November 1996
Supersedes sheet dated 9/
Printed in U.S.A.
Cerberus Pyrotronics
50 East Pearce Street
Richmond Hill, Ontario
L4B, 1B7 CN
Tel: (905) 764-8384
FAX: (905) 731-9182
Cerberus Pyrotronics
8 Ridgedale Avenue
Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927
Tel: (201) 267-1300
FAX: (201) 397-7008
copper tubing or 5/16 inch actuation hose. The pressure
actuator is used on pressure operated (slave) cylinders
which are to be released simultaneously with the control
(master) cylinder.
One master cylinder can be used to pressure operate up to
a maximum of four slave cylinders. If more than five cylin-
ders are required up to 15 may be pressure operated using
a nitrogen pilot cylinder.
All cylinder valves have a pressure actuation outlet port
which is under pressure only while the valve is discharging.
The port has a 1/8 inch pipe thread and is fitted with a pipe
plug, which is removed when the port is to be used, and
replaced with a master cylinder adapter kit. The tubing or
actuation hose is connected to the adapter kit and run to
the pressure actuators on the slave cylinders.
The pressure operating tubing in a multi-cylinder fire
extinguishing system can be supervised with the use of the
model CSS cylinder supervisory switch.
5. Combination Pressure Actuator and Manual
Control — A special pressure actuator is also available to
which either a local or remote type manual control head
can be attached. It is used when both pressure actuation
and manual control is required for the same cylinder.
These steel cylinders are manufactured and tested in
accordance with D.O.T. specifications; 4BW500. The FM-
350 and 500 lb. cylinders are fitted with 2 lifting lugs for
convenience of handling.
The 2½ inch brass discharge valve can be piped or
connected to the piping or manifold via the 2½ inch flexible
discharge hose.
Cylinder bracketing expressly designed for the FM-200TM
cylinder is available for mounting directly onto a wall or with
optional mounting channels.
The FM-500L, 350L and 200L comes equipped with a liquid
level indicator for easy determination of the weight of the
FM-200TM in the cylinder.
Architect/Engineers Specification
The FM-200TM storage container shall be capable of
holding 350 or 500 lbs. of FM-200TM and be pressurized
with nitrogen at 360 psig at 70°F.
The FM-200TM cylinders shall be operated by the relief of
pressure above the valve piston. The valve shall be actu-
ated by local or remote manual operation, electric opera-
tion, pneumatic operation or as combination of a manual
and pneumatic operation.
On pneumatically operated systems, one master cylinder
shall be capable of operating up to 4 slave cylinders if
If desired, the pressure operated multi- FM-350 or FM- 500
cylinder fire extinguishing system shall be supervised by
the model CSS Cylinder Pressure Supervisory Switch.
The system shall be capable of either being piped or
connected to piping via a 2½ inch flexible discharge hose.
If desired the FM-200TM container shall come equipped with
a liquid level indicator to determine the weight of FM-200TM
in the container.
The FM-200TM container and system shall be listed by
Underwriters Laboratories and approved by Factory
Typical Cylinder Features
Cylinder and Valve Assembly 350 lb. (158.7 kg.)
Capacity Model FM-350, FM-350L
Cylinder and Valve Assembly 600 lb. (272.1 kg.)
Capacity Model FM-500, FM-500L
1. The safety cap
must be installed
at all times except
when the cylinders
are connected to
the system piping
or being filled. The
safety cap must
not be removed
from its chain.
1. The safety cap
must be installed
at all times except
when the cylinders
are connected to
the system piping
or being filled. The
safety cap must
not be removed
from its chain.