Measurement basics
11User Manual 1179.6466.02 ─ 01
3 Measurement basics
Some background knowledge on basic terms and principles used in Bluetooth
BR/EDR/LE measurements is provided here for a better understanding of the required
configuration settings.
3.1 About Bluetooth BR/EDR/LE
The frequency band defined for Bluetooth devices is the unlicensed 2.4 GHz Industrial,
Scientific and Medical (ISM) frequency band.
Bluetooth specifies three operating modes. A time division duplex (TDD) scheme for
duplex transmission is defined for all three modes.
●The mandatory basic rate (BR) uses binary FM modulation. It provides a data rate
of 1 Mbps, and a symbol rate equal to 1 Msymbol/s.
Up to 79 channels with a spacing of 1 MHz are available.
●The optional enhanced data rate (EDR) uses two types of PSK modulation, the
π/4-DQPSK or 8DPSK, and achieves data rates of 2 Mbps and 3 Mbps, respec-
Both modulations schemes have a symbol rate equal to 1 Msymbol/s.
Up to 79 channels with a spacing of 1 MHz are available.
●Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) provides data transfer from low-power devices running
on the smallest of batteries to a larger device, such as a PC, a mobile phone, or a
PDA. Bluetooth LE establishes a connection, e.g. to a wristwatch, a heart rate sen-
sor, or a digital camera for data transfer.
Bluetooth Low Energy supports different transmission modes at the physical layer:
–LE 1M: uncoded, 1 symbol per data bit, 1 Msymbol/s data rate
–LE 2M: uncoded, 1 symbol per data bit, 2 Msymbol/s data rate
–LE Coded: 2 symbols per data bit, 1 Msymbol/s data rate
For LE Coded, the header block of the packet contains a coding indicator,
which defines the pattern mapping used by the subsequent payload block.
For LE 1M/Coded: up to 81 channels with a spacing of 1 MHz are available.
For LE 2M: Up to 40 channels with a spacing of 2 MHz are available.
Table 3-1: Bluetooth characteristics
Regulatory range Operating mode RF channels k and center frequencies f
2400.0 MHz to 2483.5 MHz BR/EDR k = 0 to 78, f = k * 1 MHz + 2402 MHz
LE 1M/ LE Coded k = 0 to 80, f = k * 1 MHz + 2402 MHz
LE 2M k = 0 to 39, f = k * 2 MHz + 2402 MHz
About Bluetooth BR/EDR/LE