Type of system A PL1 PL2 M G
Traditional system
None None None None
, 1
÷4, ⇑⇓M None
My Home system (rolling shutters)
÷9 (with PL1 = PL2) None
, 1
÷4, PUL, ⇑⇓M None
, 1
My Home system (single load)
÷9 None None
, PUL None
, 1
The radio rolling shutter actuator can be used in both a traditional system and a My Home system.
In both cases it must be first configured and then programmed.
The rolling shutter actuator can be controlled by radio control devices such as remote control item 3527, transmitting radio interface L/N/NT4576N,
HC/HS4576 and radio control item H/L4572.
For the device a mode of operation can be chosen from those listed in the tables below. The device mode of operation is determined by the type
of configurator in socket M.
The relays are interlocked and the 2-module 2-function key cover should always be used.
If the configuration is wrong, once the actuator is connected the LED flashes.
When used in a traditional system, the device can be used to operate rolling shutters, blinds or similar loads. The sockets of configurators A, PL
and G are not used.
When used in a My Home system, the device can be used to operate blinds, rolling shutters and also to operate a single load. In both cases
transmitting radio interface item L/N/NT4576N must be installed and the actuator must be configured putting the correct configurators in the
sockets of configurators A, PL1, PL2 M and G.
If the device is to be used to operate rolling shutters and blinds A, PL1 and PL2 must be configured keeping PL1 = PL2.
If the device is to be used to operate a single load A and PL1 must be configured leaving PL2 not configured. In this case just one relay is used.
For details of the configuration refer to the following tables.
The configuration and/or customisation operations must be performed with the actuator switched OFF.
1. Switch on the device.
2. Keep the programming key pressed until the LED lights up (about 4 seconds).
3. Release the key.
4. Within 20 seconds send the signal from the radio control device to be programmed.
Example: For remote control item 3527 press the key to be associated with the actuator.
5. The LED flashes and then goes out, indicating that programming has taken place.
6. Repeat the sequence of operations from point 2 to point 5 for all the radio control devices to be programmed (max 16).
This operation cancels all the radio control devices previously programmed in the actuator.
Switch on the device.
Keep the local key pressed; after 4 seconds the LED lights up, keep the key pressed until the LED goes out.
Release the key.
The LED flashes and then goes out, indicating that all the radio control devices previously programmed in the actuator have been cancelled.
Possible functions
Combination configurator in M and type of key cover
2-module key cover with 1 function 2-module key cover with 2 functions
ON/OFF cyclical None
ON command pressing the upper key, OFF pressing the lower key
— O/I
ON/OFF cyclical
(The actuator ignores the Room and General commands)
Use for single load (Only in My Home system and with PL1 = 1÷9, PL2 = None).
The table below lists the modes of operation for the configurator in position M:
Configurator in M
2-module 2-function key cover
Timed stop for motorisations: the actuator deactivates after the time set:
None = 1 min, 1 = 2 min, 2 = 5 min, 3 = 10 min, 4 = infinite or until the next command
, 1
The actuator ignores the Room and General commands and deactivates after 1 minute
The actuator is in local monostable mode, while with the radio commands it deactivates after 1 minute
Use for rolling shutters (PL1 = PL2): The table below lists the modes of operation for the configurator in position M:
CAUTION! DANGER OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. Only press the programming pushbutton with a phaser or electrically insulated
screwdriver. This operation should only be performed by a trained electrician.
CAUTION! DANGER OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. Only press the programming pushbutton with a phaser or electrically insulated
screwdriver. This operation should only be performed by a trained electrician.