Lost connection with radio controller – FrSky
1. Switch on your Taranis X9D Plus transmitter, goto "Model Setup" (Press MENU and PAGE
button once). In the "Internal RF" section, choose Mode = D16, Channel Range = CH1-16,
Receiver No. 01, and then click "Bind", the transmitter will start beeping.
2. Power up the X4R receiver (Connect your drone with battery) while holding the F/S button.
The LED on the receiver will start flashing, which means binding has completed.
3. Power off Transmitter and Receiver.
4. Turn on the transmitter and power on the Receiver; you should see the Green LED on the
receiver, which means it was bound with your transmitter.
Save/Restore Profile using OpenTX Program
For FrSky TARANIS Plus user, you can use the latest OpenTX program to backup/restore your
setting or our own profile. You can find the procedures below:
1. Download OPENTX program by isiting http://www.open-tx.org/downloads.html. Always use
the latest version Use the latest OPENTX 2.1 branch.
2. Download the latest helipal profile for our drone here (Please unzip before use):
www.helipal.com/download/uav/srd-taranis-x9d-plus.zip OR http://goo.gl/PZQeWO
3. Turn on your radio by holding both lower trim buttons towards the center while you turn it
on, you should be entering BootLoader Page
4. Connect your TARANIS profile to your PC/Mac via USB Cable and wordings “USB
Connected” should be shown on the controller screen.
5. click to read your radio controller profile
6. Your own radio controller profile should be loaded on the screen, always click to save
your existing profile before you perform any changes.