941322_VMS Instruction Book 2006.pdf2009-09-07
No. Name Range Default Description/optionsNo. Name Range Default Description/options
0 = no acidic cleaning0 = no acidic cleaning
1 = one alkaline, one acidic cleaning1 = one alkaline, one acidic cleaning
2 = two alkaline, one acidic cleaning2 = two alkaline, one acidic cleaning
3 = etc.3 = etc.
Maintenance an calibration
The following points are important to sustain
correct dosing of etergents. Note that
these two tasks should be performed by an
authorised DeLaval service engineer.
•The tubes in the peristaltic pumps should
be replaced at least two times a year.
•The dosing volume (P6-P8) of the
detergent pumps should be checked
every third month. The dosing capacity
(P32-P34) may need to be adjusted.
Starting cleaning or rinsing
from the touch screen
Note: Any ongoing backflush process must
first be finished before cleaning or rinsing
can be started.
1. Ensure that the milking station is in
manual mode.
2. Remove any cow that might be in the
milking station.
After treatment window
Note: Both gates should be closed to
prevent a cow from entering before the
system cleaning has been started. Closing
and opening gates is done in the Stall
control window.
3. Press the tab After Treatment on the
touch screen to display the After treatment
4. In the After treatment window, press the
Cleaning and Rinsing button. This will open
the Cleaning and rinsing window.
No. Symptom Cause Action
Use a filter on the cable
Place the frequency converter
as far away as possible from
the antenna
Do not install the frequency
converter in the same cable
duct as the antenna
Input voltage below 12 VAC
Make sure the input voltage is
within tolerance, 12 VAC
+20%, -10%
Disturbance from:
– computer screens
– mobile telephone charger, or
– other electronics
(See actions above.) Use fil-
ters, keep long distance
between the antenna and the
noise source, do not install on
the same cable and use shiel-
ded wiring
Antenna mounted to close to:
– calf feeder (minimum 30 m)
– any none synchronized ID
equipment, or
– long wave radio transmitter
Increase the distance between
noise source and antenna
No. Symptom Cause Action
3 IRW is not connected to
Check ALPRO menu 6.8.1 to
see node status
The symbol * shows that a
node is connected to the bus
and correctly configured in
x shows that the IRW not is
connected to the bus but cor-
rectly configured in ALPRO
+ shows that the IRW is con-
nected to the bus but not cor-
rect configured in ALPRO
Check node address settings
on the IRW
Check that the ALCOM bus
wire is connected to pin 1 and
2 or 3 and 4
Check that the ALCOM bus
wire has proper connection to
Make sure that the Power LED
on the IRW is on.
ALPRO menu 6.8.1, node sta-
tus, indicates that the IRW is
not connected to ALPRO at all
times. The symbols are chang-
ing between * and x
All nodes on the network must
have correct ALCOM address
Check that all other nodes are
working properly. If another
node is broken, this might
cause communication prob-
lems on the bus
4 Power LED on the IRW is off Power supply off Check that 12 VAC is connec-
ted between pin 27 and 28
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© DeLaval 2016.
2016-09-14, Version 9 19 (24) 85417601