Sony XR-C2200 User manual

Motorcycle Accessories
User manual

This manual is also suitable for

Sony XR-C2200 offers a rich variety of features and functions to enhance your car audio experience. It combines the convenience of FM/AM radio and cassette playback with the flexibility of auxiliary input connectivity. Immerse yourself in your favorite music, news, or talk shows with its high-quality audio output. Whether you're commuting to work, running errands, or embarking on road trips, the XR-C2200 is your perfect in-car entertainment companion.

Sony XR-C2200 offers a rich variety of features and functions to enhance your car audio experience. It combines the convenience of FM/AM radio and cassette playback with the flexibility of auxiliary input connectivity. Immerse yourself in your favorite music, news, or talk shows with its high-quality audio output. Whether you're commuting to work, running errands, or embarking on road trips, the XR-C2200 is your perfect in-car entertainment companion.

Car Stereo
Sony Corporation © 2000
Parts list
The numbers in the list are keyed to those in the instructions.
O ® @ ®
® ®
® ®
The release key (_) is used for dismounting the unit. See the Operating Instructions manual for details.
* Cautionary notice for handling the bracket O.
Handle the bracket carefully to avoid injuring your fingers.
° Remove the protection collar @ before installing.
Release the catch lock as illustrated.
* CJhoo_ the i_st, m_a_ o_ l_ h Ol'Lcmreft;I]y so that the _lt will not intel'ferB wzth tloz1_al dri_blg.
Avoid insta[N ng the urdt i_ ar_as subject to d use, dirt, _slve vibration, or hJ _ temperatures, su_ _s
in dirge _u_li_,ht or neBr h_ater duct_.
Use only the _upplt_l mo_n_ J_ardware _F a safe and s_cu_-e instaUatlon.
Mounting angle adjustment
Adjust the mounhng ang[_ to le_ ban __0_.
How to detach and attach the front panel
Before InstaUlng the unit, detach the front panel.
[] To detach
Before de _c)_iz_ t_e Ero_t p_e[, b_ su_ to pros _, J_re_s _, then slide the fr_t panel a
JJ_tle to the leh. and pull it _ff to'-va='d s you.
[] Ta attach
Attach part _) of the £ront peunel to p_rt _) of the u_it a_ ill ustr_t_l _d push the J_ft _de into po_it_on
Mounting example
In_lla_lon Ir_ tl_ dashboard
bo . t
Ught f_..f n ry
Plier m griff_s po_t assu mr
un_ prm_ _orrl_t_ si n_c_ms_ ir_
Mounting the unit in a Japanese car
YOU ma)_ _)t be able to bast;sit _ u_nlt in r,onle _ake_ of ]'a]_anese _:a_ I_ -'.ocha _se, _onsult yo_" _,_ny
m_x. size
S xB rain
To Ixev_nt tn_ffu_on, let.trail only _vlth the _;.,Ipplied $crev*_ _._.
Tableau de bord
With the UP mrklng up
Avgc I'inscriptLon UPvmr_ le halt
Fin_ wall
parol ig nifugl
max slz_
This unit isdesigned for negative ground 1-° V DC operation only.
Be careful not to pinch any wires between ascrew and the body of the caz or this u_t or between any
moving i_rt_ such as fl_eseatrailing, etc.
Before malting connections,di_onnect the ground terminal of the car battery toavoid short drcuits.
Connect _e yellow and red power input teaclsonly after all other leads have been connected.
Besureto connectthe red power input lead to the positive 12V power terminal which i_ energized
when the tgni_on _ isin the acc_ssozT,_it_on.
° Run all ground wires to a common ground point.
Connect bheye_ow cord to afree car cLrc_t rated higher than the unit's fuse z_lzng. If you connectthis
unit Jn serie_with other stereocomponents, the car circuit the" are connectedto must be rated higher
than the sum of the individua) component's fu_e rating. If there are no car circuits rated a_high as the
unit's fuserating, coz_nectthe unit directly to _e battery. If no car c_rcuiteareav_lable for cormecl_ng
this unit, connectthe unit toa car cLrcuitrated hi._ er than the u_t'_ fuse rating in sLtCha way that if the
unit blows its fu_e, noother circuitswill becut off.
Warningwhen installing in a car without ACC(accessory)position on
the ignition keyswitch
Besure to press (_ on the unit for two seconds to torn off the clock display aSter turned off the
When you press _ momentarily, the dock d_spl_y does not turn off and th_s causes batten, wear,
Reset button
When the L_st_[at_on and connections are complete, be sure to p_s the reset button with a ball-point
pen, etc.
Notes of connection example
Notes on the €ontm/and povRr supp/y leads
l_e power antenna control lead (blue) supplies +12 V DC when you turn on the unit.
When your car has a built-in FM/AM antenna in the rear/side glass, it isnecessary to connect the power antenna
control lead (blue) or the accessorypower input lead (red) to the power termina I of the extsTing antenna boosten
For details, consult your deale_
A power antenna Without a relay box cannot be u_ed with th_ uni_
Memo_ hold connection
When the yellow power input lead is €onn_cte_ power wi# always be rupplled to th_ memory circuit even when
the ignition switch i_ turned of_
Notes on speaker connecdon
Before connecting the speaker;, turn the unit off.
U_e speakers with an impedance of 4 to 8 ohn_. and with adequate power handling ,apecltle_ Otherwise, the
speaker may be damagect
Do not connect 11_ terminals of the _peaker system to the car chassis, and do not connect the terminals of the
right speaker with those of the le_ speaker.
Do not attempt to _onnect the zpeaker_ it_parallel.
DO not connect any _tfve speakers (with buitt_n amplifien) to the speaker terminals of the unit. Doing so may
damage the active speakers. Be _ure to connect pesdve speakers to these terminals.
Connection example
Foumi a
I XR-C2300X
Fuse (10 A)
Fusible (10 A)
__ Purple
to the +12 V power terminal which is energi_ed at all times Yellow
Be sum to conned the black ground lead first. _ Jaune
Blue/white striped
Ray_ bleu/b_an(
_. Rouge
to a place in the car
first connect the black ground lead, then connect the _ Black
yellow and _ power input leads, r_ Noir
Supplied with XA-a0
Foumi av_ le XA-C]0
Suppl_-_l with the CD/M D changer
Foumi avec le thangeu r de CDIMD
ft'ont a (ar alltlL_ln_
de I'antenne de bs voltum
Blue/white striped
RCAgin cord (not supplied)
Cordon a broche RCA (non foumi)
Max, supply ¢uRent 03 A
Courant ma_ fouml 0,3 A
To AMP REMOTE IN of the optional power amplifier
Thisconnection isonly for amplifiers. Connecting any other system may
damage the unit.
M_. supply current 0.1 A
Courant max. fourni 0,1 A
to the powlr armmna control kind or power supply kind of antenna
booster amplWmr
It isnot necessaryto connect this lead if there isno power antenna or
antenna booster, or with a manually<>perated tele_opi_ antenna.
When your car has a built-in FM/AM antenna in the reariside glass,see
..._._ "Notes on the control and power supply leads."
to the +12 V power terminal which is ene_jized nt the accessory position of
the ignition key switch
ff there isno accessoryposition, connect to the +12 Vpower (battery)
terminal wh_J_ isenergized at all ames.
Be sure to connect the black ground to It ftrst.
When your car has a bullt-ln FM/AM antenna in the reariside glass,see
"Notes On the ,ontrol 8nd power supply le_d$."
Connection diagram
Equipment used in illustrations (not supplied)
Appareils utilis#s clans les illustrations (non fournis)
Fron t |p#kerHiut-pa dgur frontal
power amplifier
Arnpl_ical_ur de puimnce
Rear sl_ak_r
¢D/MD changer
Chmng_r de CD/MD
FOr connecting two Dr mole cha_r_, th_ source Se_r XA-C_O (_o_i_nal) J, n_esx_ry.
Pans le ,_s du raccordernent de deux ¢l_n_u_ ou plus. le s_cteur de source XA-C30 _ptionnel) _t
- Be sure to conne_: the ground cord before connecting the amplifier.
o If you _nr_ect _n optional _ver arnp_f_r _ncl do not us_ the built-in t)mplifler, the beep sound will
4 p.ac_'ordez d'_bo_ I_ 1_1d_ n_asse avant de _nn_er I'_n_plifi_ateu_
b_p sor_r_ _st d_u_tive.
Sony Corporation Printed in USA SonyOline
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Sony XR-C2200 User manual

Motorcycle Accessories
User manual
This manual is also suitable for

Sony XR-C2200 offers a rich variety of features and functions to enhance your car audio experience. It combines the convenience of FM/AM radio and cassette playback with the flexibility of auxiliary input connectivity. Immerse yourself in your favorite music, news, or talk shows with its high-quality audio output. Whether you're commuting to work, running errands, or embarking on road trips, the XR-C2200 is your perfect in-car entertainment companion.

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