MXI tag descriptions 11
behavior, browserprofile, codehint codesnippet, coloringscheme, command,
connection, datasource, dictionary, documenttype, encoding, flashbuttonstyle,
flashelement, floater, insertbar, jsextension, keyboard shortcut, object, plugin,
propertyinspector, report, referencebook, samplecontent, serverbehavior,
serverformat, servermodel, site, suite, taglibrary, template, thirdpartytags,
toolbar, translator, utility, query
• Valid values for Fireworks:
autoshape, command, commandpanel, dictionary, keyboard shortcut, library, pattern,
• Valid values for Flash:
actionscript, flashcomponent, flashcustomaction, flashimporter, flashpanel,
flashtemplate, generatorobject, keyboardshortcut, lesson, library,
publishtemplate, sample, smartclip, utility
Extensions of type "generatorobject" are supported only by Flash 5 and earlier. Values are
not case-sensitive; "object" is equivalent to "Object".
Note: The value "suite" denotes a set of items that are released as a unit, in a single MXP file, with a single MXI
file. For example, you can create a set of objects, a command, a palette, and behaviors to make a process such as layer
alignment easier to complete. Specify a single name and version for the entire suite.
requires-restart Indicates whether the Adobe application must be restarted after the
extension is installed. Valid values are "true" and "false". A new attribute force-quit
introduced in CS5 has a similar function; it is recommended to use the new attribute force-
ismultilingual If this attribute is false, all multilingual elements are ignored. If it is true,
multilingual elements install language-specific files and apply related configuration changes. If
this attribute is not specified, it is considered false. For more information, see Creating
multilingual extension packages (version 2.1 and later) on page 54.
name_resid References string with value of “name_resid” in resource file (see isresourcefile
attribute for file on page 19), and displays that string in the “extension” field of the user
interface. For more information, see Creating multilingual extension packages (version
2.1 and later) on page 54.
plugin-manager-type Indicates the type of plug-ins included in the extension. Valid values
are "all-users" and "current-user". For more information, see Creating plug-in
extension packages for InDesign CS5 and InCopy CS5 (version 5.0 only) on page 58.
show-files This attribute only works for extensions for InDesign CS5 and InCopy CS5. If
this attribute is "true", path information for all of the files installed with the extension is shown
in the "Advanced" tab in the bottom portion of the Extension Manager workspace. If this
attribute is "false", no path information is shown. The default value is "true".
force-quit Specifies whether the extension target application needs to quit before an
operation such as installation or removal. Operations like installation or removal of some
extensions may conflict with the running target application. Setting this attribute as "true"
informs Extension Manager to make sure the target application is not running before performing
the operation. If Extension Manager finds that the target application is running, it prompts the
user to quit the application first. For many applications, the user must manually quit them. For
Dreamweaver CS5, the user can click the button Exit Application to request it to quit. The
default value is "false".