1.0 15
ibaPDA-Data-Store-InuxDB Data store conguraon
3.4 Buer
The data storage uses a memory buer and addionally a le buer that can be enabled opon-
The descripon applies to all types of data stores that transfer data to external systems and
where temporary accessibility and available bandwidth issues may occur, such as:
■ ibaHD mebased/event/lengthbased
■ DB/Cloud mebased
■ Kaa cluster mebased
■ MQTT mebased
■ MindSphere mebased
■ InuxDB mebased
Data to be sent to the target system always passes through the internal ibaPDA memory buer.
If the connecon to the target system exists, the data is sent there from the memory buer im-
mediately. If the connecon is lost, or the data cannot be sent out fast enough, the data remain
in the memory buer. The memory buer is located in the RAM of the ibaPDA computer and is
therefore limited and volale. If, for example, the acquision is restarted, the buered data will
be lost. If the memory buer grows beyond the congured size during ongoing acquision, the
oldest values are deleted and thus lost.
To improve this, a le buer can addionally be enabled, which can buer much larger amounts
of data. The data is stored in les in a directory in a local drive of the ibaPDA server. When the
le buer is enabled, data is transferred from the overowing memory buer to the le buer.
If the acquision is nished or restarted (e.g. by applying a modied IO conguraon), data that
may be in the memory buer at this me is also transferred to the le buer.
Aer reconnecng to the target system, the oldest data is always transferred rst. Newer values
are added to the buer in the meanme. If there is sll buered data in the le buer when the
acquision is started, it will be handled and processed in the same way. The data is saved in the
format that was congured in the data store at the me of buering and it is also sent in this
format when the connecon is established again.
You congure the buering in the Buer node of the respecve data store. The gure below
shows the buer conguraon using the example of DB/Cloud data store.