• The DIP switch #4 on the sensor
interface is the Test Mode switch. Switch
it to the ON position, using a ball-point
pen or paper clip.
• In test mode, a green LED indicator
light on the sensor interface flashes each
time the sensor suite transmits, which is
about once every 2.5 seconds.
See “Sensor Interface” on page 34 for information on locating the components
and points of interest on the sensor interface.
5. If the LED remains dark, there is a problem with the sensor suite transmitter. Call
Technical Support. See “Contacting Technical Support” on page 32.
6. If the LED flashes repeatedly but your console isn’t picking up a signal anywhere
in the room, it could be related to one of the following causes:
• You changed the sensor suite Transmitter ID at the sensor suite or console, but
not at both.
• Reception is being disrupted by frequency interference from outside sources.
Interference has to be strong to prevent the console from receiving a signal
while in the same room as the sensor suite. In high-interference environments,
it may be preferable to install the Cabled Vantage Pro2
• There is a problem with the console.
7. If a problem with receiving the wireless transmission still exists, please contact
Technical Support. See “Contacting Technical Support” on page 32.
8. When you are finished testing wireless transmission, set DIP switch # 4 to OFF to
take the sensor interface out of Test Mode.
Note: If the sensor interface is left in Test Mode, the blinking LED will significantly reduce
sensor suite battery life.
Optional: Changing Sensor Suite Transmitter ID
Each wireless transmitting station, including the sensor suite, uses one of eight
selectable Transmitter IDs. DIP switches #1, 2 and 3 on the transmitter control the
ID — or channel — the station transmits on. DIP switch #4 is used for transmission
testing, not for the Transmitter ID.
Note: The transmitter on the sensor suite and the receiver on the console communicate with
each other only when both are set to the same ID.
The default Transmitter ID is 1 for both the sensor suite and the Vantage Pro2
console, and should work fine for most situations. Change the Transmitter ID if any
of the following issues are true:
• Another Davis Instruments wireless weather station operating nearby already
uses Transmitter ID 1.
• You have purchased additional Vantage Pro2 or Vantage Vue wireless
transmitting stations and one of the stations has been designated as Station No. 1
instead of this sensor suite.
Setting for Test Mode
DIP Switch #4 = ON