• Always ride defensively in a predictable, straight
• Concentrate on the path ahead. Avoid pot holes,
gravel, wet road markings, oil, curbs, speed
bumps, drain grates and other obstacles.
• Cross train tracks at a 90 degree angle or walk
your bicycle across.
• Expecttheunexpected(e.g.openingcardoorsor
• Takeextracareatintersectionsandwhen
preparing to pass other vehicles.
• Maintain a comfortable stopping distance from all
other riders, vehicles and objects. Safe braking
distances and forces are subject to the prevailing
weather conditions. Do not lock up the brakes.
and if it is not correctly applied, you may lose
control and fall.
• Always use the correct hand signals to indicate
turning or stopping.
• Obeythetrafclaws(e.g.stoppingataredlight
• Wearproperridingattire,reectiveifpossible,
and avoid open toe shoes.
• Avoid wearing loose pants. If you are wearing
loose pants, tuck the pant leg into a sock or use
leg clips/elastic bands to prevent them from being
caught in the drive chain.
• Don’tuseitemsthatmayrestrictyourhearing.
• Don’tcarrypackagesorpassengersthat
will interfere with your visibility or control of
the tricycle.
Wet Weather
• Be aware of road conditions. Pot holes and
slippery surfaces such as line markings and train
tracks all become more hazardous when wet.
• Decrease your riding speed, avoid sudden
braking and sharp turns.
• Braking will require additional distance. Initiate
braking slowly and earlier than usual.
• Wearreectiveclothingandusesafetylightsfor
increased visibility.
Schwinn Meridian Manual R3 0918112.indd 4 9/18/12 3:44 PM