Copystar Kyocera Net Manager v75 User guide

PC/workstation barebones
User guide

This manual is also suitable for

KYOCERA Net Manager
New Features Guide 7.5
Legal notes
Unauthorized reproduction of all or part of this guide is prohibited.
The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.
We cannot be held liable for any problems arising from the use of this product,
regardless of the information herein.
2019 KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.
Regarding trademarks
, Windows
, and Active Directory
are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
All other brand and product names herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of
their respective companies.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
KYOCERA Net Manager documentation...........................................................................................1-1
What is KYOCERA Net Manager?....................................................................................................1-1
Conventions....................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Chapter 2 New and Updated Features
Language support..............................................................................................................................2-1
Minimum upgrade version................................................................................................................. 2-1
Support removed for 32-bit Operating Systems................................................................................2-1
Upgraded third-party components..................................................................................................... 2-2
Code Books: Edit default value......................................................................................................... 2-2
Code Books: Internal code list rights set to All users by default.......................................................2-3
Code Books: MS Exchange Address Book.......................................................................................2-3
Set up Microsoft Exchange Server for MS Exchange Code Book.............................................. 2-4
Set up MS Exchange Address Book Code Book........................................................................2-9
Easy Scan: Create a Terminal Action that uses MS Exchange Code Book to send as
Easy Scan: Create a Terminal Action that uses MS Exchange Code Book to send as fax....... 2-12
Easy Scan: Use Terminal Action with Exchange Code Book....................................................2-14
Easy Copy: Enable Duplex to Simplex and Simplex to Duplex options..........................................2-16
Easy Copy: Using the Duplex to Simplex and Simplex to Duplex feature................................ 2-18
Easy Scan: Add User and Device parameters to metadata file......................................................2-19
Easy Scan: Create a Terminal Action that includes User and Device parameters.................... 2-20
Easy Scan: Use a Terminal Action that includes User or Device parameters...........................2-23
Easy Scan: Set scan owner using Connect as...............................................................................2-24
Connect as: KYOCERA Net Manager Print Server service...................................................... 2-26
Connect as: User doing the scan..............................................................................................2-28
Connect as: Other user............................................................................................................. 2-30
Easy Scan / Easy Copy / Easy Fax: Validator field for Text parameter field................................... 2-32
Create Validator for text Parameter...........................................................................................2-32
Use a Validator on Embedded Terminal....................................................................................2-33
Embedded Terminal: Automatic selection of single list item in External workflow...........................2-34
Embedded Terminal: Back button improvement for external workflows..........................................2-35
External Systems: Scan to AWS S3 cloud storage.........................................................................2-36
Enable AWS S3 on KNM.......................................................................................................... 2-36
Set AWS S3 as a destination for Easy Scan............................................................................ 2-36
Jobs: Jobs via AirPrint.....................................................................................................................2-38
Jobs: Enable Jobs via AirPrint.................................................................................................. 2-38
Jobs: Install KNM Mobile Print Agent........................................................................................2-38
Set up queues for AirPrint.........................................................................................................2-39
Jobs: Using AirPrint................................................................................................................... 2-40
Remove KNM Mobile Print Agent............................................................................................. 2-41
KYOCERA Net Manager i
Jobs: Jobs via IPPS........................................................................................................................ 2-41
Jobs: Enable Jobs via IPPS......................................................................................................2-41
Project Accounting: Allow scanning without a project code............................................................ 2-42
ScannerVision integration: Update for ScannerVision 8.10.0 or later............................................. 2-42
ScannerVision: Enable secure connection on the KNM server.................................................2-43
ScannerVision: Add security certificates to KNM server and Embedded Terminal....................2-43
ScannerVision: Add External System to KNM server............................................................... 2-45
ScannerVision: Server installation............................................................................................. 2-46
ScannerVision: Network server settings.................................................................................... 2-46
ScannerVision: FTP-ES server settings.................................................................................... 2-48
ScannerVision: Templates..........................................................................................................2-49
ScannerVision: Clients............................................................................................................... 2-53
ScannerVision: Users.................................................................................................................2-55
ScannerVision: Start server....................................................................................................... 2-56
ScannerVision: Add external workflow to KNM......................................................................... 2-57
ScannerVision: Using Embedded Terminal on a printer............................................................2-58
Smart Job Manager: Unified installer.............................................................................................. 2-59
Smart Job Manager: GUI and silent install............................................................................... 2-59
Smart Job Manager: GUI and silent uninstall........................................................................... 2-59
Smart Print Services: Unified installer.............................................................................................2-60
Smart Print Services: GUI and silent install.............................................................................. 2-60
Smart Print Services: GUI and silent uninstall.......................................................................... 2-61
ii New Features Guide 7.5
Not available in the North/South American Markets.
Written for KYOCERA Net Manager administrators, this document describes new and
updated features available in this version of the product. Using this guide, admins can
implement the new features as needed.
KYOCERA Net Manager documentation
Documentation for administrators
KYOCERA Net Manager
(KNM) New Features Guide
Provides an overview of the new features available
in this version of KYOCERA Net Manager.
KYOCERA Net Manager
Admin Guide
Describes administration and configuration
features such as accounting, cloud licensing,
remote terminal management, upgrade, server
backup, and uninstall.
KYOCERA Net Manager
Embedded Terminal Guide
Describes installing and configuring KYOCERA Net
Manager Embedded Terminal and use of Terminal
KYOCERA Net Manager
Installation Guide
Provides instructions for installing software and
initial configuration, searching printing devices,
adding users, creating print queues, assigning
terminals to printing devices, and setting up printer
Documentation for administrators and users
KYOCERA Net Manager
User Guide
Describes how to use the KYOCERA Net Manager
web interface and the KYOCERA Net Manager
Embedded Terminal.
What is KYOCERA Net Manager?
KYOCERA Net Manager is a server-based web application that manages your printing
devices and user policies to provide secure printing and copying, and to provide
accounting of print-related expenses. Efficient use of your printing resources is
provided by the Print&Follow function which allows users to securely print to any
printer managed by KYOCERA Net Manager.
KYOCERA Net Manager offers many advantages:
KYOCERA Net Manager 1-1
Access printers using a PIN or an ID card, or user name and password
combination. KYOCERA Net Manager can be set to use a two-step
authentication combination such as ID card and PIN.
Secure printing, data encryption and the Print&Follow function ensure that
your documents can only be accessed and printed by authorized people.
KYOCERA Net Manager keeps detailed statistics about all aspects of printing
and printers, scanning and copying, projects, accounting, and users and
Personalized Features
KYOCERA Net Manager allows KNM admins to show different functions and
applications per user based on the user’s requirements.
Easy Scan
One click changes the destination of your scanned documents and their
metadata. You may choose between your home folder, fax server, or email
Mobile printing
Print documents from your mobile device by sending the job to the KYOCERA
Net Manager server using the mobile app.
The following conventions may be used in this guide:
Menu items and buttons appear in bold text.
Screen, text box, and drop-down menu titles are spelled and punctuated exactly as
they appear on the screen.
Document titles appear in italics.
Text or commands that a user needs to enter are displayed as text in a different
font or in a text box as shown in these examples:
1. On the command line, enter net stop program
2. Create a batch file that includes these commands:
net stop program
gbak -rep -user PROGRAMLOG.FBK
Icons are used to draw your attention to certain pieces of information. Examples:
This is a NOTE icon. This indicates information that is useful to know.
1-2 New Features Guide 7.5
This is a CAUTION icon. This indicates important information that you
need to know, including such things as data loss if the procedure is not
done properly.
This is a TIP icon. It indicates a small but useful piece of practical,
non-essential information.
KYOCERA Net Manager 1-3
New and Updated Features
New and Updated Features
Language support
Support for the following languages is now available on the KNM server Web UI and
Embedded Terminal UI:
Dutch: Nederlands (Nederland)
Flemish: Nederlands (België)
Minimum upgrade version
Only KNM versions 6.0 and later can be upgraded to version 7.5. If an attempt is
made to upgrade from a version earlier than 6.0, a message is displayed and the
installation is stopped.
Support removed for 32-bit Operating Systems
32-bit Operating Systems are no longer supported for KNM Print Server installation.
Installation on a 32-bit OS results in an error message displayed and the installation is
KYOCERA Net Manager 2-1
New and Updated Features
Upgraded third-party components
The following third-party components have been upgraded to these versions:
Firebird: (from KNM 7.4.3)
OpenSSL (Apache): 1.1.1b
Apache: 2.4.39
PHP: 7.2.20
Code Books: Edit default value
In a Code Book, Terminal Actions with a Parameter tab allow the default value for any
available parameters to be edited.
Go to Settings > Terminal Actions and select the Terminal Action where you
want to set a default value.
Select the Parameters tab.
Open the Parameter to be changed.
Select the Default value menu and choose the new default value.
(Optional) Clear the Prohibit change of value check box to allow a user to
override the new default on the Embedded Terminal. This example shows that
Monochrome will be the default value displayed on the Embedded Terminal and
that users are able to change to a different selection.
Select Save.
2-2 New Features Guide 7.5
New and Updated Features
Code Books: Internal code list rights set to All users by default
When adding codes for an Internal code list Code Book, All users are added by
default to the Rights field.
Remove All users and reassign the rights if All users is not intended.
Code Books: MS Exchange Address Book
The MS Exchange Address Book is a Code Book used to retrieve the personal
contacts from a Microsoft Exchange server of the user logged in to an Embedded
Terminal. These personal contacts can be used as a destination for scanned files.
A special account must be established on the MS Exchange server for use by KNM
before setting up the MS Exchange Address Book. This MS Exchange server account
has special rights that allow the account to access other user's mailboxes to retrieve
contacts from user's Personal Address Books via EWS (Exchange Web Services).
The KNM server does not change any data on the Exchange server
nor is any data saved in the KNM database except for items marked as
favorites. In that case, the name of the contact and value are retained. For
example, only auser and [email protected] are retained if this user is made
a favorite.
Using the MS Exchange Address Book, it is possible to set scan profile parameters
to retrieve personal contact email address, phone number, and fax number from an
Exchange Server.
Only 50 items can be displayed on the Embedded Terminal, including
favorites. If a contact has two email addresses, they count as two items.
Contacts that are not displayed due to the 50-item limit can be searched
and selected.
There are three steps to set up this feature:
1. Create a special account on the MS Exchange server to be used by KNM.
2. Create an MS Exchange Address Book Code Book.
3. Create a Terminal Action that uses the Code Book.
KYOCERA Net Manager 2-3
New and Updated Features
Supported MS Exchange versions
MS Exchange version Supported Note
Exchange Server 2013
and earlier
Not supported
Exchange Server 2013
Supported Build version 15.0.847.32
and later
Exchange Server 2016 Supported
Exchange Server 2019 Supported
Office365 Not supported
Set up Microsoft Exchange Server for MS Exchange Code Book
An account must be set up on the Microsoft Exchange server with the
ApplicationImpersonation role to access the Personal Contacts of a user
logged on to the Embedded Terminal.
The ApplicationImpersonation role enables applications to
impersonate users in an organization to perform tasks on behalf of the
Open the Exchange Admin Center.
Select permissions > admin roles > + to create a new admin role.
The Role Group / new role group window displays.
2-4 New Features Guide 7.5
New and Updated Features
Enter a Name for the new role group.
Under Roles, select +.
The Select a Role window displays.
KYOCERA Net Manager 2-5
New and Updated Features
Select ApplicationImpersonation from the list.
Select add ->.
ApplicationImpersonation displays next to the add -> button.
Select OK.
2-6 New Features Guide 7.5
New and Updated Features
The New Role group window displays.
Under Members, select +.
The Select Members window displays.
Select Administrator from the list.
Select add ->.
Administrator displays next to the add -> button.
KYOCERA Net Manager 2-7
New and Updated Features
Select OK.
2-8 New Features Guide 7.5
New and Updated Features
Select Save.
The following login information for this account is needed to create the Exchange
Code Book on KNM:
Exchange server IP address or hostname
User name of the account that has the ApplicationImpersonation role
Password for the account
Security type: SSL or none
Set up MS Exchange Address Book Code Book
After the account has been set up on the MS Exchange Server that has the
ApplicationImpersonation role, a new Code Book can be set up on KNM.
KYOCERA Net Manager 2-9
New and Updated Features
Go to Settings > Code Books.
Select +Add.
Select MS Exchange Address Book.
A blank Code Book window displays.
On the General tab, complete all the required fields:
Name: The name of the new Code Book
Server: The Exchange Server IP address or hostname
User: The User name that was created on the Exchange Server that has the
ApplicationImpersonation role to access other users' mailboxes
Password: Password of the user
Security: None or SSL
Select Test to check that the connection is operational.
Select Save.
The new Code Book is ready for use.
2-10 New Features Guide 7.5
New and Updated Features
Easy Scan: Create a Terminal Action that uses MS Exchange
Code Book to send as email
After the MS Exchange Address Book Code Book has been created in KNM, create
a Terminal Action to use the Code Book to send a scan as an email.
These instructions assume that users on the KNM server are set to use
an authentication server so that usernames and passwords for email and
Embedded Terminal login match. This lets the Exchange Server display
the correct personal contacts for the user when they log in.
Select Settings > Printers > Terminal Actions > +Add > New Node > Easy
Scan to create a new Easy Scan Terminal Action.
Enter a Title for the new Terminal Action and select Save.
Select the Parameters tab.
Add the Exchange Code Book to a Parameter for email:
Select +Add.
Enter a Title for the new Parameter. For this example, type Exchange mail.
From the Type menu, select Code Book.
From the Code Book menu, select the name of the Exchange Code Book that
was created. For this example, the name is Exchange Codebook.
From the Default value menu, select Email. This will display the email
addresses of entries in the user's Personal Contacts on the Embedded
If Phone is selected, the Embedded Terminal displays phone numbers. If Fax is
selected, the Embedded Terminal displays fax numbers.
Select Advanced to reveal the Reference text box.
KYOCERA Net Manager 2-11
New and Updated Features
In the Reference text box, type exchange. This is how you will refer to this
parameter on the Destinations tab.
Select Save.
Add an Email Destination:
Select the Destinations tab.
Select +Add.
In the General area, from the Type menu, select Email.
In the Parameters area, in the Recipient text box, type %exchange%.
Select Save.
This Terminal Action is now available for use on the Embedded Terminal. A logged-
in user will see their personal contact list as possible destinations to send a scan via
Easy Scan: Create a Terminal Action that uses MS Exchange
Code Book to send as fax
After the MS Exchange Address Book Code book has been created in KNM, a
Terminal Action can be created to use the Code Book to send a fax.
The fax numbers in the user's MS Exchange Personal Contacts list
should be listed as Business Fax or Other Fax for KNM to recognize and
display the fax numbers on the Embedded Terminal.
These instructions assume that users on the KNM server are set to use
an authentication server so that usernames and passwords for email and
2-12 New Features Guide 7.5
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Copystar Kyocera Net Manager v75 User guide

PC/workstation barebones
User guide
This manual is also suitable for

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