The LCM is commissioned using a dedicated programme running on a Windows-based computer. Commissioning settings may then be directly uploaded from the computer to the
LCM or transferred to a QuickSet Pro hand-held programmer for easy upload on site. Communication from the PC can be by means of a USB infrared transceiver which can signal
directly to the LCM’s on-board infrared port over a short range or via any attached presence detector from beneath (range: 1-3m). The main parameters for configuration are tabulated
below. These parameters may be re-programmed any number of times and all settings will be retained in the event of a power loss.
PARAMETERS OPTIONS (Defaults, where applicable, shown in bold)
Per Box Parameters:
Switches 1A-5B & 6A-7B (RF1 & 2): Mode User may choose any option for Switch A or Switch B (see section at end of table for details of SELV switch options).
Detector 1-5: Range (On & Off Sensitivity) Max: 100%, 75% or 50% / High: 100%, 75% or 50% / Med: 100%, 75% or 50% / Low: 100%, 75% or 50% / Min: 100% or 75%
Detector 1-5: Sensitivity Fine Mode A, Mode B or Mode C - Applies when Sensitivity is set to Max and during occupancy only (Mode A = Normal, B & C = More Sensitive)
Common: Addres s 0-127 - MLS address for DALI Emergency test. Default = 0
Common: Switch Map Normal / Direct / Direct 2 / Zero Off Dly / Modes 04-07 (for future use) - Pre-set switch mappings (except Zero Off Dly - instant off option)
Common: LED Inhibit Yes / No - Enables or disab les the detector’s LEDs.
Common: Inhibit DALI Init Yes / No - Prevents the DALI ballasts from being initialised every time the b ox powers up.
Common: Missing Detector Normal / On Full - Puts all outputs on if there’s a detector assigned to a channel and that detector isn’t present.
Common: Slow Dim (mins) 0-254 - Fade time setting, for use with Slow Dim and Slow Brighten switch functions. Default = 0
Common: Bus Absent All On Yes / No - All lights default to ON in the event of a bus failure.
Assigned Detectors Detector 1 - Detector 5 Assigned or Not As signed to this Channel.
Pcell Source None (--), 1,2,3,4,5 - Photocell 1-5 (in Detectors 1-5) Assigned or Not Assigned to this channel.
Assigned Switches Switch 1A - Switch 5B & Switch 6A - 7B (RF) Assigned or Not As signed to this channel.
Power Up On / Off
Occ Trigger Mode Presence / Absence / Manual
Low Lux Level (Auto Absence) 0-254 (0 = feature disabled) - Used in manual modes: When it is dark , lights respond to movement automatically without requiring switch press.
Sw Auto Detect Yes / No - Used in manual modes: If set to Yes, presence detection is automatic until a switch press is detected.
Manual I/P Local / Share (Local = Obey locally only; Share = Obey locally and trasmit command on MLS bus)
Occupied Scene Scene 1-6 Scene1
Alt. Occ. Scene A & B Scene 1-6 or -- (feature disabled) - Determines different actions on entry dependent on time of day.
Start Lamps Max / Min
Occupied Timer 10 seconds to 96 hours, Dis abled. 20 mins
Photocell Regulate (100%, 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50%) / Pass ive / Active / Disabled
Bright Out Yes / No
Set-Point Low / High Photocell Lower and Upper Thresholds: 0-1023 (us ed in Regulating Scene 1). Low = 350; High = 450
Scene 2-6 Output 0-100% or -- (no change) Scene 2 = 80%; 3 = 40%; 4 = 20%; 5 = 10%; 6 = 5%
Transition Scene Scene 1-6 or -- (feature disabled) - Scene interposed between 'Occ Timer' & 'Background Level' to allow movem ent to restore lights at existing level.
Transition Timer 10 seconds to 96 hours - Determ ines length of transition scene. 10 secs
Background Level Off
Minimum, 25% or Scene 6 (these options show XTN suffix) for 3 x Occupied Timer, then Off.
Minimum, 25% or Scene 6, 5, 4, 3 or 2 (these options show BLD suffix) until the building has been vacated.
Minimum, 25% or Scene 6, 5, 4, 3 or 2 (Background Timer param eter applies to these options which have no suffix).
Alt. Background Scene A & B Scene 1-6 or -- (no scene) - Determines different actions when the area is vacant dependent on time of day.
Background Tmr 10 seconds to 96 hours or -- (none) - Applies to 'Alt Exit Scenes' and some 'Background Level' scenes (i.e. not XTN and BLD options). When Background Timer
expires, channel's output turns off.
Fade to Off Yes / No
Bus Connect Yes / No
Zones 1-4 None (--), Zone number 1-100 / Comm on 1,2,3
Zones 1-4 TRX Tx Rx / Tx Only / Rx Only - Determ ines how zone parameters 1-4 behave with respect to bus comm ands.
Corridor 1-2: Begin / End None (--), Zone number 1-100 / Bld
Corridor Scene Scene 1-6 or -- (no scene) - Movement within an area's Corridor Begin/End span will cause that area to go to the chosen scene. Direct movement within zones 1-4
will override this and the channel will go to its Entry Scene.
Global 1-2 Rx Yes / No
Ballast 1% DSI, 3% DSI, 10% DSI, 1% DALI, 3% DALI, 10% DALI (Non-Dim ming - use default i.e. 1% DSI)
Lamp Max 100%, 90%, 80%, 70%, 50%, 45%, 40%, 35%, 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%
Burn-In Hrs Burn-in 100 hrs / Cancel / Resume (See Application Note AN4028 - lim ited functionality via QuickSet Pro)
Quick Burn-In Yes / No - If set to Yes, output remains on until 100-hr burn-in is completed.
Burn-In Dimming Yes / No - If set to Yes, allows temporary (30 secs) dim ming in response to manual inputs, even though in 100-hr burn-in mode.
Offset Dimming None (--) to 100% in 10% increments. Allows selected channels to be configured to be b righter than a reference channel according to chosen 'output weightings'
(e.g. Ref Ch = 0% (window row), Ch2 = 10% b righter (adjacent to window row), Ch3 = 30% brighter (furthest from windows) - all would work together to achieve
chosen lux level, maintaining respective percentage differences in output).
Per Channel Parameters:
SELV Switch Options Description
Sustain Imitates movement seen, as a result output of Channel remains ON till the as signed switch with 'SUSTAIN' is active.
Brighten Raises the light level. Works only with dimmable ballasts.
Dim Lowers the light level. Works only with dimmable ballasts.
Off Turns lamp OFF.
Scene 1-6 Recalls Scene ass igned (any Scene 1 to 6 as configured).
On Turns lamp ON.
Partition Initiates logical partition of a room .
Simple momentary push-to-make wallswitch that can be used to rais e or lower the lighting level or toggle the output of the unit ON or OFF. Short press toggles
output level between ON & OFF, long press will ram p the light level Up or Down.
On-Dim Short Press will turn the output ON, long press will lower the light level.
Off-Brighten Short Press will turn the output OFF, long press will raise the light level.
On / Brighten Short Press will turn the output ON, long press will raise the light level.
Off / Dim Short Press will turn the output OFF, long press will lower the light level.
Emergency Tst Imitates manual test of emergency lum inaire by turning OFF the Maintained Live.
Emergency End Restores Maintained Live to end the Emergency Test.
Last Out "Las t man out" switch, reduces the Occupied Timer to 10 seconds for a fast time-out when leaving the building.
Door Open / Door Closed Connected to switches detecting whether door is open or closed. Choice depends on type of operation (norm ally contact would be closed when door is closed).
Keycard In / Keycard Out Connected to switches detecting whether keycard is inserted or not. Choice depends on type of operation.
Edge: On, Off, Scene 1-6 Edge-triggered commands as above - sent only once as the switch is pressed.
Edge: Brighten / Dim Each press increments or decrements the DALI output.
Last Out-On Short press = fast time-out for "last man out"; Long press = turns on at Entry Scene for "first man in".
Time of Day A & B Caus e the channels to use Alt. Occupied Scenes A or B and Alt. Background Scenes A or B.
Unoccupied 10% Sends a 'Time Out Now, Go to DALI 10%' message on the MLS bus.
Partition Open / Closed Initiates logical partition of a room - for use with EnOcean reed switch trans mitters.
Slow Brighten / Dim Switch input held causes slow ramp / slow fade. Fade time adjustable in Common menu, 1 min to 254 mins.