Network administration experience
Bridgit server software functions in a complex network environment. Do not attempt to install or
configure the Bridgit server software unless you’re an experienced network administrator with a full
understanding of how your network functions.
Access to servers and infrastructure components on your network
Different network configurations use different types of access.
Type of access
Private local area
network (LAN) use
If your Bridgit server will be used only in a private LAN, you need access
to the following components of your LAN infrastructure:
An administrator login account with installation rights for the server
computer you’ll install Bridgit server software on.
Physical or remote login access, and an administrator login account
with configuration rights, for your network’s DHCP and DNS servers.
You could also need physical or remote login access to, and an
administrator login account with configuration rights for, your
network’s domain server which controls the software firewall
configurations for all of your network’s client computers. This is
dependent on your local network’s domain policies.
Use by different
networks connected to
a wide area network
If your Bridgit server will be used by different networks connected to a
WAN, you’ll need access to the following components of your LAN or
WAN infrastructure:
Physical or remote login access to, and an administrator login
account with configuration rights for, the routers, WAN firewalls, and
proxy servers between different segments of your WAN.
Physical or remote login access to, and an administrator login
account with configuration rights for, all DNS servers in each
segment of your WAN.
Use by clients with an
Internet connection
If your Bridgit server will be accessible to clients via the Internet, you need
access to the following components:
Physical or remote login access to, and an administrator login
account with configuration rights for, the routers, firewalls and proxy
servers between your network and the Internet.
Login access with configuration rights to the Internet registrar which
controls your company’s public Internet DNS records.