The URL of the appropriate LAS server.
Customer ID and Customer API Key are provided by Zebra.
If you do not have this information, contact
Parameter Information for the specific methods being used.
When using methods in the API Swagger Specification, the following headers must be included:
The API-Key header must be populated with the Customer API Key.
Customer ID header must be populated with the Customer ID.
When using Swagger directly, click the green Authorize button at the top right and enter the Customer ID and
Customer API Key.
API Specification
The API Specification includes the Access Point API controller and the Access Point User API controller and is
used to set up the customer Access Point database..
Sites are locations, which may be different stores, hospitals, or other entities that have different AP and AP
user information. Sites are not explicitly added, but created when the APs are added. The specification allows
displaying sites.
WFC Location Area Service REST API
Access Points, or APs, are the Wi-Fi entities in which AP Users are attached to and used for communication.
The specification allows adding, deleting, and displaying APs. APs are uniquely defined by BSSID and may
also be identified through an Asset Name. APs are associated with a location-related name which can be
displayed to users.
AP Users are the users/devices those are attached to the APs. The specification allows adding, deleting, and
retrieving AP users.
The REST API Specification can be found at https://prod1- and and is described in the LAS Customer
Administrator Guide.
Customer Specification Controllers
Customer Specification Controllers
Access Point Controller – Provides methods to add, delete, and get Access Points.
Get All Access Points – Returns all APs in JSON format.
Create New Access Point Entry – Creates an AP.
Get Access Point by BSSID – Returns information for the AP as identified by BSSID plus Site ID.
Delete Access Point by BSSID – Deletes the AP as identified by BSSID plus Site ID.
Export Access Point Entries – Exports all APs in a CSV file with the same format as the import CSV file, with
the addition of the Date Added and Date Modified columns.