5Kmsrup A/S • 55121441_E1_GB_02.2016
OMNICON Muli-Uiliy Conroller
2 Mounting
1 Rerofiing/replcemen of module
Moun he OMNICON Muli-Uily Conroller module in he meer in he following wy:
A Dismoun he op cover of he meer
B Plce he OMNICON Muli-Uiliy Conroller for RF in he meer (plese check h he 8
module pins re ll plugged in).
Plce OMNICON Muli-Uiliy Conroller for GSM on he OMNICON 2G modem in he meer
(noe h ll 8 pins of he module hve full conc).
C When he diode on OMNICON Muli-Uiliy Conroller emis ligh, he module is redy for use.
D Scn or wrie down he informion which he cenrl sysem is going o use o pir
OMNICON Muli-Uiliy Conroller wih he meers which i is going o red.
This informion ypiclly includes:
• The seril number of he elecriciy meer in which he OMNICON Muli-Uiliy Conroller
module is mouned
• The ddress or insllion number of he elecriciy meer
• The meer numbers of he flow meers which OMNICON Muli-Uiliy Conroller is going o
The insller mus wrie down or scn his informion upon insllion of he OMNICON
Muli-Uiliy Conroller modul in he meer. The cul piring of he unis is crried ou
subsequenly by he cenrl sysem on he bsis of his informion (in he cenrl sysem,
his informion is clled ”usge poins”) – i is no somehing h he insller mus crry
A insllion, MULTITERM Pro Wireless M-Bus hnd-held erminl cn be used o check
he signl condiions nd o see which meers re wihin rech.
See chper 3 pge 7, if he module does no indice norml opering condiions.
E Moun he op cover of he meer, nd sel he meer.