EN - 10 TruVision NVR 20 Quick Start Guide
Video search - Playback
The process for searching for video is:
1. Select the camera that you wish to search for video
on. Only one camera may be played back at a time.
2. Select the day you wish to view video (Day-Search)
from OR for the specific day enter a specific time
(Time-Search) to localize the search.
3. Press Search (or GO to, if time range search). The
video is loaded in the timeline below the video
display window. Schedule Recording (Time-lapse)
video is in blue and Motion or Alarm Input recording
is in Red.
4. The User controls the display via the Playback
controls. The available controls are:
• Play/Pause
• Stop
• Fast Forward (multiple steps …2x, 4x, 8x)
• Frame Advance
Note: Rewind is not supported in the browser.
The User can also control where playback time is by
placing their mouse in the time bar and dragging the
time display to the desired placement in the vertical
pointer. As the time bar is move across the vertical
pointer, the time updates so the user can see the current
time under the vertical pointer.
Day Search
Select the Date to view video from and press the Search
Day and Time Search
Select the Date to view video from and click the symbol
to enter a specific time to go to for playback. After
entering the desired time, press the Go to button.
Archive options
The TVN 20 has the ability to locally (from the unit itself)
archive video to a USB memory stick. This utilizes the
USB 2.0 and later style memory drive devices.
The unit will archive as much video as there is space on
the device. Video data is archived beginning with the
newest video to oldest video based upon the time stamp
of the video. The archive function simply copies the
selected video to the USB device.
There are two methods available to archive video from
the TVN 20 using a USB memory stick plugged into the
TVN 20.
Local USB Archive via COPY button
All actions are completed locally at the unit without the
need of a computer. Video files are automatically copied
off newest to oldest. The TVN 20 Archive Player, to
allow viewing on a computer, is also copied with the
video files.
Local USB Archive via Remote Back-Up
This process allows a USB memory device to be
inserted in the TVN 20 unit, but to have the archive
operation controlled by the Browser computer.
Additional capabilities include:
• Precise control over which video files are copied
• Ability to include Archive Player on the USB
device in addition to the video files.
The Archive Player application (Player.exe) is also
located on the TVN 20 Product Documentation disk.
Local USB archive via COPY button
Steps to archive off video to a USB memory drive
1. Insert USB device into either one of the two USB
ports on the front of the TVN 20
2. Press the COPY button
3. The ARCHIVE LED will begin flashing blue to let you
know the archive off function is proceeding
4. When the device is full the ARCHIVE LED stops
flashing the archive is completed and the device can
be removed safely from the device.
***** Please do not remove the USB device while
the ARCHIVE LED is flashing******
Troubleshooting tips
After the device is inserted and the COPY button is
pushed, if the ARCHIVE LED does not flash and the
TVN 20’s local audible triggers the archive off failed.
The reason for the failure can be:
• Incompatible USB device connected or USB device
not recognized
• No device is connected to the USB port
Local USB archive via TVN 20
Steps to archive off video to a USB memory drive