About Login
User Guide 7
3 About Login
This section provides information to help the administrator manage domain and local
users. The administrator can set authentication that allows the predefined users to
access the embedded server pages and set administrator passwords.
Levels of Login
An administrator can configure the device to require a user login before it is accessed,
in either of three different ways of authentication as described in this section.
If you select local or network authentication, User Login must be turned on.
The default user name and password, or the local administrator account when User
Login is turned off, is Admin.
Local Authentication
Users are registered in this device and one-to-one authentication is performed
between this printing system and a PC. A local account user accesses the embed-
ded server by entering a User Name and Password and selecting Local in the
drop-down list (if shown) below the entries, followed by clicking the Login button.
A user logged in with administrator privileges can gain access to My Information,
Device Information, Job Status, Document Box, Address Book, Device Set-
tings, Function Settings, Network Settings, Security Settings, Management
Settings, and Links on the navigation menu.
A user logged in with a general user account cannot add or delete document boxes,
nor view the Address Book, Device Settings, Function Settings, Network Set-
tings, Security Settings, and Management Settings.
To add, delete or configure a locally authenticated user, see Authentication on page
Network Authentication
If the device is configured for network authentication, the device and the relevant
PC's need to be under the management of a Windows domain network. Select the
domain you want to login to in the drop-down list, enter a User Name and Pass-
word, and then click the Login button.
A user logged in with administrator privileges can gain access to My Information,
Device Information, Job Status, Document Box, Address Book, Device Set-
tings, Function Settings, Network Settings, Security Settings, Management
Settings, and Links on the navigation menu.
A user logged in with a general user account cannot add or delete document boxes,
nor view the Address Book, Device Settings, Function Settings, Network Set-
tings, Security Settings, and Management Settings.
To add, delete or configure a network authenticated user, see Authentication on
page 90.