Making a dial-up connection allows you to communicate wirelessly to
Bluetooth equipped cellular phones and modems. You will first be
prompted to choose or create a dial-up connection with basic dialing
information. Once connected to a device with dial-up capability, you
may be requested to provide additional information. For more informa-
tion about dial-up connections, refer to the user guide that came with
your Pocket PC.
Follow these steps to create an Internet Dial-Up Connection:
1. The first step in the dial-up process is to make sure that your phone
supports Bluetooth technology.
NOTE: Some phones require that they be paired before you can connect to them. By
setting those phones to accept pairing they are also made "discoverable". See the
phone user guide Bluetooth section for instructions on making the phone Bluetooth
ready and on accepting pairing.
2. From the Connection Manager Main window, discover Bluetooth
devices as described above.
The first time the Connection Manager is launched it will discover
the other Bluetooth devices that are within range. The Connection
Manager Options window then displays the devices.
3. If your phone requires it, pair your PDA with the phone you want to
dial-up. In the Connection Manager window, tap and hold on the
device name (the phone) you want to pair to display device options.
NOTE: If your phone does not appear as a Bluetooth device in the list, tap the
Refresh icon to repeat the discovery process. If a device address is shown, tap and
hold on the address to select "Get Name".
4. From the device options, select Pair. On both devices, enter the PIN
number that you and the owner of the phone have selected.
5. Tap OK.
6. Exit the Connection Manager.
NOTE: You must close the Connection Manager before going to the next step. Dial-
up will fail if the Connection Manager is still open when the dial-up attempt is made.
You now need to set up a new connection.
For Pocket PC 2000 users:
7. Select Start>Settings>Connections>Modem.
8. Tap New Connection.
Enter the connection name. For the modem, select "3Com Bluetooth