Thermo Fisher Scientific Sequazyme™ DNA Standards Kit Operating instructions

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Operating Instructions for the Sequazyme DNA Standards Kit. This document provides guidance on using the kit to test the MassGenotyping Solution MGS1 System and optimize the Voyager Biospectrometry Workstation, including preparation of the matrix and primer extension mixture. I'm ready to answer your questions about the kit and its usage.
  • What is included in the DNA Standards Kit?
    What kind of plate should be used to test the MGS1 System?
    How long is the reconstituted Primer Extension Mixture stable?
Operating Instructions
1 Product Description
The Sequazyme DNA Standards Kit allows you to do either or both of
the following:
Test the MassGenotyping Solution 1 (MGS1) System,
excluding the SymBiot® XT Workstation
Check and optimize the resolution and sensitivity of the
Voyager Biospectrometry Workstation (linear mode), used
alone or as part of the MGS1 System
The kit contains a mixture of three oligonucleotides that simulate the
products of a primer extension reaction run using the Sequazyme
Pinpoint SNP Assay Kit. The three oligonucleotides produce a mass
spectrum that simulates a primer and its A/T heterozygote extensions.
Figure 1 illustrates how to use the DNA Standards Kit.
Figure 1 Using the DNA Standards Kit
2 Instrument Safety
Before using the Voyager Workstation, read the Safety and
Compliance section in the Voyager Biospectrometry Workstation User
Guide and be familiar with all instrument safety information.
Before using the MGS1 System, read the Safety and EMC Compliance
section in the MGS1 System Hardware Guide and be familiar with all
instrument safety information.
Apply Matrix and Primer Extension Mixture
to a Voyager Sample Plate
Prepare the THAP Matrix
Prepare the Primer Extension Mixture
Test the MGS1 System Check and Optimize
Voyager Workstation
Resolution and Sensitivity
3 Materials
Materials Provided
The DNA Standards Kit contains:
THAP Matrix 2, 4, 6 trihydroxyacetophenone, 1 vial (40 mg)
Matrix Diluent 2 vials (1.5 mL each)
Primer Extension Mixture 1 vial (25 µg), containing:
Materials Not Provided
To use this kit, you need a:
Fresh 200-µL MicroAmp® reaction tube with cap
Voyager sample plate
NOTE: If you use this kit to test the MGS1 System, do not use a
96×2-position, flat, hydrophobic plastic surface plate. Use only a
sample plate supported by the MGS1 software, such as:
• 96-position, barcoded
• 100-position
• 384-position
• 384-position, barcoded
• 400-position
nucleotide Sequence
(5 to 3)
Dissolved in
25 µL Water Mass
R377-16 5-CTT TGT TCT GGG TTT C-32 µM 4,860
R377-17A 5-CTT TGT TCT GGA TTT CA-31 µM 5,156
R377-17T 5-CTT TGT TCT GGA TTT CT-31 µM 5,147
Contents Page
1 Product Description ........................................................ 1
2 Instrument Safety............................................................ 1
3 Materials ......................................................................... 1
4 Preparing the THAP Matrix ............................................ 2
5 Preparing the Primer Extension Mixture ......................... 2
6 Applying Matrix and Primer Extension Mixture to the
Voyager Sample Plate .................................................... 2
7 Testing the MGS1 System .............................................. 3
8 Checking and Optimizing Resolution and Sensitivity...... 5
9 Troubleshooting.............................................................. 7
10 Storing the Kit ................................................................. 7
11 Accessories, Spare Parts, and Ordering Information...... 7
12 Technical Support........................................................... 7
DNA Standards Kit
4 Preparing the THAP Matrix
WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. Matrix Diluent (with acetonitrile)
is a flammable liquid and vapor. It may cause eye, skin, and respiratory
tract irritation, central nervous system depression, and heart, liver, and
kidney damage. Please read the MSDS and follow the handling
instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and
WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. 2,4,6 trihydroxyacetophenone
(THAP) may cause eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation. Please
read the MSDS and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate
protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves.
CAUTION: To prevent contamination, wear gloves when performing
the following steps, do not touch the internal surfaces of the vials or
caps, and do not allow the underside of the caps to touch any surfaces.
To prepare the THAP matrix:
1. Transfer the contents of one of the vials of matrix diluent to the vial
of THAP matrix powder.
2. Cap and vortex the mixture for 5 to 10 seconds.
3. Allow any undissolved matrix to settle.
Matrix Stability
Protect THAP matrix powder from high temperatures and light. Discard
THAP matrix solution if it turns dark brown or fails to crystallize. For
more information, see Section 10, Storing the Kit.
5 Preparing the Primer Extension Mixture
WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. Matrix Diluent (with acetonitrile)
is a flammable liquid and vapor. It may cause eye, skin, and respiratory
tract irritation, central nervous system depression, and heart, liver, and
kidney damage. Please read the MSDS and follow the handling
instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and
WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. The toxicological properties of
Primer Extension Mixture have not been thoroughly investigated.
Use appropriate precautions. Read the MSDS.
CAUTION: To prevent contamination, wear gloves when performing
the following steps, do not touch the internal surfaces of the vials or
caps, and do not allow the underside of the caps to touch any surfaces.
To prepare the primer extension mixture:
1. Immediately before use, transfer 25 µL matrix diluent to the vial of
primer extension mixture.
2. Cap and vortex the mixture for 5 to 10 seconds.
Primer Extension Mixture Stability
The reconstituted primer extension mixture is stable for approximately
3 days at room temperature. For more information, see Section 10,
Storing the Kit.
6 Applying Matrix and Primer Extension
Mixture to the Voyager Sample Plate
6.1 Overview
The following sections describe how to manually spot the THAP matrix
and primer extension mixture on a Voyager sample plate.
NOTE: If you use this kit to test the MGS1 System, do not use a
96×2-position, flat, hydrophobic plastic surface plate. Use only a
sample plate supported by the MGS1 software, such as:
96-position, barcoded
384-position, barcoded
6.2 Cleaning the Sample Plate
WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. Acetonitrile is a flammable liquid
and vapor. It may cause eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation,
central nervous system depression, and heart, liver, and kidney
damage. Please read the MSDS and follow the handling instructions.
Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves.
CAUTION: Do not scrub or sonicate the Voyager sample plate.
Scrubbing or sonicating can damage the coating on the plate.
Before spotting, clean the sample plate:
1. Rinse the sample plate with deionized or Milli-Q® (not distilled)
water to remove previous samples and contaminating salts.
2. If the sample plate contains analytes or matrixes that are not water
soluble, rinse the plate with acetonitrile, then rinse with deionized
or Milli-Q water.
3. Allow to air-dry.
6.3 Spotting the Sample Plate
CAUTION: To prevent contamination, wear gloves when performing
the following steps, do not touch the internal surfaces of the vials or
caps, and do not allow the underside of the caps to touch any surfaces.
To spot the sample plate:
1. In a fresh 200-µL MicroAmp® tube, mix 5 µL THAP matrix solution
with 5 µL reconstituted primer extension mixture.
2. Spot two or three positions on the Voyager sample plate with the
50:50 THAP matrix:reconstituted primer extension mixture. The
volume you spot depends on the sample plate you use:
3. Dry the plate in either of the following ways:
Air-dry at room temperature for a few minutes.
Place in a stream of gently flowing air, for example, in the
airstream of a fume or laminar-flow hood.
IMPORTANT: Do not use the air supply at a lab bench to dry the
plate unless the air supply is free of oils and additives.
Sample Plate Spot Volume (µL)
384- and 400-position sample plates 0.4 to 0.5
96- and 100-position sample plates 1.0
6.4 Sample Stability
Dried samples on a sample plate are stable for approximately one day.
Protect the plate from light if you do not analyze the samples within an
hour of spotting.
7 Testing the MGS1 System
7.1 Overview
The following sections describe how to use the DNA Standards Kit to
check that the MGS1 System (excluding the SymBiot XT Workstation)
is operating properly and has instrument settings optimized to
successfully identify alleles. It includes:
Before you begin
Creating a primer
Creating a sample set
Acquiring and processing data
Viewing results
7.2 Before You Begin
Before you begin, complete the steps in:
Section 4, Preparing the THAP Matrix
Section 5, Preparing the Primer Extension Mixture
Section 6, Applying Matrix and Primer Extension Mixture to the
Voyager Sample Plate
7.3 Creating a Primer
To create a primer:
1. Open the MGS1 software by double-clicking .
2. From the View menu, select Primers and Pools.
3. Click to display the Primer Browser.
4. If the R377-16 DNA Standard primer already exists in the Primer
Browser, go to Section 7.4. If not, continue with step 5.
5. In the Primer section at the top of the screen, click New.
6. For the Description, type DNA Standards Kit Primer.
7. In the Primer Sequence (5 to 3) text box, type:
A calculated mass of 4860.27 appears in the Mass text box.
8. In the Expected Base Added to Primer text box, type AT.
9. Click Save. In the Primer Browser, type R377-16 DNA Standard
for the Name, then click Save.
7.4 Creating a Sample Set
To create a sample set:
1. In the MGS1 software, select Sample Set from the View menu.
2. At the top of the Sample Set screen, click New, then select the
following general information:
3. In the Select MALDI Plates section, click to display the Plate
4. In the Plate Browser, click to display the Plate Editor.
5. In the Plate Name text box, type DNA Standard Plate, click OK,
then click OK again.
6. In the Set All Plates tab, click Add All to Sample List to add the
DNA Standard Plate you created in step 5 to the Sample Set List.
7. In the Sample Set List, type or select the following information for
the positions that contain the primer extension mixture.
8. Click-drag to select all plate positions that you did not spot, then
click above the Sample Set List.
9. In the Analysis Setup section, click Acquisition Method.
10. In the Acquisition Methods dialog box, select DNA Standard Kit
from the Acquisition Method Name list.
The DNA Standard Kit Acquisition Method specifies:
Data File Directory Voyager Computer Name\MGS1\Data
BIC File Name Voyager Computer Name\MGS1\
NOTE: Open the DNAStdKit.BIC or DNAStdKitPRO.BIC file in the
Voyager Instrument Control Panel and verify the Control Mode is
set to Automatic. If it is not, change the Control Mode to
Automatic, then save the file.
11. Click OK.
12. In the Analysis Setup section, click Processing Method.
13. In the Processing Methods dialog box, select DNA Standard Kit
from the Processing Method Name list.
The DNA Standard Kit Processing Method specifies the settings
shown in Table 1 on page 4.
14. Click OK.
Parameter Setting
Sample Origin MALDI Plate
MALDI Plate Type (Select the MALDI Plate Type that matches
the plate you spotted in Section 6, Applying
Matrix and Primer Extension Mixture to the
Voyager Sample Plate.)
Parameter Selection
Sample Name DNA Standard
Single Primer Select
Primer/Pool Name R377-16 DNA Standard
Table 1 DNA Standard Processing Method Settings
15. Click Save at the top left of the Sample Set screen, type DNA
Standard Sample Set in the Sample Set Selection text box, then
click OK.
7.5 Acquiring and Processing Data
Selecting an Acquisition Mode and Sample Plate
To select an acquisition mode and sample plate:
1. If the Control Panels are not displayed in the MGS1 software,
select Control Panels from the View menu.
2. In the Data Acquisition Control Panel, select Acquire and Process
Data for the Mode.
3. Click to display the Select Plate dialog box.
4. Select DNA Standard Plate, then click OK to add it to the Data
Acquisition Control Panel.
Loading the Sample Plate in the Voyager Workstation
WARNING: LASER HAZARD. Lasers emit ultraviolet radiation.
Lasers can burn the retina and leave permanent blind spots. Never
look directly into the laser beam. Remove jewelry and other items that
can reflect the beam into your eyes. Do not remove the instrument
front or side panels. Wear proper eye protection and post a laser
warning sign at the entrance to the laboratory if the front or side panels
are removed for service.
To load the sample plate in the Voyager Workstation:
1. Power up the Voyager Workstation and start the Instrument Control
2. In the Data Acquisition Control Panel, click .
A message prompts you to load the sample plate in the Voyager
mass spectrometer.
3. In the Voyager Instrument Control Panel, select Eject from the
Sample Plate menu.
4. In the Load/Eject dialog box, click Eject to eject the plate holder.
CAUTION: Verify that the sample plate is completely dry before
loading. Loading a wet plate can cause vacuum errors and
instrument damage.
5. Slide the sample plate into the holder from the right side with the
slanted underside of the plate facing to the left and toward the back
of the instrument, then snap the plate into place.
6. From the Sample Plate menu, select Load to retract the sample
plate and insert it into the main source chamber.
7. Select a Plate ID with a .PLT file that corresponds to the Voyager
sample plate you used to spot the THAP matrix and primer
extension mixture.
8. Click Load to load the sample plate. Wait for the Load/Eject Status
dialog box to close.
9. Align the sample plate by selecting Align from the Sample menu.
For more information on aligning the sample plate, see the MGS1
System Hardware Guide.
Starting Acquisition
After the Load/Eject Status dialog box closes in the Voyager software,
return to the MGS1 computer and click OK.
CAUTION: Do not click OK until the Load/Eject Status dialog box
closes. If you click OK before the mass spectrometer completes the
Load/Eject cycle, invalid results can occur.
7.6 Viewing Results
To view results after acquisition is complete:
1. In the MGS1 software, open the DNA Standard Sample Set by
selecting Sample Set from the View menu, clicking to display
the Sample Set Browser, selecting DNA Standard Sample Set,
then clicking OK.
2. Click the Result Viewer tab.
3. Select DNA Standard Plate from the Plate list, then select
R377-16 DNA Standard from the Primer list.
The results for the DNA Standard Plate and the R377-16 DNA
Standard primer are displayed in the Result Viewer tab (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Results of DNA Standard Plate and
R377-16 DNA Standard Primer
Parameter Setting
Processing Settings
Smoothing Methods Noise Filter
Correlation Factor 0.7
Baseline Correction Advanced
Data Explorer SET File Voyager Computer Name\
Calibration Settings
External Calibration File (Not applicable, leave blank)
Peaks for internal calibration Primers Only
Relative Peak Intensity (%) 20
Mass Tolerance (Da) 15
Max Outlier Error (m/z) 2
Base Calling Settings
Allele Tolerance (Da) 1.5
Heterozygote Threshold (%) 20
Green = A
Red = T
4. Check that the positions on the plate that contain the THAP matrix
and primer extension mixture are green and red, indicating an
A/T heterozygote for the extended primers.
5. Click a position on the plate that contains the THAP matrix and
primer extension mixture to display the Results List (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Results List for Primer Extension Mixture
If your results do not indicate an A/T heterozygote, see Section 9,
8 Checking and Optimizing Resolution
and Sensitivity
8.1 Overview
The following sections describe how to check and optimize resolution
on the Voyager Workstation to optimize it for DNA analysis. It includes:
Before you begin
Optimizing the Voyager Workstation (laser intensity)
Checking resolution and sensitivity
Resolution requirements
8.2 Before You Begin
Before you begin, complete the steps in:
Section 4, Preparing the THAP Matrix
Section 5, Preparing the Primer Extension Mixture
Section 6, Applying Matrix and Primer Extension Mixture to the
Voyager Sample Plate
8.3 Optimizing the Voyager Workstation
(Laser Intensity)
WARNING: LASER HAZARD. Lasers emit ultraviolet radiation.
Lasers can burn the retina and leave permanent blind spots. Never
look directly into the laser beam. Remove jewelry and other items that
can reflect the beam into your eyes. Do not remove the instrument
front or side panels. Wear proper eye protection and post a laser
warning sign at the entrance to the laboratory if the front or side panels
are removed for service.
Before checking resolution and sensitivity, optimize the Voyager
Workstation settings from the Instrument Control Panel:
1. Power up the Voyager Workstation and start the Instrument Control
CAUTION: Verify that the sample plate is completely dry before
loading. Loading a wet plate can cause vacuum errors and
instrument damage.
2. Load the sample plate in the Voyager Workstation. For the Plate
Type, select or create a Plate ID with a .PLT file that corresponds to
the Voyager sample plate you used to spot the THAP matrix and
primer extension mixture in Section 6, Applying Matrix and Primer
Extension Mixture to the Voyager Sample Plate.
3. Click in the toolbar of the Instrument Control Panel to turn on
the high-voltage power supplies. Allow the high-voltage power
supplies to warm up for 30 minutes for maximum mass accuracy.
4. From the Voyager Workstation Instrument Control Panel, open the
DNAStdKit.BIC or DNAStdKitPRO.BIC file, located on the
Voyager computer in the D:\MGS1\BIC_SET_Files subdirectory.
(Open the .BIC file appropriate for your instrument, Voyager-DE
or Voyager-DE PRO Workstation.) Verify the Control Mode is set
to Manual.
If you do not have an MGS1 System, create the DNAStdKit.BIC or
DNAStdKitPRO.BIC file using the settings shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Instrument Settings for DNAStandardsKit.BIC File
Red = T
Green = A
Results of
Setting for
Setting for
Voyager-DE PRO
Instrument Mode Linear Linear
Extraction Type Delayed Delayed
Polarity Type Positive Positive
Linear Digitizer (Acqiris)
Bin Size 2 nsec 2 nsec
Vertical Scale 1000 mV 500 mV
Vertical Offset 0.0 0.0
Input Bandwidth Full Full
Control Mode Manual Manual
Accelerating Voltage 20,000 V 20,000 V
Grid Voltage% 94.5% 94.0%
Guide Wire Voltage% 0.05% 0.15%
Extraction Delay Time 300 nsec 350 nsec
Laser Shots/Spectrum 50 50
Acquisition Mass Range 3,000 to 7,000 Da 3,000 to 7,000 Da
Low Mass Gate 3,000 Da 3,000 Da
Calibration Matrix THAP THAP
Calibration File Default Default
5. In the Manual Laser Intensity section of the Instrument Control
Panel, set the laser intensity to 2,000.
6. Use the Manual Sample Positioning section of the Instrument
Control Panel to select a position on the sample plate containing
the THAP matrix and primer extension mixture.
7. Start acquisition by clicking on the toolbar.
8. During acquisition, view the spectrum in the Instrument Control
Panel. Verify that it looks similar to Figure 4.
Figure 4 Spectrum of Primer Extension Mixture
9. Increase the laser intensity in 50-step increments and observe the
signal intensity of the 4,860 Da peak.
You typically see major changes in signal intensity between laser
intensity settings of 2,000 and 2,100. At a laser intensity setting
between 2,100 and 3,000, you typically see a plateau in which
changes in signal intensity do not occur when you increase the
laser intensity.
10. Continue increasing the laser intensity in 50-step increments until
the signal intensity starts to decrease and you see peak
broadening and fragmentation.
The optimum laser intensity setting is midway between the
intensity that yields the signal intensity plateau and the intensity
that causes peak broadening and fragmentation (Figure 5).
Figure 5 Determining Optimum Laser Intensity
11. With the laser intensity at its optimum setting, save the
DNAStandardsKit.BIC file.
The laser intensity setting is saved with the .BIC file.
For more information on optimizing settings, see the Voyager
Biospectrometry Workstation User Guide, Section 5.1.4, Modifying an
Instrument Settings File (.BIC).
8.4 Checking Resolution and Sensitivity
To check resolution and sensitivity:
1. Optimize the Voyager Workstation settings as described in
Section 8.3, Optimizing the Voyager Workstation (Laser Intensity).
2. In the Data Storage section of the Instrument Control Panel,
specify D:\Voyager\Data as the directory for storing the data.
3. Use the Manual Sample Positioning section of the Instrument
Control Panel to select a position on the sample plate containing
the THAP matrix and primer extension mixture.
4. With the DNAStandardsKit.BIC or DNAStandardsKitPRO.BIC
file open, start acquisition by clicking in the toolbar. Acquire
five spectra from different regions of the same spot, saving each
spectrum to a data file.
5. From the Tools menu in the Voyager Workstation Instrument
Control Panel, use the Resolution Calculator and the
Signal-to-Noise Calculator to calculate the resolution and
signal-to-noise ratio of the unextended primer peak (4,860 Da) in
all five data files, then average the results.
NOTE: When calculating signal-to-noise ratios, specify a Baseline
Region that is flat (non-rising) and does not include peaks.
6. Check that the resolution is adequate to support your application.
See Table 3. The signal-to-noise ratio is typically 50:1.
7. If resolution is not adequate, do any of the following:
Adjust laser intensity as described in Section 8.3, Optimizing
the Voyager Workstation (Laser Intensity).
Adjust Delay Time in 50-nsec increments.
Adjust Guide Wire Voltage% in 0.05% increments.
NOTE: Adjusting laser intensity and Delay Time to optimize
resolution typically also improves the signal-to-noise ratio.
8.5 Resolution Requirements
The instrument resolution required to resolve allelic pairs is a function
of the mass of the oligonucleotide containing the two alleles. The mass
of the oligonucleotide is proportional to its length (number of bases).
See Table 3.
Table 3 Maximum Primer Length (Number of Bases)
Supporting Resolution of Allelic Pairs
Table 3 serves as a guide for determining if the resolution of your mass
spectrometer is adequate to support a given application. For example,
at a measured resolution of 500 (m/m), the longest primer containing
a C/T heterozygote that can be resolved is 24 bases long. If the allelic
pair to resolve is unknown, assume you need a resolution that can
resolve the allelic pair with the lowest mass difference (A/T).
primer peak Primer
Laser Intensity
Major changes in signal
intensity occur with minor
laser setting adjustments
~2000 ~2500
Plateau, no changes in
signal intensity occur with
laser setting adjustments
Peak broadening
and fragmentation
occur at higher
laser settings
Optimum setting midway between
plateau setting and setting that
causes peak broadening and
Allelic Pair Mass
400 500 600 700
A/C 24.03 31 39 47 55
A/G 16.00 21 26 31 36
A/T 9.01 12151820
C/G 40.03 52 65 78 91
C/T 15.02 20 24 29 34
G/T 25.01 31 39 47 55
NOTE: Primers over 30 bases in length are not recommended, even if
resolution requirements would support their use. Instrument response
decreases with longer primers.
9 Troubleshooting
Use Table 4 to troubleshoot problems you may encounter when testing
the MGS1 System.
Table 4 Troubleshooting Testing of the MGS1 System
10 Storing the Kit
The DNA Standards Kit is most stable at 20 °C. Kit components are
less stable at higher temperatures (see table below). Avoid prolonged
exposure to light.
11 Accessories, Spare Parts,
and Ordering Information
To order accessories and spare parts, contact Applied Biosystems
Customer Service. Refer to the back page of this document for the
phone number and web address.
12 Technical Support
For technical assistance, call Applied Biosystems Technical Support.
From North American, dial 1.800.899.5858. If you are outside North
America, refer to the back page of this document for the phone number
and web address.
Symptom Possible Cause Action
No result in the
Result Viewer tab
of the MGS1
The mass scale of
the Voyager
Workstation is not
1. Open the data file in the
Data Explorer software.
2. Create an external
calibration file (.CAL).
3. In the MGS1 software
open the DNA Standard
Processing Method and
select this external
calibration file (.CAL).
4. Reprocess the data.
The results in the
Result Viewer tab
of the MGS1
software indicate a
single allele (an A
or T homozygote).
The resolution or
ratio of the
Workstation is not
Adjust laser intensity and
Delay Time to improve
resolution and sensitivity.
See Section 8, Checking
and Optimizing Resolution
and Sensitivity.
The Heterozygote
Threshold (%)
setting in the
Processing Method
is too high.
Decrease the
Heterozygote Threshold
(%) setting.
Kit Component Storage Temperature Stability
Unopened kit 20 °C 1 year
THAP Matrix (powder) 20 °C 1 year
Room temperature 1 month
THAP Matrix
(reconstituted) 20 °C 1 week
Room temperature 1 day
Matrix Diluent 20 °C 1 year
Primer Extension
Mixture (dried) <4 °C 1 year
Primer Extension
Mixture (reconstituted) 20 °C 1 month
4 °C 1 week
Room temperature 3 days
Description Quantity Part
Sequazyme DNA Standards Kit 1 kit 4328119
Sequazyme Pinpoint SNP Assay Kit 1 kit, provided in
four separate
Voyager sample plate, hydrophobic
plastic surface, flat, 384-position 1 plate V700700
Voyager sample plate, hydrophobic
plastic surface, flat, 384-position,
1 plate 4327695
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Phone: +1 650.638.5800
Toll Free (In North America): +1 800.345.5224
Fax: +1 650.638.5884
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Applied Biosystems vast distribution and
service network, composed of highly trained
support and applications personnel, reaches
into 150 countries on six continents. For sales
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Printed in the USA, 04/2001
Part Number 4327553 Rev. A
© Copyright 2001, Applied Biosystems
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