OMIVV version for is not updated from About Screen after the Appliance is updated............................. 72
Using OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter to update an Intel Network card with the
firmware version of 13.5.2 is not supported..................................................................................................... 72
Using OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter to update an Intel Network card from 14.5
or 15.0 to 16.x fails due to staging requirement from DUP........................................................................... 72
On trying a firmware update with an invalid DUP, the hardware update job status on the vCenter
console neither fails nor times-out for hours, though the job status in LC says ‘FAILED’. Why
is this happening?....................................................................................................................................................72
Administration Portal is still showing the unreachable Update Repository location................................... 73
Why is the DNS configuration settings restored to original settings after appliance reboot if using
DHCP for appliance IP and DNS settings overwritten................................................................................... 73
Why did my system not enter maintenance mode when I performed a one-to-many firmware
update?...................................................................................................................................................................... 73
Even if my repository has bundles for selected 11G system, why is firmware update showing that
I have no bundles for Firmware Update?.......................................................................................................... 73
Why Does My ESXi Deployment Fail on Servers Having a PERC S300 Boot Controller?.........................74
How Come I See An Error Message Displayed After Clicking The Firmware Link?.................................... 74
What generation of Dell servers does the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter
configure and support for SNMP traps?........................................................................................................... 74
How does the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter support more than three vCenters
in Linked Mode?...................................................................................................................................................... 75
Does OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter support vCenter in linked mode?...........................75
What are the Required Port Settings for the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter?............. 75
What are the Minimum requirements for successful installation and operation of the virtual
appliance?................................................................................................................................................................. 76
Why is the password not changed for the user used for bare-metal discovery after successfully
applying the hardware profile that has the same user with new changed credentials in the
iDRAC user list?....................................................................................................................................................... 77
Why is the processor version “Not Applicable” in Processor view in the System overview page?........ 77
Why is the DNS configuration settings restored to original settings after appliance reboot if using
DHCP for appliance IP and DNS settings overwritten................................................................................... 77
How come I do not see my new iDRAC version details listed on the vCenter Hosts & Clusters
page?.......................................................................................................................................................................... 77
How Do I Test Event Settings by Using OMSA to Simulate a Temperature Hardware Fault?................ 77
I Have the OMSA Agent Installed on a Dell Host System, But I Still Get an Error Message That
OMSA is Not Installed. What Should I Do?....................................................................................................... 78
Can the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter Support ESXi with Lockdown Mode
Enabled?.................................................................................................................................................................... 78
When I tried to use lockdown mode, it failed....................................................................................................... 78
On trying a firmware update with an invalid DUP, the hardware update job status on the vCenter
console neither fails nor times-out for hours, though the job status in LC says ‘FAILED’. Why
is this happening?....................................................................................................................................................78
What Setting Should I Use For UserVars.CIMoeMProviderEnable With ESXi 4.1 U1?...............................79
I Am Using A Reference Server to Create a Hardware Profile But it Failed. What Should I Do?............79
I Am Attempting to Deploy ESXi on a Blade Server and it Failed. What Should I Do?...............................79
Why Are My Hypervisor Deployments Failing On R210 II Machines?............................................................. 79
Why Do I See Auto-discovered Systems Without Model Information in the Deployment Wizard...........79
The NFS Share is Set Up With the ESXi ISO, but Deployment Fails with Errors Mounting the
Share Location......................................................................................................................................................... 79
How Do I Force Removal of the Virtual Appliance?............................................................................................ 79
Entering a Password in the Backup Now Screen Receives an Error Message............................................ 80
My Firmware Update Failed. What Do I Do?........................................................................................................ 80