Cutlerywithwooden,horn china or
mother -of-pearl han dle s
Plast ici te ms t hat ar en ot heat r esis tant
Older cut lery with glued parts t hat a ren ot
Bonded c utlery ite msor dish es
Pewter or cop per i tems
Crystal gla ss
Steel item ssu bjec tto rust ing
Wooden p latte rs
Items madefromsyntheticfibres
So me ty pes of g lasses c anb ecome
dull afte ra la rg enumber of was hes
Silv er a nd a lumi num part sha ve a
tendencyto discolourduring washing
Glazedpatternsmayfade ifmachine
washed freq ue ntly
Are not suitable
Are of limited suitability
Dishesanditemsofcutlerymustnotlie insideoneanother, orcover eachoth er.
Toav oidd ama ge to gl asse s, th eym us t not t ouc h.
Lo ad large ite msw hich are mo stdifficul tto c lea n int oth e l ower bask et.
The uppe r bas ket i sde sig nedto ho ldm ore d eli cate and light erdishw are such as glasses ,coffee
Lo ng bladed k nive s sto redin a n upr igh tpo sitio nare a p otent ial haza rd!
Lo ng and/or s harp item so f cut lery such as carv ing kniv es m ust be p ositione d
h orizon ta ll yin the upp erb asket .
P lease do n ot ove rloa d yo ur di shwashe r. T his is importan tfor g ood resu lts a ndfo r
r easonab leconsu mpti onof en ergy.
Load items such as cups, glasses,
pans etc. With the opening facing downwards so that water
cannot collect in the container or a deep base.
Consider buyingutensilswhichare identifiedasdishwasher-proof.
Usea milddetergentthatisdescribedas'kindtodishes'.Ifnecessary,seek further
information fromthedetergentmanufacturers.
Forparticularitems,selectaprogramwithaslowa temperatureaspossible.
To pr ev ent da mag e, d o no t t ake gla ssa nd cutlery out of the di shw ashe r imm ediat el y
aft er t hep rogr amm ehase nde d.
(For best per formance of t hedi shwasher, f ollow t hese l oading guide lines.
Featu res and ap pearance of baske ts and cut lery ba skets m ayvary from your mod el.)
Scrape off any la rgea mount so fleft over foo d. Sof ten rem nants o fb urnt f ood i npans.
It is no tnecess ary tori nse t hed ishes u nder running water.
Pl ac e obje cts i nthe dis hwasher in fol lowing wa y:
1.Items su ch as cups, g la sses, po ts /pans, e tc. a re f aced downwa rds.
2.Curved i tems, or ones wit hrecess es,shoul dbe loade dasla nts oth atw ater can run off.
3.All u tensils a restacked securely and cannot tipov er.
4.All u tensils a re pl aced in t he way t hatthe spray arms can r otate f reely d urin gw ashing.
Very sm all it ems s hould n ot b ew ashed i n the dish washe ras they c ouldea silyfal lout o f the basket.
To pre ven twat er dr ip pingfr omthe uppe r ba sket i ntothe lower ba sket, we recommend tha tyou
empty the lowe rba sket f irstan dt he nthe upper ba sk et.