BCU 480 · Edition 03.16l 2
▼ = To be continued
Burner control units BCU 480 .......................1
Contents ............................................2
1 Application ........................................5
1.1 Examples of application ........................... 7
1.1.1 Stage-controlled main burner with alternating
pilot burner ..................................................7
1.1.2 Stage-controlled main burner with permanent
pilot burner ..................................................8
1.1.3 Two-stage-controlled main burner with
permanent pilot burner......................................9
1.1.4 Modulating-controlled burner ......................10
1.1.5 BCU 480..B1 for PROFIBUS DP ......................11
1.1.6 BCU 480..D:
High temperature equipment ..............................11
2 Certification ......................................12
3 Function ..........................................13
3.1 Connection diagrams .............................13
3.1.1 BCU 480..E1.........................................13
3.1.2 BCU 480 ............................................. 14
3.1.3 BCU 480..B1..E1 ....................................15
3.1.4 BCU 480..B1.........................................16
3.1.5 BCU 460..P..E1 with industrial plug connector ......17
3.1.6 BCU 460..P with industrial plug connector . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2 BCU..P with 16-pin industrial plug connector ....19
3.3 PROFIBUS DP ................................... 20
3.3.1 Safety-related control signals.......................20
3.3.2 BCSoft................................................21
3.3.3 Configuration, MasterSlave procedure .............21
3.3.4 Addressing............................................21
3.3.5 Network technology.................................22
3.3.6 Configuration........................................22
3.3.7 Bus communication .................................22
3.4 BCU 480 program sequence .....................24
3.5 Program status and fault messages..............27
4 Parameters ...................................... 29
4.1 Scanning the parameters........................ 30
4.2 Flame control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.2.1 Flame signal, pilot burner ............................31
4.2.2 Flame signal, main burner............................31
4.2.3 Program status when the most recent fault
occurred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
4.2.4 Switch-off threshold of the flame amplifier..........31
4.2.5 High temperature operation in the case of BCU..
D2 or BCU..D3 ............................................. 32
4.2.6 UVS check ...........................................35
4.3 Pilot and main burner monitoring ................36
4.3.1 Permanent pilot burner...............................37
4.3.2 Interrupted pilot burner ..............................37
4.4 Behaviour in start-up position/standby ..........38
4.4.1 Flame simulation check in start-up position/
standby ....................................................38
4.4.2 Minimum burner pause time tBP ....................39
4.5 Behaviour during start-up ....................... 40
4.5.1 Safety time on start-up tSA .........................40
4.5.2 Flame proving period tFS ............................41
4.5.3 Minimum burner on time tB ..........................41
4.5.4 Burner start-up attempts ........................... 42
4.6 Behaviour during operation...................... 44
4.6.1 Safety time during operation tSB for pilot and main
burners ....................................................44
4.6.2 Fault lock-out or restart, pilot burner ...............44
4.6.3 Fault lock-out or restart, main burner...............46
4.6.4 Program status on last fault .........................47
4.7 Air valve control on BCU..L ....................... 48
4.7.1 Purge.................................................48
4.7.2 Cooling in start-up position/standby ...............48
4.7.3 Burner start ..........................................48
4.7.4 Air valve opens in the case of external activation
(not during start-up).......................................49
4.7.5 Air valve opens in the case of external activation
(even during start-up) .....................................50
4.7.6 Air valve opens with valve V2 .........................51