What should I do when a web communication error in the vCenter web client appears after
changing the DNS settings in OMIVV.............................................................................................................. 139
The settings page fail to load, if I navigate away and again go back to the settings page..................... 140
Task cannot be scheduled for the time in the past- error in inventory schedule and warranty
schedule page of Initial Configuration Wizard appear.................................................................................. 140
Installation date appears as 12-31-1969 for some of the firmware on the firmware page.......................140
Successive global refresh cause exception to be thrown in the recent task window. ............................140
Why is web client UI distorted for few Dell screens in IE 10...........................................................................140
I am not seeing OpenManage Integration icon in web client even if registration of plug-in to
vCenter was successful....................................................................................................................................... 140
Even if repository has bundles for selected 11G system, firmware update displaying that there are
no bundles for firmware update..........................................................................................................................141
Why is DNS configuration settings restored to original settings after appliance reboot if appliance
IP and DNS settings are overwritten with DHCP values.............................................................................. 141
Using OMIVV to update the Intel network card with firmware version of 13.5.2 is not supported....... 141
Using OMIVV to update Intel network card from 14.5 or 15.0 to 16.x fails due to staging
requirement from DUP.......................................................................................................................................... 141
Why trying firmware update with invalid DUP, hardware update job status on vCenter console
neither fails nor times-out for hours, although job status in LC prompts as FAILED........................... 142
Why does Administration Portal display unreachable update repository location......................................142
Why did system not enter maintenance mode when I performed one-to-many firmware update........ 142
Chassis global health still healthy when some of power supply status has changed to critical............. 142
Processor version is displayed as “Not Applicable” in processor view in system overview page.......... 142
Does OMIVV support vCenter in linked mode.................................................................................................... 142
What are required port settings for OMIVV........................................................................................................143
Password is not changed for user used for bare-metal discovery after successfully applying
hardware profile or system profile that has same user with new changed credentials in iDRAC
user list..................................................................................................................................................................... 145
Unable to view new iDRAC version details listed on vCenter hosts and clusters page........................... 145
How can I test event settings by using OMSA to simulate temperature hardware Fault....................... 145
Although OMSA agent is installed on OMIVV host system, I still get error message that OMSA is
not installed. ...........................................................................................................................................................146
Can OMIVV support ESXi with lockdown mode enabled................................................................................. 146
When I tried to use lockdown mode, it fails........................................................................................................ 146
Creation of hardware profile fails if I am using reference server...................................................................146
Attempting to deploy ESXi on server fails...........................................................................................................146
Hypervisor deployments failing on Dell PowerEdge R210 II machines..........................................................146
Auto discovered systems are displayed without model information in Deployment wizard.................... 147
NFS share is set up with ESXi ISO, but deployment fails with errors mounting share location............. 147
How do I force remove virtual appliance from vCenter................................................................................... 147
Entering a Password in the Backup Now Screen Receives an Error Message...........................................147
In vSphere web client, clicking Dell server management portlet or Dell icon returns 404 error............ 147
What should I do as firmware update failed........................................................................................................ 147
What should I do as vCenter registration failed................................................................................................. 148
Performance during connection profile test credentials is slow or unresponsive......................................148
Does OMIVV support VMware vCenter server appliance................................................................................148
Firmware level not updated when I have performed firmware update with Apply on Next reboot
option and system was rebooted.......................................................................................................................148
Host still displayed under chassis even after removing host from vCenter tree....................................... 148
In Administration Console, Update Repository Path is not set to default path after I reset
appliance to factory settings.............................................................................................................................. 148