Maximum Maximum
GAWR GAWR Maximum Maximum
/2 x 8
/8 [16
/2 x 7 GAWR GAWR
Bendix Fiberglass Ceramic Aramid Carbon Metallic Drive and Drive and [16.5 x 5, 6 [15 x 4 Steer
Friction Attributes Fibers Fibers Fibers Fibers Fibers Trailer] Trailer] Steer Brake] Line Haul]
High value friction material of high
torque for the line haul and medium-
X X X X 20,000 20,000 20,000 12,000
duty vocational applications.
Premium standard platform long
BLUE life conventional lining for all 20K X X 20,000 20,000 N.A. N.A.
line haul applications.
Severe service full metallic lining
X X X 25,000 23,000 20,000 N.A.
for the standard service platform.
The quiet lining for standard
service platform that works over
a complete temperature range
X X X 23,000 20,000 16,000 14,600
(similar to transit lining).
Severe duty combination lining
X X X 25,000 23,000 20,000 N.A.
for the standard service platform.
Premium standard service plat-
RED form lining for typical over-the- X X 23,000 23,000 16,000 14,600
road 23K applications.
Standard service platform lining
that may be used for a wide
range of applications including
X 20,000 20,000 N.A. N.A.
line haul and pick-up and delivery.
On/off highway line haul as well
YELLOW as vocational applications for the X X 25,000 23,000 20,000 N.A.
standard service platform.
SB 4515 Q RED
FMSI Number (Friction Materials Standard Institute, Inc.)
Product Prefix Designation
SB = New Lined Brake Shoe Kit (2 Shoes and Hardware Kit)
KT = Remanufactured Lined Brake Shoe Kit (2 Shoes and Hardware Kit)
EX = Single Remanufactured Lined Brake Shoe
No Prefix = New Lined Brake Shoe
No Prefix or Suffix: Unlined brake shoe – ie. 1308E. 1308 is the FMSI
number assigned for that 15 x 4 lining contour and rivet hole size and
pattern. The E is for Eaton style SAP
Shoe Core Identification
E = Bendix (Eaton) single anchor pin
Q = Rockwell – Meritor open anchor pin hole
T = Rockwell – Meritor closed anchor pin hole small T headed cam
HA = Bendix (Spicer) Heavy Axle
P = Rockwell – Meritor closed anchor pin hole, S cam head
X3 = Fruehauf XEM 3rd design
S = Standard Forge
R = Rockwell – Meritor Q+ thicker lining
EII = Bendix (Eaton) Extended Service thicker lining
QM = Rockwell – Meritor for Mack with relocated Return Spring Hole
FCII = Bendix (Spicer) Q+
Friction Material Designation
Brake Shoe and Kit Product Identifi cation