This document provides general guidelines for 5634 WiFi phone connection to MiVoice
Office 250 R 6.3 SP5. This is a quick version, which describes the basic principle of how
to deploy 5634 WiFi phone across the office.
The reader should first become familiar with the MiVoice Office 250, 5634 VoWiFi
Handset Configuration Guide. All documents are available on Doc Center accessible
from MiAccess.
Please use 5634_v2.3.3.pkg with 5634_GDPR.tpl as MiVoice Office 250 has been
tested with the standard version of the firmware (see References).
Peripheral Devices for 5634 WiFi Phone
Desktop Charger
You use the desktop charger to charge the handset and the Mitel 5634 Desktop
Programmer to download new software and synchronize parameters. The units look the
same except that the Desktop Programmer has a USB connection. The handset is fully
operational while placed in the charger.
WinPDM software installed on your PC
The Portable Device Manager (PDM) is an all-in-one portable handset management tool
available on Mitel Software Download Center. The PDM software application, with a
web browser-based environment and USB programming cradle, provides a simple
administration process for portable handset subscription and configuration. Portable
handset replacement and service is easily facilitated by the central storage of
configuration information.
WiFi Router
For more information and installation steps please refer to Mitel WiFi 5634 Handset
Configuration Guide (chapter 3,4).