(Text editor or tabulation)
Long press « # » following by « down » launches a cursor right moving
(Text editor or tabulation)
Long press « # » following by « Volume up » button increase ringtone
sound level.
Long press « # » following by « Volume down » button decrease
ringtone sound level.
o Warning: Modification of the “Explore By Touch” behavior.
The “explore by touch” behavior has been modified to be safer and easier to
Activation through the touch screen has been modified to avoid mistake.
Now you can explore the screen by moving your finger on the screen,
then the text-to-speech will vocalize each item pointed by your finger. No
risk to launch or activate by mistake the item, since you have to validate
by the “OK” key each action keeping your finger on the screen.
Double tape to launch item has been remove, replacing by pushing “OK”
key when your finger point an item on the screen.
“Swipe” to reach the next item has been replaced : now an up or down
swipe scrolls through the list screen by screen (it is used to reach the
end of the list quicker for example).
‐ User interface :
o To get a better contrast for low vision end users, screen background is now
black with white text. An option from “setting / accessibility / background color”
allows the end user to define white or black user interface. Please note that the
complete Android OS will be reloaded in case of change.
o Use numerical keypad (key 2 to 9) to reach faster a contact or an application by
using the first letter. For example, press key “6 MNO” to reach “Magnifier” from
applications list. Use also respectively “Ô and “#” keys to reach the first and
the last item of the list.
o User interface is faster.
o A bigger font has been added for test.
o Widget screen has been removed.
‐ Text-To-Speech (TTS) :
o Direct sound level management for the Text-To-Speech by using volume up
and down keys. Ringtone output level is now accessible by using command
mode (long press on # key) following by volume up and down keys.
o Screen reader and text-to-speech (TTS) improvement.
o “Editor Area” is now announced when selected.