14TI0082 - Odyssey Table Installation Instructions
Place the worksurfaces on a non-marring surface and
attach the Embedded Braces to the routings using
the #10 x 1.00 Pan Head Phillips Wood Screws.
Note: When attaching the braces, secure both end and
then use every other screw hole provided. This will aid
when attaching the work surface to the table frame.
Before attaching the work surface to the table tops
assembly, verify there is no interference with the Top
Connection Bracket and any power unit/cutouts.
Location of the Top Connection Bracket
Tighten all of the brackets to the extrusion at this time.
Place the work surfaces onto the table frame. When
placing the end piece, insure there are no screw heads
interfering between the worksurface and the beams.
Any screw(s) causing interference may be removed.
This will only occur on the End Work Surface pieces.
Note: number of surfaces may vary depending on table length.
Verify the work surface is aligned and centered.
Attach the work surface to the table assembly using