SICK CDF600-0100 PROFIBUS-DP Field bus module Operating instructions

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Field bus module
Module for connecting a SICK bar code scanner
Operating Instructions
CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP
2 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Software Versions
Possible radio interference when used in homes!
The CDF600-0100 field bus module meets the requirements for Class A (industrial
environment) as defined by the generic specification 'Emissions'. It may cause radio
interference in homes. In this case, the party suffering the interference can demand that
the operator takes appropriate radio interference suppression measures.
Use the CDF600-0100 field bus module only in industrial environments.
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SICK AG Waldkirch
Auto Ident, Reute Plant
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Latest manual version
For the latest version of this manual (PDF), see
Device/Software/Tool Function Version
Configuration of CDF600 via connected SICK identification sensor supporting the proxy function
Integration of CDF600/identification sensor in the field bus master program via GSD file
CDF600-0100 field bus mod-
ule for PROFIBUS
Firmware From V 1.0
CLV6xx bar code scanner Firmware From V 2.50
SOPAS-ET device description
for CLV6xx bar code scanner
Device-specific SICK software module for SOPAS-ET
configuration software
From V 2.50
SOPAS-ET SICK configuration software running under Win-
From V 2.50
GSD file for CLV6xx
bar code scanner
Setting up file for PROFIBUS master From V 2.61
Remote configuration of the CLV6xx bar code scanner by the field bus master program
CDF600-0100 field bus mod-
ule for PROFIBUS
Firmware From V 1.13
CLV6xx bar code scanner Firmware From V 3.30
SOPAS-ET device description
for CLV6xx bar code scanner
Device-specific SICK software module for SOPAS-ET
configuration software
From V 3.30
GSD file for CLV6xx
bar code scanner
Setting up file for PROFIBUS master From V 2.61
Operating Instructions
8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 3
Table of contents
1 Notes on this document ............................................................................................... 9
1.1 Purpose....................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Target group ............................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Depth of information.................................................................................................. 9
1.4 Used symbols ...........................................................................................................10
2 Safety information ......................................................................................................11
2.1 Authorized users ......................................................................................................11
2.2 Intended use.............................................................................................................11
2.3 General safety precautions and protection measures ..........................................13
2.4 Quick stop and quick restart ...................................................................................14
2.5 Environmental information......................................................................................15
3 Quick-Start....................................................................................................................17
4 Product description .....................................................................................................21
4.1 Design of the field bus module ...............................................................................21
4.2 Included in delivery ..................................................................................................23
4.3 System requirements...............................................................................................23
4.4 Product features and functions (overview) ............................................................24
4.5 Control elements and indicators.............................................................................25
4.6 Field bus module methods of operation ................................................................28
4.7 Communication via PROFIBUS................................................................................35
4.8 CDF600 mode with/without handshake and digital I/Os in Control Word In
and Control Word Out ..............................................................................................35
4.9 CMF400 module with/without handshake and digital I/Os in the header..........45
4.10 BMV-compatible mode with handshake, but without digitial I/O .........................46
4.11 Diagnosis ..................................................................................................................46
5 Installation....................................................................................................................47
5.1 Overview of installation sequence ..........................................................................47
5.2 Installation preparations .........................................................................................47
5.3 Installation location..................................................................................................47
5.4 Installation of the field bus module ........................................................................47
6 Electrical installation ..................................................................................................49
6.1 Overview of installation sequence ..........................................................................49
6.2 Electrical installation preparations .........................................................................49
6.3 Electrical connections and cables ..........................................................................53
6.4 Performing electrical installation ............................................................................57
6.5 Pin assignment and wire color assignment of the assembled cables .................64
7 Startup and Configuration..........................................................................................67
7.1 Overview of the startup procedure .........................................................................67
7.2 Configuring the field bus module............................................................................67
7.3 Configuring the bar code scanner...........................................................................67
7.4 Memory concept for parameter set of the bar code scanner ...............................80
7.5 Default settings (delivery status) ............................................................................81
7.6 Switching off the field bus module and the bar code scanner .............................81
8 Maintenance ................................................................................................................83
8.1 Maintenance during operation................................................................................83
8.2 Cleaning the field bus module ................................................................................83
8.3 Replacing a field bus module..................................................................................83
9 Troubleshooting ...........................................................................................................85
9.1 Overview of errors and malfunctions which could occur.......................................85
9.2 Monitoring errors and malfunctions .......................................................................85
9.3 Troubleshooting........................................................................................................85
9.4 SICK Support ............................................................................................................86
10 Technical Data .............................................................................................................87
10.1 Data sheet CDF600-0100 field bus module..........................................................87
10.2 CDF600-0100 Dimensional drawing......................................................................89
10.3 EC Declaration of Conformity ..................................................................................90
Operating Instructions
CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP
4 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
11 Appendix.......................................................................................................................91
11.1 Appendix overview................................................................................................... 91
11.2 Flowcharts for the host program ............................................................................ 92
11.3 Ordering information for field bus module and accessories ................................ 95
11.4 Supplementary documentation .............................................................................. 97
11.5 Description of data transfer procedure in the BMV-compatible mode
(BMV10/BMH10)..................................................................................................... 98
Operating Instructions
Figures and Tables
8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 5
CDF Connection Device Fieldbus
CLV Code-Leser V-Prinzip (Code reader V principle)
GSD General Station Description
LED Light Emitting Diode
LPS Limited Power Source (limiting power supply source accord. to UL60950-1, Chapter 2.5)
LSB Least Significant Byte
MSB Most Significant Byte
MTTF Mean Time To Failure
PLC Progammable Logic Controller
PNO PROFIBUS-Nutzerorganisation (PROFIBUS User Organsisation)
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory.
PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS-Dezentrale Peripherie (PROFIBUS Decentralized Peripherals)
SOPAS-ET SICK Open Portal for Application and Systems Engineering Tool
(PC software for Windows for configuring the field bus module)
Table 1-1: Target group........................................................................................................9
Table 2-1: Required qualification for starting up the field bus module......................... 11
Table 4-1: Field bus module delivery ............................................................................... 23
Table 4-2: Variants of the CDF600-0100 field bus module ........................................... 23
Table 4-3: Overview of the field bus module’s product features and functions ........... 24
Table 4-4: Importance of the 16-stage rotary coding switch S 1 ("Mode").................... 25
Table 4-5: Importance of the 10-stage rotary coding switches S 2 and S 3
("Address")........................................................................................................ 26
Table 4-6: Meaning of the six LEDs on the field bus module......................................... 27
Table 4-7: Communication modi of the field bus module and assigned
functions (overview) ........................................................................................ 31
Table 4-8: Overview: Address layout regarded from the field bus master .................... 36
Table 4-9: "Binary Inputs" bytes assignment in the CDF600 mode............................... 42
Table 4-10: "Binary Outputs" bytes assignment in the CDF600 mode ............................ 42
Table 4-11: "Control Word In" module assignment in the CDF600 mode ....................... 43
Table 4-12: "Control Word Out" module assignment in the CDF600 mode .................... 44
Table 4-13: "Binary Inputs" byte assignment in the CMF400 mode ................................ 45
Table 4-14: "Binary Outputs" byte assignment in the CMF400 mode ............................. 46
Table 6-1: Prefabricated cables for the field bus module for ambient
temperatures range 0 °C to +40 °C (+32 °F to 104 °F) ............................ 53
Table 6-2: Function of the connections ........................................................................... 54
Table 6-3: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device socket "IN 2" (A-coded)................ 55
Table 6-4: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device socket "IN 1" (A-coded)................ 55
Table 6-5: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device socket "OUT 1/2" (A-coded) ........ 55
Table 6-6: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device socket "BUS OUT" (B-coded) ....... 55
Table 6-7: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device plug "BUS IN" (B-coded)............... 56
Table 6-8: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device plug "POWER" (A-coded).............. 56
Table 6-9: Pin assignment of the 4-pin M8 device socket "AUX" (RS 232)................... 56
Table 6-10: Pin assignment of the 15-pin D-Sub-HD socket "DEVICE" ............................ 56
Table 6-11: Power consumption of the bar code scanner of the product range
CLV6xx .............................................................................................................. 58
Operating Instructions
CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP
6 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Figures and Tables
Table 6-12: PROFIBUS: Data transfer rate as a function of the cable length of a
bus segment .....................................................................................................60
Table 6-13: Ratings for the IN 1 and IN 2 switching inputs ..............................................61
Table 6-14: Ratings for the OUT 1 and OUT 2 switching outputs .....................................62
Table 6-15: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 socket (A-coded, straight) and
wire colors at the open end.............................................................................64
Table 6-16: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 socket (A-coded, 90° angular)
and wire colors at the open end......................................................................64
Table 6-17: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 plug (A-coded, straight) and wire
colors at the open end .....................................................................................64
Table 6-18: Pin assignment of the 4-pin M8 plug and the 9-pin D-Sub plug...................65
Table 7-1: CDF600 mode: Binary operation of the function bits D15 ...D12
with the index ...................................................................................................71
Table 7-2: CMF400 mode: Binary operation of the function bit Output Bit 0
and Output Bit 1 with the index ......................................................................75
Table 7-3: Default setting of the field bus module ..........................................................81
Table 7-4: Default setting of the CLV6xx bar code scanner regarding the
integration to the PROFIBUS ...........................................................................81
Table 9-1: Troubleshooting table (bar code scanner connected to field bus
Table 10-1: Technical specifications of the CDF600-0100 ..............................................87
Table 11-1: CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP ......................................95
Table 11-2: In stock accessories: protection cover for rotary coded switches of the
CDF600-0100 field bus module .....................................................................95
Table 11-3: In stock accessories: Cables and connectors for ambient temperatures
range 0 °C to +40 °C (+32°F to 104 °F)......................................................96
Table 11-4: Supplementary documentation for installation the CDF600-0100
field bus module...............................................................................................97
Table 11-5: Overview of the 1st control byte IN in the BMV-compatible mode ............ 100
Table 11-6: Overview of the 2nd control byte IN in the BMV-compatible mode ........... 101
Table 11-7: Overview of the 1st control byte OUT in the BMV-compatible mode ......... 101
Table 11-8: Overview of the 2nd control byte OUT in the BMV-compatible mode........ 102
Fig. 3-1: Block diagram: Connecting the CDF600-0100 field bus module ..................17
Fig. 4-1: View of the CDF600-0100 field bus module; connections here shown
without yellow protection caps and plugs........................................................22
Fig. 4-2: Rotary coding switch for mode and address on the field bus module ..........25
Fig. 4-3: Position of the LEDs on the field bus module .................................................27
Fig. 4-4: Incorporation into the PROFIBUS: CLV6xx Bar Code Scanner or RS 232
device .................................................................................................................28
Fig. 4-5: Function of the Aux interface of the proxy-capable CLV6xx bar code
scanner ..............................................................................................................29
Fig. 4-6: Structure of data telegrams in the CDF600 mode..........................................32
Fig. 4-7: Structure of data telegrams in the CMF400 mode.........................................33
Fig. 4-8: Structure of data telegrams in the BMV-compatible mode............................34
Fig. 5-1: Drill holes for installing the field bus module and the optional
protection cover (rotary coded switches).........................................................48
Fig. 6-1: Currents in the cable shields due to differences in ground potential ...........50
Fig. 6-2: Use of electro-optical signal converters...........................................................51
Fig. 6-3: Insulated assembly of the field bus module and the peripheral
devices (sample)................................................................................................52
Fig. 6-4: Block diagram: Connecting the CDF600-0100 field bus module ..................53
Fig. 6-5: Position of the connections on the field bus module .....................................54
Fig. 6-6: Protection caps and plugs of the connections ................................................57
Fig. 6-7: Wiring the power supply voltage for the field bus module combined
Operating Instructions
Figures and Tables
8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 7
with a bar code scanner CLV63x to 65x with heating in the control
cabinet............................................................................................................... 59
Fig. 6-8: Example wiring of the switching input IN 1 at the 5-pin M12 socket
(A-coded)............................................................................................................ 61
Fig. 6-9: Example wiring of the switching output OUT 1 at the 5-pin M12 socket
(A-coded)............................................................................................................ 62
Fig. 7-1: SOPAS-ET:
register tab ........................................................................................................ 68
Fig. 7-2: SOPAS-ET:
ONTROL register tab........................................................................................... 69
Fig. 7-3: SOPAS-ET:
TEACH-IN register tab ........................................................................................... 69
Fig. 7-4: SOPAS-ET:
OPTIONS group on the FOCUS CONTROL register tab............................ 70
Fig. 7-5: SOPAS-ET:
register tab ........................................................................................................ 70
Fig. 7-6: SOPAS-ET:
EXTERNAL OUTPUT 1 group on the DIGITAL OUTPUTS register tab........... 71
Fig. 7-7: SOPAS-ET:
register tab, with CMF400 mode ..................................................................... 72
Fig. 7-8: SOPAS-ET:
register tab, with CMF400 mode and
USAGE OUTPUT BIT 0 for object
triggering............................................................................................................ 73
Fig. 7-9: SOPAS-ET:
ONTROL register tab........................................................................................... 73
Fig. 7-10: SOPAS-ET:
register tab, with CMF400 mode and USAGE OUTPUT BIT 0 for focus point
switching............................................................................................................ 74
Fig. 7-11: SOPAS-ET:
OPTIONS group on the FOCUS CONTROL register tab............................ 74
Fig. 7-12: SOPAS-ET:
register tab ........................................................................................................ 75
Fig. 7-13: SOPAS-ET:
register tab, mit USAGE INPUT BIT 0 for outputting GOOD READ ............................. 76
Fig. 7-14: SOPAS-ET:
register tab, BMV-compatible mode ................................................................ 77
Fig. 7-15: SOPAS-ET: Example:
OUTPUT FORMAT # 1 on the OUTPUT FORMAT register tab ..... 77
Fig. 7-16: Assignment of the switching inputs and outputs of the field bus
module in the bar code scanner ...................................................................... 78
Fig. 7-17: SOPAS-ET:
register tab ........................................................................................................ 78
Fig. 7-18: SOPAS-ET:
EXTERNAL OUTPUT 1 group on the DIGITAL OUTPUTS register tab........... 79
Fig. 7-19: Configuration with SOPAS-ET and storage of the parameter set in the
bar code scanner and field bus module.......................................................... 80
Fig. 10-1: Dimensions of the CDF600-0100 ................................................................... 89
Fig. 10-2: EC Declaration of Conformity for the CDF600-0100 field bus module
(page 1, scaled down version) ......................................................................... 90
Fig. 11-1: Flowchart for the host: Receiving data (host from bar code scanner,
with blocking) in the CDF600/CMF400 mode................................................ 92
Fig. 11-2: Flowchart for the host: Receiving data (host from bar code scanner,
without blocking) in the CDF600 /CMF400 mode ......................................... 93
Fig. 11-3: Flowchart for the host: Sending data (host to bar code scanner,
without blocking) in the CDF600/CMF400 mode .......................................... 94
Fig. 11-4: Overview: Connections of the CDF600-0100 and cables with M12/
M8 plug-in connections .................................................................................... 95
Fig. 11-5: Structure of the individual messages in the BMV-compatible mode ............ 98
Fig. 11-6: Structure of the messages in case of message block formation in
the BMV-compatible mode............................................................................... 99
Operating Instructions
CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP
8 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Figures and Tables
Operating Instructions Chapter 1
Notes on this document
8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 9
1 Notes on this document
1.1 Purpose
This document provides instructions for technical staff on the installation and operation of
the field bus module CDF600-0100 for PROFIBUS-DP. The field bus module is used to con-
nect a SICK bar code scanner from the CLV6xx product family to the PROFIBUS-DP.
This document contains the following information:
Electrical installation
Startup and configuration (parameterization)
Replacing the field bus module
A step-by-step approach is taken for all tasks.
Important From now on the devices are simply referred in this document as:
CDF600-0100 field bus module for PROFIBUS-DP field bus module
CLV6xx bar code scanner bar code scanner
PROFIBUS network/data transfer procedure using the PROFIBUS-DP protocols 
1.2 Target group
The target group of this document is persons assigned the following tasks:
1.3 Depth of information
This document contains all information for installation, electrical installation and starting up
the CDF600-0100 field bus module at the installation location. It describes the incorpora-
tion into PROFIBUS of a SICK identification sensor that supports the field bus module in its
function as a proxy.
The future incorporation of an identification sensor that does not support this function of
the field bus module is being prepared. The field bus module when operates in a special
mode as RS 232/PROFIBUS gateway.
Configuration of the field bus module for the application-specific situation is carried out us-
ing rotary coded switches (operating mode and bus address), the configuration of the
SOPAS-ET suitable SICK identification sensor is carried out using the SOPAS-ET configura-
tion software on a Windows
PC. The SOPAS-ET configuration software contains an online
help system to facilitate configuration.
Tasks Target group
Installation, electrical installation,
maintenance, replacing the device
Qualified staff, e.g. service technicians and factory electri-
Startup and configuration Qualified staff, e.g. technicians or engineers
Operation of the field bus master
(e.g. PLC)
Qualified staff, e.g. technicians or engineers
Table 1-1: Target group
Chapter 1 Operating Instructions
CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP
10 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Notes on this document
Important Further information about the design of the CDF600-0100 field bus module as well as the
bar code technology is available from SICK AG, Auto Ident division.
On the Internet at
1.4 Used symbols
To gain easier access, some information in this documentation is emphasized as follows:
Indicates a potential risk of damage or impair on the functionality of the field bus module or
the connected device.
Warning notice!
A warning notice indicates real or potential danger. This should protect you against acci-
The safety symbol next to the warning notice indicates why there is a risk of accident. e.g.
due to electricity. The warning levels (CAUTION, WARNING, DANGER) indicate the serious-
ness of the risk.
Carefully read and follow the warning notices.
Reference Italic script denotes a reference to further information.
Important This important note informs you about specific features.
Explanation An explanation provides background knowledge of technical nature.
Recommendation A recommendation helps you to carry out tasks correctly.
TIP A tip explains setting options in the SOPAS-ET configuration software.
OMMUNICATION This type of script denotes a term in the user interface in the SOPAS-ET configuration soft-
This symbol denotes a section in which the operation steps with the SOPAS-ET configuration
software are described.
This symbol indicates supplementary technical documentation.
There is a procedure which needs to be carried out. This symbol indicates operational in-
structions which only contain one operational step or operational steps in warning notices
which do not have to be followed in any particular order.
Operational instructions comprising several steps in a particular order are denoted using
consecutive numbers.
Operating Instructions Chapter 2
Safety information
8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 11
2 Safety information
This chapter deals with your safety and operator safety in the operational area.
Read this chapter carefully before using the field bus module.
2.1 Authorized users
For correct and safe functioning, the field bus module must be installed, operated and
maintained by sufficiently qualified staff.
Risk of damage!
Repairs to the field bus module should only be carried out by qualified and authorized
SICK AG service staff.
The operating instructions should be made available to the end user.
The end user should be briefed an urged to read the operating instructions by the tech-
The following qualifications are required for different activities:
2.2 Intended use
The CDF600-0100 field bus module is used for data-related incorporation of an SICK iden-
tification sensor (stand-alone) into PROFIBUS as defined in EN 50170.
The intended use of the field bus module results from the following description of the func-
The field bus module and the identification sensor present one data unit in the network.
Each identification sensor needs its own field bus module in the PROFIBUS.
Connection of the field bus module and the peripheral in line with industrial require-
ments (IP 65).
The identification sensor must be capable of supporting the field bus module in its func-
tion as a proxy. Sensors that can be incorporated in this way are, at present, the follow-
ing bar code scanners from the CLV6xx product family:
Tasks Qualification
Installation, maintenance Practical technical training
Knowledge of current health and safety regulations at the work-
Electrical installation,
replacing the device
Practical electrical training
Knowledge of current electrical safety regulations
Knowledge of start-up and operation of the device in each operation-
al area
Startup and configuration Basic knowledge of the Windows
operating system
Basic knowledge of data transfer
Operation of the device in
each operational area
Knowledge of start-up and operation of the device in each operation-
al area
Knowledge of the software and hardware environment in each oper-
ational area
Table 2-1: Required qualification for starting up the field bus module
Chapter 2 Operating Instructions
CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP
12 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Safety information
CLV62x (fixed focus)
CLV63x (fixed focus)
CLV64x (dynamic focus)
CLV65x (auto focus)
The combination of a field bus module and a bar code scanner CLV63x to 65x with
heating can be operated in deep-frozen areas down to –35 °C (–31 °F). To do so, a
CDF600-0100 field bus module from the date of manufacture 11-18 (year-week) with
the mark on the nameplate is required. For further operating conditions see also
Chapter 4.1, Page 21 and Chapter 6.4.2, Page 59.
The field bus module operates in the bus as a slave and can be operated by any PROFI-
BUS master that conforms to the relevant standards (e.g. PLC).
The communication between the bar code scanner and field bus module is via a RS-
232 data interface (serial AUX interface).
Direct access to the bar code scanner via the field bus module for configuration/diag-
nosis with the PC is also possible.
The bar code scanner receives external reading pulse signals via the field bus or locally
via one or both switching inputs IN 1 and IN 2 of the field bus module.
Selectable events appearing in the reading process (e.g. Good Read) are signalized by
the bar code scanner to the field bus master via the field bus and/or locally to an optical
indicator via the switching outputs OUT 1 and OUT 2 of the field bus module.
A subnetwork with further bar code scanners using the CAN bus can be connected to
the CAN interface of the bar code scanner. This interface is transparently available on
the POWER connection of the field bus module. The bar code scanner connected to the
field bus module then operates additionally in the subnetwork e.g. as a master und
sends the allocated and evaluated reading results of the slaves to the field bus master.
Configuration of the field bus module for the application-specific situation and diagno-
sis are carried out using the SOPAS-ET configuration software on a Windows
The functionality of the field bus module is configured in the connected identification
sensor. When the combination starts after power-on, the identification sensor enables
the field bus module.
Important Claims under the warranty rendered void!
Any warranty claims against SICK AG shall be deemed invalid in the case changes to the
field bus module, such as opening the housing, this includes modifications during installa-
tion and electrical installation or changes to the SICK software.
Only operate the field bus module in ambient air temperature limit in indoor areas (see
Chapter 10 Technical Data, Page 87).
Operating Instructions Chapter 2
Safety information
8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 13
2.3 General safety precautions and protection measures
Read the general safety precautions thoroughly and observe them during all field bus
module activities. Also observe the warning notices above the operational instructions
of each chapter.
2.3.1 Radio interferences
Possible radio interference when used in homes!
The CDF600-0100 field bus module meets the requirements for Class A (industrial
environment) as defined by the generic specification 'Emissions'. It may cause radio
interference in homes. In this case, the party suffering the interference can demand that
the operator takes appropriate radio interference suppression measures.
Use the CDF600-0100 field bus module only in industrial environments.
2.3.2 Electrical installation work
Electrical installation should only be carried out by qualified staff.
Connect or disconnect current linkages only under de-energized conditions.
Wire cross sections and their correct fuse protection at the beginning of the cable have
to be selected and implemented according to valid engineering standards.
Observe the current safety regulations when working on electrical systems.
2.3.3 UL Certification
The field bus module is UL60950-1-certified when marked on the nameplate and a LPS
power supply or a Class 2 power supply is used.
2.3.4 Damaging potential equalization currents due to different ground potentials
For electrical safety, the CDF600-0100 field bus module has been designed and checked
according to standards EN 60950-1 (2006-04) and EN 60950-1/A11 (2009-03).
The field bus module is connected to the bar code scanner and the peripheral devices (pow-
er supply unit, reading pulse sensor(s), PLC/host, etc.) using shielded cables. The shield of
the cables each lies on the metal housing of the field bus module.
If the peripheral devices have metal housing like the bar code scanner and the field bus
module and if the cable shield also lies on their housing, it is assumed that all devices in-
volved in installation have the same ground potential.
This is achieved for instance by full filling the following conditions:
Mounting the devices on conductive metal surfaces
Correctly grounding the devices/metal surfaces in the system
A low-impedance and estable current carrying equipotential bonding between areas
with different ground potentials, if necessary.
If these conditions are not met, e.g. on devices in a widely distributed system over several
buildings, potential equalization currents may, due to different ground potentials, flow along
the cable shields between the devices and may cause danger.
Chapter 2 Operating Instructions
CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP
14 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Safety information
Risk of injury/risk of damage via electrical current!
Potential equalization currents between the field bus module and other grounded periph-
eral devices can have the following effects:
Dangerous voltages on the metal housing, e.g of the field bus module
Incorrect function or irreparable damage to the devices
Damage/irreparable damage of the cable shield due to heating and cable fires
Where local conditions are unfavorable and thus do not meet conditions for a safe
earthing method (same ground potential at all grounding points), take measures ac-
cording to Chapter 6.2.3 Conditions for safe operation of the field bus module in an
installation, Page 50.
2.3.5 Configuration
Loss of configuration data in the connected bar code scanner!
While configuring the bar code scanner via the connection on the field bus module, do
not switch off the supply voltage, otherwise all already configured but not yet perma-
nently saved parameters in the bar code scanner will be lost.
2.3.6 Application on low operating ambient temperatures
Risk of damage!
From manufacturing date 11-18 (year-week) on the field bus module can be also operated
on ambient temperatures down to –35 °C (–31 °F) in deep-frozen areas while being in rest
Carry out all electrical workings and configuration settings (rotary coded switches) on
the module only at temperatures from 0 °C to +40 °C (+32 °F to +104 °F) outside of
the deep-frozen area.
2.4 Quick stop and quick restart
The field bus module with the connected bar code scanner can be switched on or off using
the user’s main switch.
2.4.1 Switching off the field bus module
Switch off the power supply voltage to the field bus module
– or –
Remove the power supply cable (POWER) from the field bus module.
When the field bus module is switched off, the following data is lost in the connected bar
code scanner:
Application-specific parameter set that was only be saved temporarily in the device
The last reading result
Operating Instructions Chapter 2
Safety information
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Daily operating hours counter
2.4.2 Switching the field bus module back on
Switch the power supply voltage to the field bus module back on
– or –
Reconnect the power supply cable (POWER) to the field bus module.
The bar code scanner starts up using the most recent permanently saved configuration.
The daily operating hours counter is reset.
The settings for operating the field bus module are read back in and initialized again
from the rotary switch settings of the field bus module.
2.5 Environmental information
The field bus module has been constructed with minimum environment pollution in mind.
2.5.1 Energy requirement
The field bus module consumes max. 7 W at DC 18 to 30 V (bar code scanner not connect-
ed, digital switching inputs and outputs not connected).
2.5.2 Dispose of the device after decommissioning
SICK AG will not currently accept the return of any devices which can no longer be operated
or repaired.
Inoperable or irreparable devices must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly
manner and in accordance with valid country-specific waste disposal guidelines.
The design of the field bus module allows for its separation as recyclable secondary raw ma-
terials and hazardous waste (electronic scrap).
Chapter 2 Operating Instructions
CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP
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Safety information
Operating Instructions Chapter 3
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3 Quick-Start
Since the communication mode of the field bus module is configured in the proxy-capable
identification sensor, here the CLV6xx bar code scanner, the module can be put into oper-
ation quickly and easily in the Proxy function. The bar code scanner must have a firmware
version of V 2.5 or higher (this can be seen via the configuration software SOPAS-ET).
Setting up the electrical installation
Connect the field bus module for establishing the desired application with the aid of the
assembled cables (optional accessories, not included in delivery) as shown in Fig. 3-1.
For further information, see Chapter 6 Electrical installation, Page 49.
For detailed representation of the cables and technical data see Chapter 11.3.3 Optional
accessories: Cables and connectors, Page 95.
For application in deep-frozen areas down to –35 °C (–31 °F) see also Section “Application
at low ambient temperatures“, Page 21.
Do not switch on the supply voltage yet.
Configuring the field bus module
1. Select the required operating mode and the bus address on the field bus module with
the rotary coding switches for the bar code scanner.
For further information, see Chapter 4.5.1 Control elements, Page 25.
Fig. 3-1: Block diagram: Connecting the CDF600-0100 field bus module
DC 18 to 30 V
Cable e.g. no. 6021195,
2 m (6.56 ft)
(4-pin M8 plug/9-pin
D-Sub socket)
diagnosis of
Trigger IN (reading pulse)
e.g. CLV63x bar code scanner
(Ethernet version)
IN 1
Data (Aux, RS-232)
Power supply voltage
– or –
Cable e.g. no. 2041834, 2 m (6.56 ft)
(12-pin M12 socket/15-pin D-Sub-HD plug)
IN 2
OUT 1/2
Power supply voltage
Cable e.g. no. 6025906, 2 m (6.56 ft)
(5-pin M12 socket/open end)
Data (RS-232)
Power supply voltage
AUX (RS-232)
e.g. triggering teach-in match code
2 x OUT (event indication)
Cable e.g. no. 6026133, 2 m (6.56 ft)
(5-pin M12 plug/open end)
Cable no. 6025931, 2 m (6.56 ft)
(5-pin M12 plug/socket)
Ethernet (cable e.g. no. 6034414, 2 m (6.56 ft), 4-pin M12 plug/8-pin RJ-45 plug)
alternatively: connection of bar code scanner (Ethernet version) for configuration/diagnosis
e.g. CLV62x bar code scanner
(standard version)
Cable no. 6025931, 2 m (6.56 ft)
(5-pin M12 plug/socket)
cable as above
Cable e.g. no. 6021355 (size by meter, open ends)
5-pin M12 socket (no. 6021353)
Cable e.g. no. 6021355 (size by meter, open ends)
5-pin M12 plug (no. 6021354)
Chapter 3 Operating Instructions
CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP
18 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Default setting of the field bus module: "Mode" switch: 0 (operation with device that
supports proxy function), "Address/Mode" switch: Address 03.
Important A change to the operating mode / bus address with the rotary coding switches is not
accepted until after a restart of the field bus module and the bar code scanner
(switching on the supply voltage).
2. Switch the supply voltage to the field bus module back on.
Following initialization and the commencement of communication with the bar code
scanner, after booting the field bus module indicates its readiness for operation via the
continuous illumination of the green POWER LED. The green STA LED above the PROFI-
BUS IN connection lights up to signal the exchange of data with a recognized field bus
Configuring the bar code scanner
The following two options to configure the bar code scanner (selection of the commu-
nication mode for the exchange of data with the field bus master, use of the digital I/O
and the other parameters for reading) are available:
Configuration via software SOPAS-ET
Configuration via field bus master
a) Configuration via software SOPAS-ET
Run the configuration via the serial Aux interface (RS-232) of the bar code scanner (AUX
connection on the field bus module) with the PC and the configuration software SOPAS-
ET (included on the supplied DVD "Manuals & Software Auto Ident").
Alternatively for the Ethernet version of bar code scanner: Run the configuration via the
Ethernet interface.
Communication modi To use the bar code scanner at a new read point for the first time and so that all ad-
vantages for the PROFIBUS incorporation can be fully utilized, select the CDF600
mode in the bar code scanner. The field bus module operates as a proxy, utilizing
the digital I/O via the Control Word In and Control Word Out modules.
Default setting: CDF600 Mode with handshake.
To use the bar code scanner at a read point where a SICK bar code scanner was pre-
viously incorporated into the PROFIBUS via the field bus module CMF400,
select the CFM400 mode in the bar code scanner. The field bus module operates
gateway utilizing the digital I/O via the data header (binary inputs and binary out-
To use the bar code scanner at a read point where a SICK bar code scanner was pre-
viously incorporated into the PROFIBUS via the bus connection module BMV10 / bus
module BMH10, select the BMV-compatible mode.
The f i e l d b u s m o d ule op e r ate s g a tewa y witho u t t h e poss i b i li t y o f u sin g d i g i ta l I/ O .
For further information, see Chapter 7 Startup and Configuration, Page 67 and
Chapter 4.7 Communication via PROFIBUS, Page 35.
Important If the communication mode is changed, it is not accepted in the field bus module until
after a restart of the field bus module together with the bar code scanner (switching on
the supply voltage).
b) Configuration via field bus master
Perform configuration of the bar code scanner via the field bus master with the aid of
the sensor-specific GSD file (see supplied DVD "Manuals & Software Auto Ident") and
the parameterization modules contained therein (for basic configuration of the bar
code scanner).
Operating Instructions Chapter 3
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The procedure will be described in a future edition of these operating instructions.
Configuring data exchange in the field bus
1. In the field bus master, register the field bus module as a new device (slave).
To do this, transfer the SICK sensor-specific GSD file (name: SICK0B95.gsd) for the bar
code scanner CLV6xx to the device master database.
2. In the field bus master for exchanging data with the field bus module, appropriately de-
fine the desired lengths of the field bus input and output data in accordance with the
communication mode selected in the bar code scanner.
For further information, see Chapter 4.7 Communication via PROFIBUS, Page 35.
Important Configuration modules from various communication modes may not be intermixed
3. Perform a test of the installation under operating conditions.
Chapter 3 Operating Instructions
CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP
20 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22