Barco service bulletin
1.3.4 Download the firmware and network software ?
Where to download the firmware ?
1. Go to the PartnerZone\Support\iCon H 600\Software updates
Where to download the network software ?
1. Go to the PartnerZone\Support\iCon H 600\Software updates
1.4 Control and Diagnostics Client upgrade
The Control and Diagnostics Client is not running on the iCon, but on the
connecting laptop or PC.
How to upgrade the client ?
1. Go to Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs.
2. Uninstall the Control and D iagnostics Client.
3. Run the previously downloaded j2re-1_3_0_02-win-i.exe.
4. Run setup.exe.
Always up grad e the j2re ( Ja va runtime environment ) before running the
setup file.
1.5 Firmware upgrade via USB
How to upgrade the projector using an USB stick ?
1. First empty the folder c:/documents a nd settings/all users/shared documents/re-
ceived on the iCon.
2. Copy all the d o wnloaded files from the US B stick on the hard disc of the iCon projector
in the folder c:/documents and settings/all u se rs/shared docum ents/received.
3. Double click the upgrade.bat file in these folders.
4. A black window will appear and this will be displaying some text during 90 sec until
"done" isshowninthiswindow.
5. After 2 minutes, put the projector in the stand by mode and switch off the projector.
6. Empty the received folder c:/documents and settings/all users/
shared docu-
1.6 Firmware upgrade via the Control and Diagnostics Client
File Transfer Protocol
Upgrade o peratio n with the Control a nd Diagnostics client
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