4 Preparing the THAP Matrix
WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. Matrix Diluent (with acetonitrile)
is a flammable liquid and vapor. It may cause eye, skin, and respiratory
tract irritation, central nervous system depression, and heart, liver, and
kidney damage. Please read the MSDS and follow the handling
instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and
WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. 2,4,6 trihydroxyacetophenone
(THAP) may cause eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation. Please
read the MSDS and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate
protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves.
CAUTION: To prevent contamination, wear gloves when performing
the following steps, do not touch the internal surfaces of the vials or
caps, and do not allow the underside of the caps to touch any surfaces.
To prepare the THAP matrix:
1. Transfer the contents of one of the vials of matrix diluent to the vial
of THAP matrix powder.
2. Cap and vortex the mixture for 5 to 10 seconds.
3. Allow any undissolved matrix to settle.
Matrix Stability
Protect THAP matrix powder from high temperatures and light. Discard
THAP matrix solution if it turns dark brown or fails to crystallize. For
more information, see Section 10, Storing the Kit.
5 Preparing the Primer Extension Mixture
WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. Matrix Diluent (with acetonitrile)
is a flammable liquid and vapor. It may cause eye, skin, and respiratory
tract irritation, central nervous system depression, and heart, liver, and
kidney damage. Please read the MSDS and follow the handling
instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and
WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. The toxicological properties of
Primer Extension Mixture have not been thoroughly investigated.
Use appropriate precautions. Read the MSDS.
CAUTION: To prevent contamination, wear gloves when performing
the following steps, do not touch the internal surfaces of the vials or
caps, and do not allow the underside of the caps to touch any surfaces.
To prepare the primer extension mixture:
1. Immediately before use, transfer 25 µL matrix diluent to the vial of
primer extension mixture.
2. Cap and vortex the mixture for 5 to 10 seconds.
Primer Extension Mixture Stability
The reconstituted primer extension mixture is stable for approximately
3 days at room temperature. For more information, see Section 10,
Storing the Kit.
6 Applying Matrix and Primer Extension
Mixture to the Voyager Sample Plate
6.1 Overview
The following sections describe how to manually spot the THAP matrix
and primer extension mixture on a Voyager sample plate.
NOTE: If you use this kit to test the MGS1 System, do not use a
96×2-position, flat, hydrophobic plastic surface plate. Use only a
sample plate supported by the MGS1 software, such as:
• 96-position, barcoded
• 100-position
• 384-position
• 384-position, barcoded
• 400-position
6.2 Cleaning the Sample Plate
WARNING: CHEMICAL HAZARD. Acetonitrile is a flammable liquid
and vapor. It may cause eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation,
central nervous system depression, and heart, liver, and kidney
damage. Please read the MSDS and follow the handling instructions.
Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves.
CAUTION: Do not scrub or sonicate the Voyager sample plate.
Scrubbing or sonicating can damage the coating on the plate.
Before spotting, clean the sample plate:
1. Rinse the sample plate with deionized or Milli-Q® (not distilled)
water to remove previous samples and contaminating salts.
2. If the sample plate contains analytes or matrixes that are not water
soluble, rinse the plate with acetonitrile, then rinse with deionized
or Milli-Q water.
3. Allow to air-dry.
6.3 Spotting the Sample Plate
CAUTION: To prevent contamination, wear gloves when performing
the following steps, do not touch the internal surfaces of the vials or
caps, and do not allow the underside of the caps to touch any surfaces.
To spot the sample plate:
1. In a fresh 200-µL MicroAmp® tube, mix 5 µL THAP matrix solution
with 5 µL reconstituted primer extension mixture.
2. Spot two or three positions on the Voyager sample plate with the
50:50 THAP matrix:reconstituted primer extension mixture. The
volume you spot depends on the sample plate you use:
3. Dry the plate in either of the following ways:
•Air-dry at room temperature for a few minutes.
•Place in a stream of gently flowing air, for example, in the
airstream of a fume or laminar-flow hood.
IMPORTANT: Do not use the air supply at a lab bench to dry the
plate unless the air supply is free of oils and additives.
Sample Plate Spot Volume (µL)
384- and 400-position sample plates 0.4 to 0.5
96- and 100-position sample plates 1.0