Siemens SINUMERIK 808D Parameter Manual

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Parameter Manual
List Manual
Fundamental safety
Explanation of machine data
and setting data
Machine data
NC setting data
Detailed descriptions of
interface signals
PLC user interface
SINAMICS parameters
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be
warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified
personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding
potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:
Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products
and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or
approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.
All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described.
Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in
this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
Siemens AG
Division Digital Factory
Postfach 48 48
Ⓟ 01/2017 Subject to change
Copyright © Siemens AG 2017.
All rights reserved
Applicable products
This manual is valid for the following control systems:
Control system Software version
V4.7.4: PPU161.3/PPU160.2 with spindle/feed servo system
SINUMERIK 808D (Turning)
SINUMERIK 808D (Milling)
V4.7.4: PPU141.2 with feed servo system
Documentation components and target audience
End-user documentation Target audience
Programming and Operating Manual (Turning) Programmers and operators of turning machines
Programming and Operating Manual (Milling) Programmers and operators of milling machines
Programming and Operating Manual (ISO Turning/Milling) Programmers and operators of turning/milling machines
Programming and Operating Manual (Manual Machine Plus
(MM+), Turning)
Programmers and operators of turning machines
Diagnostics Manual Mechanical and electrical designers, commissioning engi‐
machine operators,
and service and maintenance per‐
Manufacturer/service documentation Target audience
Commissioning Manual Installation personnel, commissioning engineers, and service
and maintenance personnel
Function Manual Mechanical and electrical designers, technical professionals
Parameter Manual Mechanical and electrical designers, technical professionals
Service Manual Mechanical and electrical designers, technical professionals,
engineers, and
service and maintenance per‐
Readme file
Third-party software - Licensing terms and copyright information
My Documentation Manager (MDM)
Under the following link you will find information to individually compile your documentation
based on the Siemens content:
Parameter Manual
List Manual, 01/2017 3
Standard scope
This manual only describes the functionality of the standard version. Extensions or changes
made by the machine tool manufacturer are documented by the machine tool manufacturer.
Technical support
Country Hotline
Further service contact information:
Worldwide Web site:
Chinese Web site:
+49 911 895 7222
China +86 400 810 4288
You can find more hotline information at the worldwide Web site given above.
EC Declaration of Conformity
of Conformity for the EMC Directive can be found on the Internet at http://
Here, enter the number "67385845" as the search term or contact your local Siemens office.
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4 List Manual, 01/2017
Table of contents
1 Fundamental safety instructions...................................................................................................................9
1.1 General safety instructions.......................................................................................................9
1.2 Industrial security...................................................................................................................10
2 Explanation of machine data and setting data............................................................................................11
2.1 Data in the list........................................................................................................................11
2.2 Overview of the data..............................................................................................................18
3 Machine data..............................................................................................................................................21
3.1 Display machine data.............................................................................................................21
3.2 General machine data............................................................................................................32
3.3 Channel-specific machine data............................................................................................118
3.4 Axis-specific machine data...................................................................................................220
4 NC setting data.........................................................................................................................................321
5 Detailed descriptions of interface signals.................................................................................................375
5.1 General information..............................................................................................................375
5.2 User alarm............................................................................................................................376
5.3 Signals from / to HMI............................................................................................................377
5.3.1 Program control signals from HMI........................................................................................377
5.3.2 Signals from HMI..................................................................................................................380
5.3.3 Signals from PLC.................................................................................................................381
5.3.4 Signals from operator panel.................................................................................................381
5.3.5 General selection / status signals from HMI.........................................................................382
5.3.6 General selection / status signals to HMI.............................................................................384
5.4 Auxiliary function transfer from NC channel.........................................................................385
5.5 NCK signals.........................................................................................................................388
5.5.1 General signals to NCK........................................................................................................388
5.5.2 General signals from NCK...................................................................................................389
5.6 Mode signals........................................................................................................................391
5.7 Channel-specific signals......................................................................................................396
5.7.1 Signals to channel................................................................................................................396
5.7.2 Signals from NC channel.....................................................................................................412
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals...............................................................................................424
5.8.1 Transferred axis-specific M, S functions..............................................................................424
5.8.2 Signals to axis / spindle........................................................................................................425
5.8.3 Signals from axis / spindle...................................................................................................447
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6 PLC user interface....................................................................................................................................471
6.1 Addressing ranges...............................................................................................................471
6.2 Signals from/to the MCP......................................................................................................473
6.3 Reading/Writing NC data ....................................................................................................475
6.3.1 Reading/writing NC data: Job..............................................................................................475
6.3.2 Reading/writing NC data: Result..........................................................................................476
6.4 PI Service.............................................................................................................................476
6.4.1 PI service: Job......................................................................................................................476
6.4.2 PI service: Result.................................................................................................................477
6.5 Retentive data area..............................................................................................................477
6.6 User Alarms.........................................................................................................................478
6.6.1 User alarms: Activating........................................................................................................478
6.6.2 Variables for user alarms.....................................................................................................478
6.6.3 Active alarm response..........................................................................................................479
6.6.4 Alarm acknowledgement......................................................................................................479
6.7 Signals from/to HMI..............................................................................................................479
6.7.1 Program control signals from the HMI (retentive area)........................................................479
6.7.2 Program selection from PLC (retentive area).......................................................................480
6.7.3 Checkback signal: Program selection from HMI (retentive area).........................................480
6.7.4 Signals from HMI..................................................................................................................480
6.7.5 Signals from PLC.................................................................................................................481
6.7.6 Signals to maintenance planners.........................................................................................481
6.7.7 Signals from maintenance planners.....................................................................................482
6.7.8 Signals from operator panel (retentive area)........................................................................482
6.7.9 General selection/status signals from HMI (retentive area).................................................483
6.7.10 General selection/status signals to HMI (retentive area).....................................................483
6.8 Auxiliary functions transfer from NC channel.......................................................................484
6.8.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................484
6.8.2 Decoded M signals (M0 to M99)..........................................................................................485
6.8.3 Transferred T functions........................................................................................................485
6.8.4 Transferred M functions.......................................................................................................486
6.8.5 Transferred S functions........................................................................................................486
6.8.6 Transferred D functions........................................................................................................486
6.8.7 Transferred H functions........................................................................................................487
6.9 NCK signals.........................................................................................................................487
6.9.1 General signals to NCK........................................................................................................487
6.9.2 General signals from NCK...................................................................................................487
6.9.3 Signals at fast inputs and outputs........................................................................................488
6.9.4 Signals from fast inputs and outputs....................................................................................489
6.10 Channel signals....................................................................................................................490
6.10.1 Signals to NC channel..........................................................................................................490
6.10.2 Signals from NC channel.....................................................................................................492
6.11 Axis/spindle signals..............................................................................................................496
6.11.1 Transferred M and S functions, axis specific.......................................................................496
6.11.2 Signals to axis/spindle..........................................................................................................496
6.11.3 Signals from axis/spindle.....................................................................................................499
Table of contents
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6.12 PLC machine data................................................................................................................502
6.12.1 INT values (MD 14510 USER_DATA_INT)..........................................................................502
6.12.2 HEX values (MD 14512 USER_DATA_HEX).......................................................................502
6.12.3 FLOAT values (MD 14514 USER_DATA_FLOAT)..............................................................502
6.12.4 User alarm: Configuring (MD 14516 USER_DATA_PLC_ALARM)......................................503
6.13 Signals, synchronized actions..............................................................................................503
6.13.1 Signals, synchronized actions to channel............................................................................503
6.13.2 Signals, synchronized actions from channel........................................................................504
6.13.3 Reading and writing PLC variables......................................................................................504
6.14 Axis actual values and distance-to-go..................................................................................504
6.15 Maintenance scheduler: User interface................................................................................505
6.15.1 Initial (start) data..................................................................................................................505
6.15.2 Actual data...........................................................................................................................505
6.16 User interface for ctrl energy................................................................................................506
7 SINAMICS parameters.............................................................................................................................509
7.1 SINAMICS V70 parameters.................................................................................................509
7.1.1 V70 parameters on BOP......................................................................................................510
7.1.2 Drive basic list on HMI.........................................................................................................518
7.2 SINAMICS V60 parameters.................................................................................................520
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Table of contents
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Fundamental safety instructions
1.1 General safety instructions
Danger to life if the safety instructions and residual risks are not observed
instructions and residual risks in the associated hardware documentation are not
observed, accidents involving severe injuries or death can occur.
Observe the safety instructions given in the hardware documentation.
Consider the residual risks for the risk evaluation.
Danger to life or malfunctions of the machine as a result of incorrect or changed
As a result
of incorrect or changed parameterization, machines can malfunction, which in turn
can lead to injuries or death.
Protect the parameterization (parameter assignments) against unauthorized access.
Respond to possible malfunctions by applying suitable measures (e.g. EMERGENCY
Parameter Manual
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1.2 Industrial security
Industrial security
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is
necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept. Siemens products and solutions only represent one component of such a
The customer is responsible for preventing unauthorized access to its plants, systems,
machines and networks. Systems, machines and components should only be connected to
the enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent necessary and with appropriate
security measures (e.g. use of firewalls and network segmentation) in place.
Additionally, Siemens’ guidance on appropriate security measures should be taken into
account. For more information about industrial security, please visit:
Industrial security (
Siemens’ products and
solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure.
Siemens strongly recommends to apply product updates as soon as available and to always
use the latest product versions. Use of product versions that are no longer supported, and
failure to apply latest updates may increase customer’s exposure to cyber threats.
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS
Feed at:
Industrial security (
Danger to life as a result of unsafe operating states resulting from software manipulation
Software manipulations (e.g.
viruses, trojans, malware or worms) can cause unsafe operating
states in your system that may lead to death, serious injury, and property damage.
Keep the software up to date.
Incorporate the automation and drive components into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept for the installation or machine.
Make sure that you include all installed products into the holistic industrial security concept.
Protect files stored on exchangeable storage media from malicious software by with
suitable protection measures, e.g. virus scanners.
Fundamental safety instructions
1.2 Industrial security
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Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.1 Data in the list
The machine data and the setting data are listed in form of tables shown below:
MD number Identifier Display filter Reference
Units Name Data type Activation
System Dimension Default value Minimum value Maximum value Protection Class
Expanded table
The expanded table includes data from the standard table plus additional rows with system-
specific values.
MD number Identifier Display filter Reference
Units Name Data type Activation
- Dimension Default value Minimum value Maximum value Protection
<System 1> - Default value - - -/-
<System 2> - - - - -1/-
A dash "-" in a field means that the same value as for <System 1> applies for the specified
The entry "-/-" in the "Protection" field means that the machine data is not available for the
specified system.
- ISO_3 Mode: GCodeSystem DWORD Power On
808d-me42 - 0 0 2 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0 0 2 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 1 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 1 0 2 1/1 M
MD number and identifier
MD and SD
are addressed via their numbers or their names (identifiers). The number and the
name, as well as the activation type and the unit are displayed on the screen of the control
In the field "identifier", you can see the name of the data.
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For a detailed
description of the appropriate data, refer to the SINUMERIK 808D/SINUMERIK
808D ADVANCED Function Manual.
Example: "S1" - refer to Chapter "Spindle (S1)" in the Function Manual.
The "Attributes" field contains additional attributes of the data:
Attribute Meaning
NBUP No Back UP: The data is not backed up as part of the data backup.
ODLD Only DownLoaD: The data can only be written to via an INI file, archive, or from the part
NDLD No DownLoaD: The data can only be written to via the HMI user interface.
SFCO SaFety COnfiguration: Component of the "Safety Integrated" function
SCAL SCaling ALarm: Scaling data; when changed, alarm 4070 is displayed
LINK LINK description: The data describes a link cluster, component of the "NCU Link" function
CTEQ ConTainer EQual: The data must be the same for all axes in an axis container, component
of the "Axis container" function
CTDE ConTainer DEscription: The data describes an axis container, component of the "Axis con‐
tainer" function
Unit/unit system
SCALING_SYSTEM_IS_METRIC, the physical units of the machine
data (MD) differ as follows:
MD10240 = 1 MD10240 = 0
mm inch
mm/min inch/min
mm/rev. inch/rev.
If there are machine data with no physical unit assigned, a hyphen ("-") can be found in the
relevant field.
The default setting for MD10240 SCALING_SYSTEM_IS_MERIC is "1".
The "Name" field contains the name of the data in plain text.
Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.1 Data in the list
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The "Dimension" field contains the number of elements of a data field.
The control system
has defined four activating conditions. Each machine has a corresponding
activating condition:
PO: Power On (activate by powering on)
RE: Reset (activate by pressing the following hardkey)
CF: Config (activate by pressing the following softkey)
IM: Immediate (activate immediately after your change)
Display filter
The "Display filter"
field contains the identifier of the data filter setting that enables the data to
be seen. Using the filter setting, the exact data areas required at a given time can be selected
for display.
ID Data area
EXP Expert mode
General machine data
N01 Configuration/scaling
N02 Memory configuration
N03 PLC machine data
N04 Drive control
N05 Status data/diagnostics
N06 Monitoring/limiting functions
N07 Auxiliary functions
N08 Corrections/compensations
N09 Technological functions
N10 I/O configuration
N11 Standard machine
A12 NC language, ISO dialect
Channel machine data
C01 Configuration
C02 Memory configuration
C03 Initial states
C04 Auxiliary functions
C05 Velocities
Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.1 Data in the list
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ID Data area
C06 Monitoring/limiting functions
C07 Transformations
C08 Corrections/compensations
C09 Technological functions
C10 Standard machine
C11 NC language, ISO dialect
Axis machine data
A01 Configuration (including memory)
A02 Measuring system
A03 Machine geometry
A04 Velocities / accelerations
A05 Monitoring/limiting functions
A06 Spindle
A07 Controller data
A08 Status data
A09 Corrections/compensations
A10 Technological functions
A11 Standard machine
A12 NC language, ISO dialect
Data type
In the "Data
type" field, the short designators indicate the data types. They have the following
Designator Meaning
BOOLEAN Boolean value
BYTE I8-bit value
As an INTEGER value: -128 to 127
As a hexadecimal value: 00 to FF
As a character as per ASCII character set, e.g. "a"
STRING Sequence of characters (max. 16)
WORD 16-bit value
As an INTEGER value: 0 to 65535
As a hexadecimal value: 0000 to FFFF
I16-bit value
As an INTEGRER value: 0 to 65535
As a hexadecimal value: 0000 to FFFF
INTEGER I16-bit value (here defined locally)
INTEGER value: -32768 to 32767
Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.1 Data in the list
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Designator Meaning
DWORD 32-bit value
As an INTEGER value: -2147483648 to 2147483647
As a hexadecimal value: 0000 0000 to FFFF FFFF
I32-bit value
As an INTEGER value: 0 to 4294967295
As a hexadecimal value: 0000 0000 to FFFF FFFF
DOUBLE 64-bit value
Floating point value: ±4.19 × 10
to ±1.57 × 10
FLOAT DWORD Real value: ±7.43 × 10
to 3.37 × 10
UBYTE Integer value: 0 to 255
LONG Integer value: 4294967296 to 4294967295
Specifies the control system for which the data with the entered values applies.
By default, the entered values apply for both SINUMERIK 808D/SINUMERIK 808D
If no "default" entry exists, the data only applies for the control variants specified:
808d-te62 SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED T (Turning)
808d-me62 SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED M (Milling)
808d-te42 SINUMERIK 808D (Turning)
808d-me42 SINUMERIK 808D (Milling)
Default values
Specifies a default value fort he machine data. If the default values for the channels are
different, they are separated with a comma ",".
Range of values (minimum/maximum value)
Specifies the limits for the entered values. If no range of value is specified, the data type
determines the input limits, and the field is marked with a dash "-".
The control system provides a concept of access levels for enabling data areas. The access
levels correspond with protection levels 0 to 7 (0: the highest level; 7: the lowest level). You
can view such information from the table shown as below:
Protection level Access level Default password Target group
0 Siemens - Reserved for Siemens
1 Manufacturer SUNRISE Machine manufacturers
2 Reserved
Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.1 Data in the list
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Protection level Access level Default password Target group
3 Customer CUSTOMER End users
4 - Key-operated switch setting 3 End users
5 - Key-operated switch setting 2 End users
6 - Key-operated switch setting 1 End users
7 No password - -
For the function areas listed below, the input and modification of data depends on the protection
level you have set:
Tool offsets
Work offsets
Setting data
Program creation / program correction
You can set the protection levels for these function areas through the following key operations
Protection levels: 1, 3
Both of the two access levels require a password.
You can change the password only after an activation with the protection level 1.
If you forget
your password, you can carry out a start-up through the following operations (with
the manufacturer password):
1. Select the desired operating area.
2. Press this softkey to enter the main screen of start-up.
3. Press this softkey to enter the main screen of NC start-up.
Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.1 Data in the list
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4. Use the cursor keys to select the second start-up mode.
5. Press this softkey to confirm your selection.
This will reset all passwords to their defaults according to the software release you have
Before performing a
start-up with default data, you must backup your data; otherwise, you will
have your data lost.
Protection level: 7
If you have deleted your password or do not set a password, you only have the access right
of viewing above-mentioned function areas.
The system by default has no password.
The "Class" field contains the data class to which the control-relevant data is assigned.
The data are divided into the following four data classes:
Data class Write rights Access right
S (System) System Access level 0
M (Manufacturer) Manufacturer Access levels 1 (password: SUNRISE)
Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.1 Data in the list
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Data class Write rights Access right
I (Individual)
Individual machine data are grouped in this data class,
e.g. the leadscrew error compensation values.
Depending on the contents, these are accessible via dif‐
ferent access levels.
Access levels 1 (password: SUNRISE)
Access level 3 (password: CUSTOMER)
U (User) Customer Access level 3 (password: CUSTOMER)
Access levels 4 to 6 (key-operated switch)
Access rights for
protection levels 4 to 6 are only suggestions and can be altered by the machine tool manufacturer or end
2.2 Overview of the data
Machine and setting data (SINUMERIK)
The machine and setting data are divided into the following areas:
Range Designation
from 200 to 9999 Display machine data
from 10000 to 18999 General NC machine data
from 19000 to 19999 Reserved
from 20000 to 28999 Channel-specific machine data
from 29000 to 29999 Reserved
from 30000 to 38999 Axis-specific machine data
from 39000 to 39999 Reserved
from 41000 to 41999 General setting data
from 42000 to 42999 Channel-specific setting data
from 43000 to 43999 Axis-specific setting data
Data identifiers
The identifier specified
in the data description is displayed on the HMI user interface; however,
if the data is addressed in the parts program, for example, the identifier of the relevant data
area must precede the data identifier (designator).
Identifier Data area
$MM_ Display machine data
$MN_/ $SN_
$MNS_/ $SNS_
General machine/setting data
Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.2 Overview of the data
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Identifier Data area
$MC_/ $SC_
$MCS_/ $SCS_
Channel-specific machine/setting data
$MA_/ $SA_
$MAS_/ $SAS_
Axis-specific machine/setting data
Characters Meanings
$ System variables
M Machine data (first letter)
S Setting data (first letter)
M, N, C, A, D Subarea (second letter)
S Siemens data (third letter)
Axis-specific data can also be addressed with the axis name as an index. The internal axis
identifier (AX1, AX2, AX3, etc.) or the identifier specified in MD10000
$MA_AX_CONF_NAME_TAB can be used as the axis name.
Example: $MA_JOG_VELO[Y1]=2000
The JOG velocity of axis Y1 is 2000 mm/min.
If the content of a machine data is a STRING (e.g., X1) or a hexadecimal value (e.g., H41),
the content must be enclosed in single quotation marks (e.g., 'X1' or 'H41').
Example: $MA_FIX_POINT_POS[0,X1]=500.000
The value 500 is assigned to the first fixed point position on axis 1.
Output instant in time of the auxiliary functions of the 3rd auxiliary function group.
String "X1" is assigned as name for the first machine axis.
A value of 100 mm is assigned to the first reference point of axis X1.
Assignment to channel-specific machine data:
CHANDATA(1) ; Selection of the first channel
$MC_CHAN_NAME='CHAN1' ; Name of the first channel
$MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_NAME_TAB[1]='Y' ; Name of the 2nd geometry axis
; of the first channel 'Y'
R10=33.75 ; R10 of the first channel
Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.2 Overview of the data
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Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.2 Overview of the data
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