Other products in the Dedicated Micros Range
of Telemetry Equipment
Dennard dtx 300,400,400d.c. Installation Manual Page. 14
Telemetry Receivers
Telemetry Transmitters
(Base Units)
Dennard drx 300 Pan, Tilt, Zoom, Focus, Iris and one Auxiliary a.c. Receiver.
Dennard drx 400 Pan, Tilt, Zoom, Focus, Iris, Four Auxiliaries and Sixteen Presets a.c.
Dennard drx 400dc Pan, Tilt, Zoom, Focus, Iris, Three Auxiliaries and Sixteen Presets Eight
Alarms a.c. / d.c. Receiver.
Dennard dtx 300 Single Channel Transmitter “Up the coax” or 20 mA current loop
Telemetry Signals.
Dennard dtx 400 Single Channel Transmitter with Presets Support, “Up the coax” or 20
mA current loop Telemetry Signals.
Dennard dtx 400pj Single Channel Transmitter with Presets Support and Proportional
Joystick and “Up the coax” or 20 mA Current Loop Telemetry Signals.
Dennard dtx 500 Eight Channel Transmitter with Presets Support ,One Alarm input, One
Monitor, Video Switching and “Up the coax” Telemetry Signals.
Dennard dtx 1000/8
Eight Channel with optional 20 mA current loop Telemetry Signals.
Dennard dtx 1000/16
Sixteen Channel with optional 20 mA current loop Telemetry Signals.
Dennard dtx 1000/AL8
Eight Channel, Sixteen Alarm inputs with optional 20 mA current loop
Telemetry Signals.
Dennard dtx 1000/AL16
Sixteen Channel, Sixteen Alarm inputs with optional 20 mA current loop
Telemetry Signals.
Dennard dtx 1000
Multi-Channel Transmitter comprising Keyboard & Base Unit
Dennard dtx 100pj
Preset Support, Two Monitors, Video Switching, optional proportional
joystick and “Up the coax Telemetry Signals. This system is available in
four main variants as follows:-
Dennard dtx LD RS232 Keyboard Line Driver
Dennard drx 24 a.c. psu.
24 Volt a.c. Power Supply for converting standard 230 Volt a.c.
receivers to 24 Volt a.c.