to exceed most requirements for stepper motor applications. However,
the user may wish to limit the maximum pulse rate near the end of the setup process.
The formula for setting Ix69 is:
Accessory 8S
I-Variable Assignments (Non-Turbo) 11
The default values for I903, I904, and Ix69 will yield an output pulse frequency limit of
approximately 3,071,875 PPS (Pulses Per Second). Putting a cap on the pulse output rate may
keep the stepper system from exceeding its maximum step rate, which will help keep the motor
from losing sync with the PMAC2.
Ix70 Motor x Number of Commutation Cycles
Stepper motor operation requires that this value be set to 0. The default value is 1; therefore the
user must set this value.
Accidentally leaving this I-variable at a non-zero value may result in a motor that dithers when it
should be stopped. The reason for this variable to be set to 0 has to do with PMAC2 internal
PMAC2 Motor Servo Gain I-variables for Acc-8S
The PMAC2 applies its gain formulas to the Acc-8S the same way it does for a classic servo
system. The basic difference with a stepper system is that the typical encoder feedback interface
is handled using electronic circuitry rather than a physical encoder.
The Acc-8S interface allows the use of both an electronic encoder feedback and/or a physical
encoder feedback (depending upon the settings of jumpers E2 and E3). When used with an actual
physical encoder, the axis should be tuned as if it were a typical servomotor.
The process of tuning the simulated feedback loop is identical to tuning a servomotor with the
exception that some of the parameters become more predictable.
Ix30 Motor x Proportional Gain
To create a closed loop position response with a natural frequency of approximately 25 Hz and a
damping ratio of 1, use the following calculation:
PFMCLK is set to default of 9.83 MHz, and Ix08 is set to default of 96. Ix30 = 660,000 / (96 *
9.83) = 700.
Ix31 Motor x Derivative Gain
Derivative Gain is set to 0 because the motor system behaves like a velocity-loop servo drive.
This parameter sets the system damping which should be unnecessary.
Ix32 Motor x Velocity Feedforward Gain
Use the following equation to establish a value for Ix32:
Ix32 = 6660 * ServoFreq (kHz)
where ServoFreq (kHz) is the frequency of the servo interrupt as established by I900, I901, and
ServoFreq is set to default of 2.26 kHz (I900 = 6527, I901 = 0, I902 = 3). Ix32 = 6660 * 2.26 =
Accessory 8S
12 I-Variable Assignments (Non-Turbo)
If Ix30 were set differently from the above calculation, then Ix32 would change
inversely. For instance, if Ix30 were twice the above calculation, then Ix32
would be half its calculation.
Ix33 Motor x Integral Gain
This I-variable should typically be set to 0. Typically, the digital electronic loop does not present
offsets or disturbances that need correction in the PMAC2.
Ix33 may be set to force zero steady-state errors, should they be present with electronic encoder
Ix34 Motor x Integration Mode
The default value of 1 is sufficient for this, since Ix33 usually is set to zero. When Ix33 is set to
0, this I-variable has no effect.
Ix35 Motor x Acceleration Feedforward Gain
Start with this I-variable set to 0. The user will typically not need to change this value. However,
Ix35 might be adjusted to compensate for the small time delays created by the electronics when
accelerating the stepper.
The effect of adjusting Ix35 will be to reduce a slight following error during motor acceleration.
Ix36 - Ix39 Motor x Notch Filter Coefficients
These values should be set to their default value of 0. Since filter parameters adjust the way the
gains operate due to physical resonance of a system, there is no practical purpose for setting these
Accessory 8S
I-Variable Assignments (Turbo) 13
Similar to the non-turbo PMAC I-variables, Turbo PMAC must be configured to perform PFM
stepper motor control functions properly using the Acc-8S interface. Refer to the Turbo Software
Reference manual for more complete details on I-variable assignments. The following I-variables
must be set properly for stepper motor action on the Turbo PMAC2:
Multi-Channel Servo IC I-Variables
PFM Clock Frequency: At default this value will be 2258, which is to a PFM clock of
approximately 10Mhz, (which is about 10 times greater than normally needed). Therefore, this
value is not normally changed. Refer to the Turbo Software Reference manual for changing these
PFM Pulse Width: The pulse width is specified in PFM clock cycles and has a range of 1 to 255
cycles. The default value is 15. Since the default value of PFM clock is actually set to 9.8304
MHz, the default output pulse width will be 15/9,830400 = 1.5258 S. Note that when the PFM
clock values are changed, the PFM pulse width values must be evaluated for proper stepper drive
The user of a typical stepper drive should not need to modify these control variables. However,
PFM pulse width should be increased if the stepper drive’s input cannot handle the speed of the
Acc-8S’s pulse output. This often occurs with slow opto-couplers used on stepper drive inputs.
Channel-Specific Servo IC I-Variables
There are several hardware setup I-variables for the 32-axis possible with the Turbo PMAC2
controller. These are arranged with IC number (m) and channel number (n). For example, axes
12 would be the fourth channel (n=4) on the third IC (m=2). Refer to the Turbo Software
Reference Manual for a complete description.
I7mn0 Encoder/Timer n Decode Control
Range: 0 - 15 (Bits 0-3 of channel control word)
Units: None
Default: 7
If I7mn0 and I7mn8 are not matched properly, motor runaway will occur.
Accessory 8S
14 I-Variable Assignments (Turbo)
I7mn0 controls how the input signal for encoder is decoded into counts. This defines how the
Turbo PMAC2 interprets the sign and magnitude of a “count”. The following settings are used to
decode an input signal:
Depending on the version of DSPGate on the PMAC2 this I-variable should be set differently. If
the board has a DPGate1A the Acc-8S requires that the above values be set to either 0 or 4 if no
external encoder is used. This I-variable works in conjunction with I7mn8. Set I7mn0 to 0 to use
the default I7mn8 value. If the PMAC2 has a DSPGate1B or newer, I7mn0 should be set to 8 to
send the output pulse and direct back into the encoder conversion table to falsify it’s feedback.
I7mn6 Output Mode Select
Range: 0 - 3
Units: None
Default: 0
This I-variable establishes the format of outputs that will be used for each axis. The PMAC2 has
up to three channels that may be used to control many different types of motor drives. The Acc-
8S uses only the ‘C’ channel output of any particular axis. Channels A & B are always set to
output the same drive format.
A value of 2 or 3 must be used to interface correctly with the Acc-8S.
The default value of 3 will set the PMAC2 to output PFM. If only stepper drives are used, the
default value is a correct setting for the Acc-8S.
I7mn7 Output n Invert Control
Range: 0 - 3
Units: None
Default: 0
This I-variable establishes a polarity for the output pulses. Changing this variable to a 2 or 3 will
cause the output pulses to be active low.
The default of 0 for this variable should be sufficient for a typical Acc-8S to motor drive
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I-Variable Assignments (Turbo) 15
I7mn8 Output n PFM Direction Signal Invert Control
Range: 0 - 1
Units: None
Default: 0
If I7mn0 and I7mn8 are not matched properly, motor runaway will occur.
The polarity of the direction output is controlled by this I-variable. This output establishes an
active low or high output.
This I-variable works in conjunction with I7mn0. To operate correctly with the Acc-8S, if I7mn0
is set to 0, then I7mn8 is set to 0. If I7mn0 is set to 4, then I7mn8 is set to 1.
This default value works in conjunction with I7mn0 set to 0 for DSPGate1A or a value of 8 for
Turbo PMAC2 Motor Setup I-Variables for Acc-8S
Several motor I-variables must be set up properly to use PFM signals properly. Most of these are
address registers. Typically, motor 1 will use the circuits for axis interface 1, but this is not
absolutely necessary. Refer to the Turbo Software Reference Manual for more complete details
on I-variable assignments.
Ixx00 Motor xx Activate
This must be set to 1 to activate software for motor axis xx.
Ixx01 Motor xx Commutate Enable
This must be set to 0 for all Acc-8S axes.
Ixx02 Motor xx Command Output Address
This I-variable tells Turbo PMAC2 where to write output data. The following list of addresses is
the locations of the C output PFM registers for each channel.
Ixx02 for
Ixx02 for 1st
Acc24P/V2 or
Ixx02 for 2nd
Acc24P/V2 or
Ixx02 for 3rd
Acc24P/V2 or
Ixx02 for 4th
Acc24P/V2 or
These values are different from the PMAC2 default values. They must be set to operate with the
Acc-8S properly.
Accessory 8S
16 I-Variable Assignments (Turbo)
Ixx03 Motor x Position Loop Feedback Address
This I-variable tells PMAC2 where to look to get its position loop feedback. The following list of
addresses is the locations of the processed encoder counters for Turbo PMAC2:
I103 = $003501
I903 = $003509
I1703 = $003511
I2503 = $003519
I203 = $003502
I1003 = $00350A
I1803 = $003512
I2603 = $00351A
I303 = $003503
I1103 = $00350B
I1903 = $003513
I2703 = $00351B
I403 = $003504
I1203 = $00350C
I2003 = $003514
I2803 = $00351C
I503 = $003505
I1303 = $00350D
I2103 = $003515
I2903 = $00351D
I603 = $003506
I1403 = $00350E
I2203 = $003516
I3003 = $00351E
I703 = $003507
I1503 = $00350F
I2303 = $003517
I3103 = $00351F
I803 = $003508
I1603 = $003510
I2403 = $003518
I3203 = $003520
These addresses are pointers to a conversion table of default counter/timer locations. They point
to a set of registers that determine whether sub-count interpolation is used.
For best results with the Acc-8S, sub-count interpolation should be shut off. Use Configure menu
Encoder Table selection in the PMAC Executive program to modify the encoder values for no
extended interpolation.
This may be done also by writing to the encoder conversion with I8000 I8191. For example:
I8000 = $C78000
Be sure to use the SAVE command to store the above selections into flash memory.
Ixx04 Velocity Loop Feedback
This I-variable works very similar to Ixx03. Unless special conditions are desired, set Ixx04 to
the same value as Ixx03.
Ixx08, Ixx09 Motor xx Position and Velocity Loop Scale Factors
These two I-variables present a method of scaling motor activity. They both default to 96 and
need not be changed for most Acc-8S applications.
Changing Ixx08 may have an affect on gain parameter Ixx30.
Ixx11 - Ixx19 Motor x Safety Variables
Refer to the Turbo Software Reference Manual for the settings involved with these variables. If
these variables are set incorrectly, the motor’s movement may be restricted by velocity or
acceleration limits.
Ixx20 - Ixx23 Motor Movement Variables
Refer to the Turbo Software Reference Manual for the settings involved with these variables.
These variables establish homing and jogging speeds. For initial setup of the Acc-8S, the default
values usually work.
Ixx24 Motor xx Flag Mode Control
Refer to the Turbo Software Reference Manual for the settings involved with this variable. This
variable may be set to distinguish how the flags are used for the system. It should be noted that
flags might be disabled by prefixing a 2 to the values of the Limit/Home flag addresses. This
makes it easier to jog a system during the setup process if motors are uncoupled from their load.
Normally, the default values are acceptable with this I-variable.