To replace the Auto-Shut-Off valve on your RO system, please follow steps below:
NOTE: If you get no water after replacing the ASO valve, that means the lines did
not go to the correct ports. Check and verify all 4 line connections will fix such problem.
Auto-Shut-Off (ASO) Valve Replacement
1) Turn off the feed water to the RO system. Close the tank’s ball valve. Turn on the RO spigot,
this relieves the pressure in the RO system, making line removal easier.
2) The ASO valve is mounted on the RO frame. There are 4 ports on the ASO valve, see diagram
below. Each port connects to a water line: Two RED or WHITE lines in ports #1 and #2 (at bottom),
two CLEAR lines in ports #3 and #4 (on top).
3) Take ASO valve out of its bracket. Please note how the 4 lines are connected to the old ASO,
so you can re-connect the lines to the correct ports on the new ASO valve.
Remove the lines:
- Disconnect all 4 lines from the old ASO.
4) After ASO replacement, turn on feed water, open the tank valve. Re-start RO system as usual.
©2018 APEC Water Systems. All rights reserved. v.2018.1 www.freedrinkingwater.com
Connect the New ASO:
- To connect line: simply push line into port (don’t add inserts or Teflon tape).
- Connect the lower left RED or WHITE line to port #1 (marked “IN” on ASO).
- Connect the lower right RED or WHITE line to port #2 (marked “OUT” on ASO).
- Connect the upper right CLEAR line to port #3, no marking.
- Connect the upper left CLEAR line to port #4, no marking.
- After connecting the 4 lines, the ASO side that has the “IN” and “OUT” markings should face
down. Mount ASO valve back into bracket.
- Each port is a “quick-connect” type fitting. To remove line, press in and hold down on the
small “collet” ring around the opening of the port, this will release the line. Pull line out while
holding down the collet ring.
(Depends on your model, tubings
at bottom can be RED or WHITE)
lace the Auto-Shut-O
your RO system, please
eps below
et no water a
the ASO valve, that me
lines di
to the correct ports. C
y all 4 line connect
ix such problem.
alve Replacement
1) Turn o
eed water to the R
. Close the tank’s ball valve. Turn on the RO spigot
this relieves the pressure in the RO system, making line removal easie
) The ASO valve is mounted on the RO
rame. There are 4 ports on the ASO valve, see diagra
below. Each
rt connects to a water line: Two RED or WHITE lines in
orts #1 and #2
at botto
two CLEAR lines in ports #3 and #4 (on top).
) Take ASO valve out o
acket. Please note how the 4 lines are connected to the old ASO
o you can re-connect the lines to the correct ports on the new ASO valve.
Disconnect all 4 lines
rom the old ASO.
ter ASO replacement, turn on
eed wate
open the tank valve. Re-start RO system
©2018 APEC Water Systems. All rights reser
t th
To connect line: simply p
nto port (don’t add inserts or Te
Connect the lower le
WHITE line to port #1 (ma
Connect the low
or WHITE line to port #2 (m
UT” on ASO
Connect the u
CLEAR line to
ort #3, no marki
Connect the u
EAR line to port #4, no marking.
ter connecting the 4 lines, the ASO side that has the “IN” and “OUT” markings should
own. Mount ASO valve back into bracket.
h port is a “quick-connect” type fitti
ove line, press in and hold do
l “collet” ring around the opening
port, this will release the line.
out whil
ding down the collet ring
at bottom can be RED or WHITE