Zebra Workforce Connect User guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Workforce Connect Location Area Service Customer Administrator Guide, which explains how to manage wireless access points and configure their location names for users. I'm ready to answer your questions about the service described in the document, including setup, configuration options, and API usage.
  • What is the purpose of the WFC Location Area Service?
    How can I configure the LAS Server?
    How can I setup AP database?
Location Area
Workforce Connect
Customer Administrator Guide
MN-004028-02 Rev A
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This manual contains proprietary information of Zebra Technologies Corporation and its subsidiaries
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About this Guide.............................................................................................................................................. 5
Chapter Descriptions..............................................................................................................................5
Notational Conventions......................................................................................................................... 5
Related Documents................................................................................................................................ 6
Service Information................................................................................................................................. 6
Getting Started................................................................................................................................................. 7
Introduction to WFC Location Area Service.................................................................................... 7
Process Overview....................................................................................................................................8
Prerequisites............................................................................................................................................. 8
Location Area Service Administration URLs.................................................................................. 10
URL for Web Portal....................................................................................................................... 10
URL for Swagger / APIs.................................................................................................................11
Location Area Service Configuration.......................................................................................................... 12
Administration Steps............................................................................................................................. 12
PTT Pro Client Configuration..............................................................................................................12
Sample PTT Pro Client Screenshots................................................................................................ 14
WFC Location Area Service REST API........................................................................................................15
Prerequisitesfor LAS Configuration................................................................................................. 15
API Specification.................................................................................................................................... 15
Customer Specification Controllers.................................................................................................. 16
Using curl to add an Access Points.................................................................................................16
Parameters............................................................................................................................................... 17
Import File Format..................................................................................................................................17
About this Guide
About this Guide
This guide provides information about using the Workforce Connect Location Area Service (WFC Location
Area Service).
NOTE: Screens and windows pictured in this guide are samples and can differ from actual
Chapter Descriptions
Topics covered in this guide are as follows:
About this Guide provides an explanation of document conventions and related documentation.
Getting Started provides information about accessing and logging in to WFC Location Area Service.
Location Area Service Configuration provides information about administering and configuring WFC
Location Area Service.
WFC Location Area Service REST API provides information about updating information in WFC Location
Area Service.
Notational Conventions
The following conventions are used in this document:
Bold text is used to highlight the following:
Dialog box, window and screen names
Drop-down list and list box names
Checkbox and radio button names
Icons on a screen
Key names on a keypad
Button names on a screen.
Bullets (•) indicate:
Action items
List of alternatives
Lists of required steps that are not necessarily sequential.
Sequential lists (for example, those that describe step-by-step procedures) appear as numbered lists.
About this Guide
Related Documents
For the latest version of this guide and all guides, go to zebra.com/support
Service Information
If you have a problem with your equipment, contact Zebra Global Customer Support for your region.
Contact information is available at: zebra.com/support.
When contacting support, please have the following information available:
Serial number of the unit
Model number or product name
Software type and version number
Zebra responds to calls by email, telephone, or fax within the time limits set forth in support agreements.
If your problem cannot be solved by Zebra Customer Support, you may need to return your equipment for
servicing and will be given specific directions. Zebra is not responsible for any damages incurred during
shipment if the approved shipping container is not used. Shipping the units improperly can possibly void
the warranty.
If you purchased your Zebra business product from a Zebra business partner, contact that business partner
for support.
Getting Started
Getting Started
This guide is intended for Customer administratorswhen configuring the Location Area Service.This
chapter covers the following topics:
Introduction to WFC Location Area Service (LAS)
Process Overview
Location Area Service Administration URLs
Introduction to WFC Location Area Service
WFC Location Area Service (LAS) provides a capability toprovide friendly names to wireless Access Points
(APs). As users move throughout the facility, the APs continually report the location of the user using the
user-friendly name.
The following is an example of the concept of wireless access points within a facility:
Getting Started
Figure 1Location Area Service for a Store
The WFC Location Area Service portal allows customers to view the BSSID/Location Name along with other
information fields to assist with administration tasks. The LAS portal also provides an import APs function,
which allows addition/changing of BSSID/Location Names.
When LAS is configured correctly, the location information displayed represents the user association to an
Access Point. Depending on the user's connection to the access point, this association of the user to an AP
might an AP different from the nearest AP.
Process Overview
Configuring the LAS Server consists of the following steps:
1. Configuring the PTT Pro Android client with the necessary information to access the LAS Server.
2. Configuring the LAS Server with the AP information.
The following prerequisites are mandatory to enable for the WFC Location Area Service:
Prerequisites Data Description
LAS Instance Swagger URL Required to access the LAS API. Swagger URL for customer
Table 1Prerequisites - Customer Administrator
Getting Started
Prerequisites Data Description
LAS Instance Portal URL Required to access the portal and manage LAS data. Portal
URL https://prod1-essentials.pttpro.zebra.com/
LAS URL for PTT Pro Application Required to configure the PTT Pro app to connect to
the LAS and provide location information. This URL is
specified in the wfclasServerURL parameter https://prod1-
Customer ID Required for PTT Pro clients to use LAS, as well as for direct
use of the LAS API. Zebra provides the Customer ID to the
API Key (token) Required for PTT Pro clients to use LAS, as well as for direct
use of the LAS API.Zebra provides the API Key (token) to the
Customer Username and Password Required to log in the LAS Portal, where customer can import
a CSV file containing AP information. See Import File Format
information regarding the CSV file format.
WFC PTT Pro Client Version Use version 3.2.10087 or later.
WFC PTT Pro JSON file Current PTT Pro JSON file. LAS objects are added to this file
as mentioned in PTT Pro Client Configuration on page 12.
Device location MUST be enabled This is required to access the associated BSSID information
and to pass it to the WFC Location Area Service Server.
Access Points Configuration Information Mapping information between BSSIDs and Location Friendly
Name for each site is required. For more information on these
fields, see Import File Format.
Site for Each PTT Pro Client Theproper site must be identified for each user.
Table 1Prerequisites - Customer Administrator (Continued)
Getting Started
Location Area Service Administration URLs
The following URLs point to the default WFC Location Area Service Server.
URL for Web Portal
Figure 2Location Area Services Login Screen
Getting Started
URL for Swagger / APIs
Figure 3Swagger APIScreen
Location Area Service
Location Area Service Configuration
This chapter covers the following topics:
Administration Steps
PTT Pro Client Configuration
Sample PTT Pro Client Screenshots
Administration Steps
This section describes the procedures to set up the AP database for the LAS Server. There are two
methods for setting up and modifying this database. This section describes doing a bulk upload of AP
information using the LAS Portal. This is the simplest method of loading the initial AP database.
Refer to the LAS API REST API for information on modifying individual APs and users (i.e. the PTT Pro client
Prerequisites for uploading CSV files follows:
Customer Wireless Access Point (WAP) Infrastructure for each site
List of APs with listed identifiers
BSSID for each AP
User-friendly name for each BSSI
LAS Portal Administrator privileges
Procedure to set up Location Area Service follows:
1. CreateaCSV file, The file format is described in Import File Format (CSV) .
2. Log in to https://prod1-essentials.pttpro.zebra.com/ .
3. Navigate to Imports AP page.
4. Select and upload the CSV file.
5. Navigate to Home pageto verify the additions.
PTT Pro Client Configuration
PTT Pro Client applications are configured via the JSON file to enable LAS capabilities.
Location Area Service Configuration
The JSON file includes the following:
LAS URL (defined in table 1)
Token/API-key (defined in table 1)
Site ID for this device. This is the same as the site name defined in the CSV that was created and
imported in
Customer ID (defined in table 1)
ShowServerConfig parameter, which controls whether the user of this device can view LAS parameters
in PTT Pro.
These parameters are necessary to accurately correlate the client to a customer and a site to exchange
LocationFriendlyNames based on associated BSSID.
If you already have a PTT Pro Android Client JSON file, this parameters can be inserted into the existing
NOTE: This sample shows only LAS objects.
"wfclasServerURL":https://prod1-essentials.pttpro.zebra.com:9443/apname/v1, "
wfclasServerToken":"insert_your_token", "
wfclasSiteID”:"insert_your_site", "
NOTE: When LAS is used with WFC Profile Client, the Site ID and Customer ID are not required in
the JSON file.
Location Area Service Configuration
Sample PTT Pro Client Screenshots
The following samples screenshots display the location-related information that is available in the Contacts
and Favorites screens for users who are both online and configured to provide user location to the LAS
Figure 4PTT Pro Client Screens
WFC Location Area Service
WFC Location Area Service REST API
The WFC LAS REST API is used to manage sites, APs, and AP users. The API can be accessed using tools
like Curl, Postman, built in Swagger interface, or programmatically.
The WFC LAS Swagger API provides three specifications:
Tenant – Used by the Zebra administrator to manage customers on the multi-tenant LAS server. This
specification is visible but not accessible by the customers.
API – Used bycustomer to manage access points and Portal.
Portal – Currently unused.
The API specification is described below. This documentation assumes that the reader is familiar with REST
APIs and Swagger.
Prerequisitesfor LAS Configuration
To use the API Swagger Specification, the following information is required:
The URL of the appropriate LAS server.
Customer ID and Customer API Key are provided by Zebra. If you do not have this information, contact
Parameter Information for the specific methods being used.
When using methods in the API Swagger Specification, the following headers must be included:
The API-Key header must be populated with the Customer API Key.
Customer ID header must be populated with the Customer ID.
When using Swagger directly, click the green Authorize button at the top right and enter the Customer
ID and Customer API Key.
API Specification
The API Specification includes the Access Point API controller and the Access Point User API controllerand
is used to set up the customer Access Point database..
Sites are locations, which may be different stores, hospitals, or other entities that have different AP
and AP user information. Sites are not explicitly added, but created when the APs are added. The
specification allows displaying sites.
WFC Location Area Service REST API
Access Points, or APs, are the Wi-Fi entities in which AP Users are attached to and used for
communication. The specification allows adding, deleting, and displaying APs. APs are uniquely
defined by BSSID and may also be identified through an Asset Name. APs are associated with a
location-related name which can be displayed to users.
AP Users are the users/devices those are attached to the APs. The specification allows adding,
deleting, and retrieving AP users.
The REST API Specification can be found at https://prod1-essentials.pttpro.zebra.com:9443/apname/v1/
swagger-ui.html andand is described in the LAS Customer Administrator Guide.
Customer Specification Controllers
The Customer Specification has two controllers, the Access Point Controller and the AP User Controller,
which provide the following methods:
Access Point Controller - Provides methods to add, delete, and get Access Points.
Get All Access Points - Returns all APs in JSON format.
Create New Access Point Entry - Creates an AP.
Get Access Point by BSSID - Returns information for the AP as identified by BSSID plus Site ID.
Delete Access Point by BSSID - Deletes the AP as identified by BSSID plus Site ID.
Export Access Point Entries -Exports all APs in a CSV file with the same format as the import CSV
file, with the addition of the Date Added and Date Modified columns.
Import Static Access Point Tables from CSV File - Uploadsa CSV file as input and adds the APs
contained in it.
Get All Sites - Returns all site names.
AP User Controller - Provides methods to associate AP users (For example, PTT Pro Users or Assets)
with APs, deletes the associates, and retrieves AP user information through Access Point or User ID.
Create New Access Point User - Creates or updates the association between a user ID and a
particular site / BSS.
Delete User Info for the User ID - Deletes the AP user as identified by user ID and site ID.
Get All Users Info for the Access Point BSSID - Returns the user and AP information for all users
associated with a specific BSSID and site ID.
Get All Users Info for the List of User IDs - Returns the user and AP information for the users
identified by a list of User IDs and site ID.
Get User Info for the Access Point by User ID - Provides user and AP information for the user
identified by user ID and site ID.
Using curl to add an Access Points
The following example provides the information about how to addan AP using Curl:
curl -X POST "https://<LAS-URL>:9443/apname/v1/api/ ap" -H "accept: */*" -
H "API-Key: key0" -H "customerId: 0" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -
WFC Location Area Service REST API
d "{ \"ap_created_name\": \"Plumbing\", \"bssid\": \"B8-8A-60-61-8E-E7\",
\"name\": \"ap-name\", \"siteId\": \"store1\"}"
The following parameters are used in the API Swagger Specification:
Parameters Description
siteId Name of the site. All the Access Points are defined for each
bssid Physical address of the access point.
name System defined name if any.
ap_created_name Location Friendly name for the access point. PTT Pro client
displays this name when the client is associated with access
point. Usually, it is the department name in the store.
userId User associated with access point.
Table 2API Swagger Specification Parameters
Import File Format
Importing Access Point information requires a named CSV file containing minimum fields. The content
management of this CSV is important as the content represents the Location Friendly Name that is
displayed in relation to the associated BSSID.
NOTE: The CSV file format must be withoutUTF-8.
The field description of CSV file should contain the follows:
CSV File Fields Description
SiteName Name of the site or store. All the Access Points are defined for each
Used with JSON file and to import to associate BSSID and facility site
NOTE: When LAS is used with the Profile Client, the LAS
SiteName must match with the SiteID configured in the Profile
BSSID Format must be a 12-digit hexadecimal MAC Address format with
character pairs separated by colons. characters separated by colons.
Other formats are not accepted.
AssetName This is the name that the customer may use - i.e. Cisco5340, which
isnot displayed in the client UI.It allows64 alpha-numeric characters,
spaces, and special characters.
Table 3CSV File Fields with Description
WFC Location Area Service REST API
CSV File Fields Description
LocationFriendlyName Referred to "AP Created Name" in the portal. This is the name that
is displayed in the client UI. It allows32 alpha-numeric characters,
spaces, and special characters.
Table 3CSV File Fields with Description (Continued)
SiteName    BSSID AssetName LocationFriendlyName
1202 00:00:00:00:00:01 AP_001 Grocery
1202 00:00:00:00:00:01 AP_001 Bakery
2032 00:00:00:CF:08:B2 AP-Shoes Shoes
2032 00:00:00:CF:08:F6 AP-Auto Auto
2032 00:00:00:CF:09:33 AP-Pharmacy Pharmacy
Table 4Sample CSV File