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- Always unplug the appliance before removing accessories or
cleaning the motor unit.
- To clean the Click & Go button, you can unscrew it by turning it
anticlockwise. Clean the lid in the dishwasher or let it soak in warm
water with some washing-up liquid for a while and rinse it under
the tap with clean water. If the Click & Go housing is still dirty after
cleaning in the dishwasher, clean it in the dishwasher a second
- You can quickly and easily clean the food processor bowl and
blender jar by means of the Clean button. Simply add some water
and washing-up liquid to the dirty bowl or jar, secure the lid and
press the Clean button until the bowl or jar is clean.
- When cleaning the food processor bowl in this way, make sure
either the blade or the kneading accessory has been assembled in
the bowl.
- To clean the balloon beater, pull the beater out of the gear housing.
Then open the housing by pulling the latch sideways and take out
the two gearwheels. Clean the gearwheels and the beater in hot
water with some washing-up liquid.
- The gearwheels and the beater can also be cleaned in the
dishwasher. The gear housing can be wiped with a moist cloth.