© MeetingSphere. January 2018 page 6
consumer Access Points such as Apples Airport series (2nd generation) will reliably support up to
about 50 connections (user machines; check the specs!). If you must expect a saturated radio
spectrum (such as inner London, New York, Paris), there is no way around truly professional kit
from the likes of Ruckus that will find and exploit the gaps. Use multiple Access Points with "Roam-
ing" for larger numbers of connecting computers.
Note that a Router is not an “Access Point” as we use the term here. If your favoured device
happens to be a router, you may be able to switch it to “Access Point” (“AP”) or “Bridge” mode
thereby disabling the unwanted router functionality. If you cannot switch to AP or Bridge mode,
buy another router which can do this or buy a (non-router) Access Point or check out Meeting-
Sphere’s guide “How to set up a Wireless Network for MeetingSphere Portable Server” which is
available on MeetingSphere’s website.
Configure the Access Point as follows:
IP = (an address reserved in the server's DHCP)
Router address (if asked): (the Portable Server)
DNS server (if asked): (the Portable Server)
SSID: visible, e.g. MeetingSphere
Encryption: WPA PSK2, AES (recommended)
Password: Pronounceable, e.g. MeetingSphere
1.2.2 IP address assignment (DHCP)
The MeetingSphere Portable Server is licensed only for operation on separate private networks
and is delivered with factory defaults (Meeting center) and .2 (console). The inte-
grated DHCP server provides IP addresses from through .254 dynamically to clients.
Addresses through .15 are reserved for devices with fixed IP such as Access Points,
printers or routers for extending the address range to very high numbers. For details, see chapter
“Network settings”
Note that, in the server console, the network of the Portable Server can be changed from e.g.
192.168.1 to e.g. 192.168.2. In this case, all IP addresses given above would change relative to
that new network number.
1.2.3 Domain name resolution (DNS)
The Portable Server is equipped with a DNS server which resolves name requests for
• meetingsphere.net (the Meeting center application)
• console-meetingsphere.net (the server console)
1.3 First login
After the Portable Server has been made available on the wireless network, log in to the two
components of the Server application and change passwords.