Using the TouchScreen
Tap th e t ext next to the to view help on resolving that trouble (resoluon informaon). Not all
troubles have addional resoluon informaon.
to mark the trouble as acknowledged . An acknowledged trouble mutes the audible alerts
for twelve hou rs. Aer that me, the trouble begins the alert again. You must acknowledge it by tapping
the OK buon again to silence the alerts.
From the resoluon informaon, you can:
Tap Return to view the Troubles list again where you can choose to ackn owledge the current
trouble or view the resoluon informaon for other troubles.
Tap Acknowledge Prob lem to acknowledge the current tro uble immediately and return to the
Troubles list.
The following table lists some of the messages th at can be d isplayed in the trouble header .
Table 3: System & Zone Trouble Header Messages
Message Cause Resoluon
AC Power
TouchScreen is not receiving A/C
The system is in Low P ower Mode (see
page 22).
Confirm th at the power adapter is plugged
int o the TouchScreen.
Confirm th at the power adapter is plugged
int o an un-switched ou tlet.
Confirm th at the un-switched outlet has
Plug the power adapter into another outlet.
TouchScreen is not accessing the
Internet through th e local network ,
nor does it have cellular connecvity.
Restore Internet c
onnecvity as soon as
If the lack of cellular connecvity persists,
contact Customer Care.
Baery failure Backup baery for the TouchScreen is
dead, and there is a loss of external
Aer external power is restored, it
takes approxim ately 21 hours for the
baery to be fully charged.
When AC Power is restored th e baery will
recharge. If not, have the baery
connecon checked.
Baery Low See Sensor Baery Low. Confirm th at the power adapter is plugged
int o an un-switched ou tlet
If A/C power is connected but the
TouchScreen has been off for an extended
period, the baery could sll be charging.