Descaling your MCE100
The e spresso mach ine and t he coffeem aker must be des caled reg ularly.
The f requenc y dep ends on the h ardness o f you r water and h ow often
you u se the machine . Recogni zable ind ica tions tha t descali ng is
nec essary are :
• Inc reased noi se during b oiling.
• Lon ger prepar ation tim e.
If usa ge is freque nt, des cal ing sho uld be carrie d out as fol lows:
Wit h soft water onc e a year.
Wit h medium har d water eve ry 3 months.
Wit h hard water onc e a month.
We rec ommend the u se of citric a cid, whic h can be obtain ed from
che mists.
Des caling the E spresso
Mak er
Bef ore descal ing, the bre wing siev e must be
rem oved from the machine . To remove the
sie ve, unscre w the cross- head scre w and lift
out .
Rem ove all lime scale and c off ee residu e from the bre wing siev e and
bre wing head .
Dis solve 2 tables poons of cit ric aci d in 30 0 ml of lukewa rm water and
pou r it into the boil er chambe r. Put a cup und er the brewing h ead and
ano ther unde r the s team nozz le.
P le a s e N ot e
Do not u se the filt er holder duri ng descal ing. Let the d escalin g
sol ution run thro ugh the b rew ing hea d.
Whe n all the flui d has run out
of the m achine, s witch the mach ine off a nd allow it and t he descal ing
sol ution to coo l.
Rep eat the abov e steps, usi ng the same d esc aling sol ution.
Rep eat the abov e steps twi ce, u sing clea n water. Swi tch the mach ine
off a nd allow it to cool.
Ref it the brewing s ieve in the b rewing hea d.
Des caling the C offee
Mak er
Dis solve 2 tables poons of cit ric aci d in 50 0 ml of water and pour int o
the w ater contain er.
Swi tch the mach ine ON and run the soluti on throug h 2 or 3 times. The
hot d escalin g sol ution
mus t be allowed to coo l down betw een
ope rations .
Fin ally, run 2 x 500 ml of clean wat er throug h the m achine.