Juniper Security Director Insights Installation and Upgrade Guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Security Director Insights Installation and Upgrade Guide, and I'm ready to assist you with your questions. This document covers everything from initial installation using OVA or KVM, to implementing high availability, configuring the integrated Policy Enforcer for threat mitigation, and setting up log collection. I'm here to help you navigate the features and capabilities of Security Director Insights.
  • What is Security Director Insights?
    What are the benefits of using Security Director Insights?
    How do I configure high availability for Security Director Insights?
Security Director Insights Installaon and
Upgrade Guide
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Juniper Networks assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Juniper Networks reserves the right
to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publicaon without noce.
Security Director Insights Installaon and Upgrade Guide
Copyright © 2023 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
The informaon in this document is current as of the date on the tle page.
Juniper Networks hardware and soware products are Year 2000 compliant. Junos OS has no known me-related
limitaons through the year 2038. However, the NTP applicaon is known to have some diculty in the year 2036.
The Juniper Networks product that is the subject of this technical documentaon consists of (or is intended for use
with) Juniper Networks soware. Use of such soware is subject to the terms and condions of the End User License
Agreement ("EULA") posted at hps:// By downloading, installing or using such
soware, you agree to the terms and condions of that EULA.
Table of Contents
About This Guide | iv
Install and Upgrade Security Director Insights
Security Director Insights Overview | 2
Deploy and Congure Security Director Insights with Open Virtualizaon Appliance
(OVA) Files | 3
Install Security Director Insights With KVM virt-manager | 14
Add Security Director Insights as a Log Collector | 25
Security Director Insights High Availability Deployment Architecture | 30
Congure Security Director Insights High Availability | 31
Before You Begin | 32
Enable HA | 33
Manually Trigger Failover | 37
Disable HA | 40
Upgrade HA | 42
Congure High Availability for Security Director Insights as Log Collector | 44
Congure Policy Enforcer for Security Director Insights Migaon | 46
Add Security Director Insights Nodes | 47
Congure Security Director Insights as Integrated Policy Enforcer | 47
Create Custom Feeds for Migaon | 50
Congure Security Director Insights Migaon Using Policy Enforcer | 51
Monitor Migaon Through Policy Enforcer | 52
Upgrade Security Director Insights | 54
About This Guide
Use this guide to understand the architecture and deployment of Security Director Insights. It also
includes procedures for conguring Policy Enforcer for migaon, adding log collector nodes, and HA
Install and Upgrade Security Director
Security Director Insights Overview | 2
Deploy and Congure Security Director Insights with Open Virtualizaon
Appliance (OVA) Files | 3
Install Security Director Insights With KVM virt-manager | 14
Add Security Director Insights as a Log Collector | 25
Security Director Insights High Availability Deployment Architecture | 30
Congure Security Director Insights High Availability | 31
Congure High Availability for Security Director Insights as Log Collector | 44
Congure Policy Enforcer for Security Director Insights Migaon | 46
Upgrade Security Director Insights | 54
Security Director Insights Overview
Benets | 2
Security Director Insights Architecture | 2
Security Director Insights is a single virtual appliance (Service VM) that runs on the VMware vSphere
infrastructure. It facilitates automated security operaons. It enables you to take eecve acons on
security events logged by Juniper Networks security products. The events that aect a host or events
that are impacted by a parcular threat source are presented by Security Director Insights from dierent
security modules. These events provide instantaneous informaon about the extent and stage of an
aack. Security Director Insights also detects the hosts and servers under aack by analyzing events
that are not severe enough to block. The applicaon contains an opon to verify the incidents using
your trusted threat intelligence providers. Aer you have veried the incidents, you can take prevenve
and remedial acons using the rich capabilies of our security products.
Reduce the number of alerts across disparate security soluons
Quickly react to acve threats with one-click migaon
Improve the security operaons center (SOC) teams’ ability to focus on the highest priority threats
Security Director Insights Architecture
The Service VM provides the following funconality, as shown in Figure 1 on page 3.
Figure 1: Security Director Insights Architecture
The Service VM works with the Security Director ecosystem. The Security Director Insights GUI is
integrated into the Security Director GUI.
The Log Collector and Policy Enforcer are integrated within the Security Director Insights VM.
Add Insights Nodes
Deploy and Congure Security Director Insights
with Open Virtualizaon Appliance (OVA) Files
Before You Begin
Ensure that there are no snapshots. You must delete the snapshot before expanding the disk size.
We recommend to create a backup by cloning the VM before expanding the disk size.
Security Director Insights requires VMware ESXi server version 6.5 or later to support a virtual machine
(VM) with the following conguraon:
8 CPUs
1.2-TB disk space
If you are not familiar with using VMware ESXi servers, see VMware Documentaon and select the
appropriate VMware vSphere version.
To deploy and congure the Security Director Insights with OVA les, perform the following tasks:
1. Download the Security Director Insights VM OVA image from the Juniper Networks soware
download page.
NOTE: Do not change the name of the Security Director Insights VM image le that you
download from the Juniper Networks support site. If you change the name of the image le,
the creaon of the Security Director Insights VM may fail.
2. Launch the vSphere Client that is connected to the ESXi server, where the Security Director
Insights VM is to be deployed.
3. Select File > Deploy OVF Template.
The Deploy OVF Template page appears, as shown in Figure 2 on page 5.
Figure 2: Select an OVF Template Page
4. In the Select an OVF template page, select the URL opon if you want to download the OVA image
from the internet or select Local le to browse the local drive and upload the OVA image.
5. Click Next.
The Select a name and folder page appears.
6. Specify the OVA name, installaon locaon for the VM, and click Next.
The Select a compute resource page appears.
7. Select the desnaon compute resource for the VM, and click Next.
The Review details page appears.
8. Verify the OVA details and click Next.
The License agreements page appears, as shown in Figure 3 on page 6.
Figure 3: License Agreement Page
9. Accept the EULA and click Next.
The Select storage page appears.
10. Select the desnaon le storage for the VM conguraon les and the disk format. (Thin
Provision is for smaller disks and Thick Provision is for larger disks.)
Click Next. The Select networks page appears.
11. Select the network interfaces that will be used by the VM.
IP allocaon can be congured for DHCP or Stac addressing. We recommend using Stac IP
Allocaon Policy.
Click Next. The Customize template page appears. For DHCP instrucons, see Step 13.
12. For IP allocaon as Stac, congure the following parameters for the virtual machine:
IP address—Enter the Security Director Insights VM IP address.
Netmask—Enter the netmask.
Gateway—Enter the gateway address.
DNS Address 1—Enter the primary DNS address.
DNS Address 2—Enter the secondary DNS address.
Figure 4: Customize Template Page
13. For IP allocaon as DHCP, enter the search domain, hostname, device name, and device descripon
for the virtual machine.
This opon is recommended only for the Proof of Concept type of short-term deployments. Do not
use this opon.
Click Next. The Ready to complete page appears, as shown in Figure 5 on page 8.
Figure 5: Ready to Complete Page
14. Verify all the details and click Finish to begin the OVA installaon.
15. Aer the OVA is installed successfully, power on the VM and wait for the boot-up to complete.
16. Once the VM powers on, in the CLI terminal, log in as administrator with the default username as
“admin” and password as “abc123”.
Aer you log in, you will be prompted to change the default admin password. Enter a new
password to change the default password, as shown in Figure 6 on page 8.
Figure 6: Default Admin Password Reset
The Security Director Insights deployment is now complete.
17. You must now add the Security Director Insights node to Junos Space by performing the following
Log in to Security Director GUI and navigate to Administraon > Insights Management >
Insights Nodes.
Enter the Security Director Insights IP address and the admin password (from Step 16).
Click Save to complete integrang the Security Director Insights VM into Security Director.
To know more about how to add Security Director Insights nodes, see
Add Insights Nodes
NOTE: You can use the Security Director Insights VM as a log collector and as an integrated
Policy Enforcer.
Reserve Resources on VMware vCenter
To reserve CPU and memory on vSphere:
1. Power o the VM, as shown in Figure 7 on page 9.
Figure 7: VM Power O Buon
2. Once the VM is completely powered down, click the edit buon as show in Figure 8 on page 9.
Figure 8: VM Edit Buon
The Edit Sengs page appears, as shown in Figure 9 on page 10. Edit the values in the Virtual
Hardware page.
Figure 9: Edit Sengs Page
3. In the CPU secon, modify the number of CPU cores and select the values for Reservaon and Limit
from the respecve lists.
4. In the Memory secon, select the required memory reservaon and limit values from the lists. For
relevant values, refer the Performance Matrix table in "Add Security Director Insights as a Log
Collector" on page 25.
5. Click OK.
Verify If the VM is Geng Enough Resources
To verify if enough resources are geng allocated to the VM at run me, select
Monitor>Performance>Advanced in the vSphere and check the CPU clock speeds. as shown in Figure
10 on page 11.
Figure 10: Monitor CPU Clock Speeds
You can view both CPU usage and reserved memory by selecng the required view from the View list. If
the CPU usage does not reach the allocated peak and you observe any performance issues, it may
indicate that the ESXi host on which this VM is running might be over subscribed. Reserving a dedicated
CPU or memory for the VM might help.
NOTE: You can calculate the clock speed reservaon by using the formula (number of cores *
clock speed of ESXi host * 1000 MHz. Set “unlimited” in the limit eld. You must fully reserve the
memory for each conguraon. For example, for a 8 core and 16 GB memory conguraon
running on a 2.2GHz ESXi host, clock speed reservaon is (8 cores * 2.2 * 1000 Mhz) = 17600
MHz (17.6 GHz). The limit is unlimited. Memory is 16GB reserved and limit as unlimited.
Expand the VM Disk Size
To expand the disk to the maximum available size for an OVA le:
1. Log in to vSphere and power down the VM.
2. Click the Edit VM sengs icon, as shown in Figure 11 on page 12.
Figure 11: Edit VM Sengs Icon
3. Set the hard disk size, as shown in Figure 12 on page 13.
Figure 12: Edit Sengs Page
4. Power on the VM.
5. Log in to the Admin CLI and switch to server mode.
6. Run set disk-partition-to-full command.
The new disk size is the size of /dev/sda2.
Add Security Director Insights as a Log Collector | 25
Congure Security Director Insights High Availability | 31
Security Director Insights High Availability Deployment Architecture | 30
Congure Policy Enforcer for Security Director Insights Migaon | 46
Install Security Director Insights With KVM virt-
Before You Begin
Ensure that there are no snapshots. You must delete the snapshot before expanding the disk size.
We recommend to create a backup by cloning the VM before expanding the disk size.
You can install and launch Security Director Insights with the
virt-manager GUI package.
Before you begin, you must ensure:
You have already installed KVM, qemu, virt-manager, and libvirt on your host OS.
You have created a bridge network to access KVM through SSH.
In this document, a bridge network br0 is created with Netplan. Figure 13 on page 15 shows an
example conguraon from the /etc/netplan/00-installer-cong.yaml le.
Figure 13: Example Conguraon of br0
To install Security Director Insights with virt-manager:
1. Download the Security Director Insights KVM image from the Juniper soware download site.
2. On your host OS, type virt-manager.
The Virtual Machine Manager page appears, as shown in Figure 14 on page 16.
Figure 14: Virtual Machine Manager Page
NOTE: You must have admin rights on the host OS to use virt-manager.
3. Click the Create a new virtual machine icon, as shown in Figure 15 on page 16.
The Create a new virtual machine page appears.
Figure 15: Create a New Virtual Machine
4. Select Import exisng disk image, and click Forward.