Instruction manual
Information for installation and operation:
The noise gate cuts off signals under a specific, definable
level (-90 dB to -3dB). But signals which overmatch this
level are passed unprocessed.
A typical application is noise suppression with low level.
Thereby the adjustable threshold level (LEVEL setting) is
set directly over the noise level. Eventually present noise
is thereby suppressed, as soon as the master volume of
the input signal does not underrun the LEVEL calibration.
If the master volume is higher than the LEVEL calibra-
tion, the interferences are also let passed but covered
by stronger wanted signals.
- LEVEL (-90 dB to -3 dB)
Herewith you determine the changeover level, above
this the effect of the limiter starts.
-ATTACK (20us to 5000 us)
This control determined the reaction speed of the internal
circuitry to the input signal.
The longer the ATTACK time is chosen, the later the
limiter effect starts.
With longer ATTACK times the LIMITER affects more
to the average signal level and not anymore to fast and
high peak levels.
This causes a softer limiter effect and maintains the
dynamics of the audio signal extensively, but cannot
avoide temporary overrides.
-RELEASE (1 ms to 3000 ms)
In the range RELEASE-Modi you determine, how fast
the limiter again returns to the unprocessed level of the
input signal, as soon as after signal limitation the LEVEL
is again underrun.
In case of too short release periods and signals with
high dynamic differences, undesired „PUMP“ effects
at simultaneous limited dynamics and higher overall
volume can happen.
However, longer release periods produce softer change-
overs, a compressed audio signal, but simultaneously
get the short dynamic peaks.
Copyright 2012 Phoenix Professional Audio GmbH, www.phoenix-pa.com
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All brands are properties of their respective owners.