Welcome to Corel Snapfire Plus 1
Welcome to Corel Snapfire
Corel® Snapfire™ Plus is the smart alternative to traditional digital
camera software. With automatic downloads, quick photo fixes,
straightforward organization and sharing options, and an array of
creative project templates, Corel Snapfire Plus makes it fun and easy to
do more with your photos. With drag-and-drop simplicity, you can
quickly create impressive photo projects and slide shows that are sure
to entertain your friends and family.
Corel Snapfire Plus offers more advanced, yet easy-to-use, features for
editing your photos and videos, as well as all the basic organization and
sharing options of Corel Snapfire. In addition, Corel Snapfire Plus
provides more options for creating unique Snapfire Shows and includes
additional project templates and the PhotoSafe™ Backup system.
Corel Snapfire Plus provides the convenient Message Center, which
guides users to the outstanding features available to them. The
Message Center also automatically delivers quick tips, photo ideas, and
tutorials, as well as product news and special offers.
What is Corel Snapfire Plus SE?
Corel Snapfire Plus SE is a preview product that allows you to use all of
its features for a limited time. After the preview period, some features
will no longer be available. When you’re ready to upgrade, you can
simply click the Buy Now button on the toolbar.
In this section, you’ll learn about
• starting and exiting Corel Snapfire Plus
• registering Corel products
• updating Corel products
• uninstalling Corel Snapfire Plus